"Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in..."

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Oh my god, -_- I bet you anything the game comes out september 30th. Then valve can say ahahahaha wasn't that just SOOOO funny..... no they probably won't do that... im just pissed off it's still going to be another couple of months. And they didn't give this info to hl2.net first. They deserve it allot more than homelan.
How long do you people think it will take for vendi to produce the game and distribute it, i recon at least two months :naughty:
Grimresfa said:
Oh my god, -_- I bet you anything the game comes out september 30th. Then valve can say ahahahaha wasn't that just SOOOO funny..... no they probably won't do that... im just pissed off it's still going to be another couple of months. And they didn't give this info to hl2.net first. They deserve it allot more than homelan.
I for one, would think it was funny. Very ironic, but still funny.
hmmmm august.

so at the very worst for it to be delayed 1 year itll have to take 30 days to manufacture the CD's...

Ground control 2 went gold last week and is being released on the 25th this month

Soldiers heros of ww2 also went gold last week and its being released on the 2nd next month....

thats roughly 2-3 weeks for those 2 games.

Hl2 is the most awaited game this year and is more than likely to be very quickly manufactured once gold...

so im going to say that if everything goes great and theres no hiccups then a realistic release date is the 13th of august on a friday.

A more realistic date is september the 3rd on a friday.

and at worst we can expect a 17th of september on a friday.

Will this be a worldwide release? If so, it can take long time to get everything sorted.
world wide would be good for any one not in the us, but maybe i can just dl it from steam when its released in America
Well... I hope Gabe was lying. I bet they are really shipping in July.
let's all just e-mail him, and who ever gets answerd first....wins!
Hey, to me, August sounds great! My birthday is on August 23rd :D so it's a VERY VERY anticipated month for me...
no, its too far away. I may die before then... Maybe there'll be another half life 2 leak or something.
My bday is August 5th, I doubt we'll see it that early though. I'm thinking late August - early September. I can wait though, even though it will be tough :D
They're supposed to be doing an interview on halfliferadio so maybe some of these questions will be answered.
PatPwnt said:
no, its too far away. I may die before then... Maybe there'll be another half life 2 leak or something.

"Why, you could wake up dead tommorow!"

First person to get the reference wins a cookie. :D
Well, going on the mid-summer thing I mentioned a few times, (that being July 21st-August 21st), then HL2 could well be done between August 1st and 21st. I'd give it 2/3 weeks from going gold to being released. That would mean HL2 could be released between August 15th and September 11th.
August, if it is true, doesn't come as any surprise to me at all - I would be expecting news within the last few and next few days if it was going to be released in July, and there aren't any signs of that happening. So perhaps people were hoping it would be released in August - possibility, but again it doesn't surprise me that they're thinking it'll go Gold in august, rather than be released.

As for Australia - you guys always seem to be several days or weeks behind NZ when it comes to international releases of media (LotR:FotR was 6 days behind NZ, out of sync with the rest of the world. Diablo 2 was 1-2 months behind even though it was a 'simultaneous world-wide release'. Many US television shows are aired in NZ several months before auzzie). So your pessimissm of 2-4 weeks from gold to release is understandable, but I think it is more to do with weird regulations in Australia than anything to do with suppliers being lazy.

Kage - Simpsons. Bart was asking Homer something about death while in bed, and then Homer says this line, and stares at Bart un-nervingly for about 5 seconds, then says "well goodnight" and hurridly rushes out the door, slamming it, leaving Bart in darkness and despair.
Am I the only disappointed that the game isn't comming out this summer?
/me gives Lanthanide a cookie

And PatPwnt, you need to develop some patience -- August is only 2 or so months away. :)
No you're not. But technically, August is Summer. I'm not sure I like the abuse of the whole Summer deal though :)
im gutted its not coming out in July, just want it out in all its gloryness. c'mon valve, get ya tits out.
PatPwnt said:
Am I the only disappointed that the game isn't comming out this summer?
No, I was hoping for July, and August at the latest
What's important is that it is coming whether you like it or whether you really like it :P
2 <PMTJS ? WTF?! Thats a damn long time. What am I going to do until then? contemplating suicide....

summer = the day I get out of school.
end of summer = when school starts for me.
Considering how bad Vivendi is hurting in the wallet, and considering how much money is going to be generated by this game flying off the shelves, AND considering that a massive August/September sales will make their 3rd quarter financials look very nice, I think they'll bust their asses to ship it the instant Valve hands it over. Highly doubt they'll sit on it like they did with CZ.
PatPwnt said:
Am I the only disappointed that the game isn't comming out this summer?

up until september the 23rd is summer.
Yeah it'll fly off the shelves alright. I bet the store I'll get it at will be packed with gamers from the floor up to the ceiling... Man it'll be some serious fun :)
Dougy said:
up until september the 23rd is summer.

There's two seasons. School season and Summer. Summer is when theres no school. HL2 is coming out when school is occuring therefor it isn't summer! PWNT
If all goes to plan it will be out in the next three months. That will fly by, we're half way through the year already!! It was only Christmas yesterday.
It was Monday yesterday Chris. you fool, your spending too much time on these forums and not paying attention to the passing of time. Listen to your mum more often in future young man!
I still see no conflict between this update and the earlier scoop that it'd be completed this summer then a report saying it'd be released in the fall.

Personally, I see early September as attainable.

:afro: :bounce: :afro:
Chris_D said:
If all goes to plan it will be out in the next three months. That will fly by, we're half way through the year already!! It was only Christmas yesterday.

flying by eh? have u talked to a HL2 fan recently? :dork: :laugh:
The rest of June, and then all of July, and then August to go....

and then Vivendi could just sit on it for a month or two to cash in on the holiday season. Or maybe even for no good reason.

Life as we know it has come to and end!! :(

Sorry, I have finally cracked after over a year of hanging on every bit of info released, hoping that it will be released next week for every day of that year.

I need to be more pessimistic in future so I don't get disappointed so often, I thought the start of this post was a good beginning.
Dougy said:
hmmmm august.

so at the very worst for it to be delayed 1 year itll have to take 30 days to manufacture the CD's...

Ground control 2 went gold last week and is being released on the 25th this month

Soldiers heros of ww2 also went gold last week and its being released on the 2nd next month....

thats roughly 2-3 weeks for those 2 games.

Hl2 is the most awaited game this year and is more than likely to be very quickly manufactured once gold...

so im going to say that if everything goes great and theres no hiccups then a realistic release date is the 13th of august on a friday.

A more realistic date is september the 3rd on a friday.

and at worst we can expect a 17th of september on a friday.


I cant believe it has to be realeased on a friday in the UK, man I wish I lived in the US, they could get it a full 4 days before us. lol
PatPwnt said:
There's two seasons. School season and Summer. Summer is when theres no school. HL2 is coming out when school is occuring therefor it isn't summer! PWNT

theres 2 terms of life.

theres having to go to school every 5 days out of 7 for most of the year.

and theres not having to do that, instead you get paid to work 2 weeks on a oil rig then 2 weeks relaxing and spending your pay.

so i do belive it is you that is pwnt! :naughty:
clarky003 said:
I cant believe it has to be realeased on a friday in the UK, man I wish I lived in the US, they could get it a full 4 days before us. lol

This is the very reason why I'll be avoiding all contact with the internet during that week. :)