"Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in..."

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Dougy said:
theres 2 terms of life.

theres having to go to school every 5 days out of 7 for most of the year.

and theres not having to do that, instead you get paid to work 2 weeks on a oil rig then 2 weeks relaxing and spending your pay.

so i do belive it is you that is pwnt! :naughty:

grr ...........
Well, this sure gives me more time to get a new computer.
ditto! Hopefully the x800 will fall enough in price to be expensive but affordable and the 9800 even more than that, which wiould make a decent card affordable for me !....
SnowBall said:
Well, this sure gives me more time to get a new computer.

It's not like it takes a lot of time to get a new computer...
This is what I get...
I go to sleep for 8 hours and I miss all the news! :p
Sounds like it will miss my birthday, and Uni holidays but what else can you do :) .
your never miss the news if you leave the tv on cnn or bbc news 24 (if u get that over there) !
Crusader - Yeah, works for me.

Optimistic and correct: Ok, I was right.
Optimistic and wrong: Now I'm upset.

Pessimistic and correct: Ok, I was right.
Pessimistic and wrong: Yay! I was wrong!!

So really, there's no reason to be optimistic.
PatPwnt said:
It's not like it takes a lot of time to get a new computer...

It takes time to get money to get a new computer :P
PatPwnt said:
It's not like it takes a lot of time to get a new computer...
Yes, but it can take time in order to earn the money to be able to afford to buy a new computer.
Frosty207 said:
It takes time to get money to get a new computer :P

but... its not like you cant get it after hl2 comes out.,....
Lanthanide said:
Crusader - Yeah, works for me.

Optimistic and correct: Ok, I was right.
Optimistic and wrong: Now I'm upset.

Pessimistic and correct: Ok, I was right.
Pessimistic and wrong: Yay! I was wrong!!

So really, there's no reason to be optimistic.

Even if you are pessimistic, you should still be sad that its not comming sooner.

I Go Back To School In August You Jerk!
No, becuase if you're pessimistic you are resigned to the fact that it won't come out sooner, and you've accepted it and have no problem with it. Therefore, if you are correct, you don't mind, but if you're wrong, you are happy.

One pitfall is if you're not pessimistic enough - but the easy way to cover that is to simply be as extremely pessismistic as reasonably possible at all times - right now this means I don't expect to see HL2 before the end of the year. If I'm correct, then I don't mind. If I'm wrong, then I'm happy.

but... its not like you cant get it after hl2 comes out.,....
Yeah, but perhaps he doesn't have a computer that will play HL2 currently, or not as well as he would like it too. In the end it doesn't really matter, but wouldn't you rather have a computer that can play a game at 100% as soon as it's released (even if it's released a little later than you would like) than play it on a computer that can only handle it at 75% and crashes/slows-down?
i think it's great news
vivendi have no intention, or reason to hold onto it after it goes gold
im happy with august
lets hope it all works out
*fingers crossed*
PatPwnt said:
Lanthanide said:
Crusader - Yeah, works for me.

Optimistic and correct: Ok, I was right.
Optimistic and wrong: Now I'm upset.

Pessimistic and correct: Ok, I was right.
Pessimistic and wrong: Yay! I was wrong!!

So really, there's no reason to be optimistic.
Even if you are pessimistic, you should still be sad that its not comming sooner.
And if you are truely optimistic, you would remain optimistic.
If they deliever the master copy in late auguest, it could still take a few weeks to get everything ready for retail hmm... aw well as long as it's here soon.
My moneys on September 30th. May as well give it the 12 month delay for old times sake.
Gajdycz said:
problem, what happens if vivendi takes its time...


they only get paid for the copies they sell.

"ahhh mr Johnson, we have the operating room all set up and we can remove your cancerous lump now"

"no thanks ill wait for a while"

Anyone remember if they've said whether HL2 will be released on Steam the day it goes gold or the day it's scheduled to hit stores? I'm guesing they'll wait a few days to avoid huge overload.
Wow, that sucks. They better not release it at the beginning of september...right when I go back to college. :angry:
Mr Neutron said:
Anyone remember if they've said whether HL2 will be released on Steam the day it goes gold or the day it's scheduled to hit stores? I'm guesing they'll wait a few days to avoid huge overload.
It will begin pre-loading sometime soon after the Gold Announcement, but as Valve has stated the store and steam release will be at the same time, it will not be released over steam before It is in stores. The pre-load makes it so there is not a huge overload.
damn, august? ;x
i will barely have time to play with school starting in august and shit :(
1) All the people doubting that Valve is really aiming for August gold
2) All the people disappointed that it's not coming earlier

You're idiots. Every major retailer in the US has had first week of Sept as release for months now. You're living in a "oo, big Gabeums would never tell retailers something without telling us first!" fantasy. You're the same people who thought you were going to wake up Sept 30 2003 to the sounds of Gabe in a red suit climbing down your chimney to give you HL2, after 3 months of painfully obvious signs that the game had no chance in hell of making that date.

To everyone who's glad Valve is talking a little more because it means they're more confident: :thumbs:
dscowboy said:
You're idiots. Every major retailer in the US has had first week of Sept as release for months now. You're living in a "oo, big Gabeums would never tell retailers something without telling us first!" fantasy.

Your wrong there.

that was pure speculation on their part.

they went for the safe bet of september, it paid off.

doesnt mean they had secret info.
If the retailers really did have secret info then why were their given release dates earlier so varied?
Dougy said:
that was pure speculation on their part.

Pffft. What, all the retailers got together and decided to use the same made-up date? Did they elect the Amazon.com guy to throw the dart at the calendar to decide? Or did they just let the EBGames CEO pick his daughter's birthday? WHATEVER happened, I'm SURE none of them ever talked to Vivendi. EVER. SURE OF IT. :laugh:

You guys have some pretty crazy ideas about how this industry works.
dscowboy said:
Dougy said:
that was pure speculation on their part.

Pffft. What, all the retailers got together and decided to use the same made-up date? Did they elect the Amazon.com guy to throw the dart at the calendar to decide? Or did they just let the EBGames CEO pick his daughter's birthday? WHATEVER happened, I'm SURE none of them ever talked to Vivendi. EVER. SURE OF IT. :laugh:

You guys have some pretty crazy ideas about how this industry works.

wtf, were you born yesterday?
dscowboy said:
Dougy said:
that was pure speculation on their part.

Pffft. What, all the retailers got together and decided to use the same made-up date? Did they elect the Amazon.com guy to throw the dart at the calendar to decide? Or did they just let the EBGames CEO pick his daughter's birthday? WHATEVER happened, I'm SURE none of them ever talked to Vivendi. EVER. SURE OF IT. :laugh:

You guys have some pretty crazy ideas about how this industry works.
They all started to copy each other, none of them knew but they saw what other retailers were choosing and decided to go along with it.
dscowboy said:
You guys have some pretty crazy ideas about how this industry works.

I'm hereby reminded of a quote i read:
"never argue with an idiot, they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience". :laugh:

All retailers make up release dates, everone knows that, this time they just guestimated the same date :hmph:
The Mullinator said:
If the retailers really did have secret info then why were their given release dates earlier so varied?

If you call EVERYDAY BUSINESS RELATIONS between PUBLISHER and RETAILER "secret info", then I suppose so, yes.

I'll tell a little story. For a long time, Valve had only a vague idea of when they were going to finish with HL2. Thus Vivendi had only a vague idea of when HL2 would be finished. Thus, retailers had only a vague idea of when HL2 would ship. At some point Valve told Vivendi "we think we'll be done in mid-August", and Vivendi told the retailers "we think we'll ship beginning of Sept". THEN the retailers all changed their dates to coincide with this.

Does that explain things sufficiently?
I can't get over how silly you guys sound arguing that the companies that will be selling Valve's product don't know anything more about its schedule than the public does. And that after having wildly different dates for months, one week they all of a sudden decided to copy each others' dates, for no specific reason. And that retailers never get information from publishers, and they always make up every date. It's making me a little tense, I think I'll go shoot some Nazis for awhile while you guys talk about the amazingly unlikely coincidence that every major retailer settled on the same date, which happened to be the correct date according to Valve and Vivendi's schedule. :farmer:
Your all so eager to get a concrete date your not even thinking straight. If this is even relevant (which I doubt it is) they will barely make their first VAGUE 'summer' release date.

The end of summer as far as they can push it! I swear it's beyond them to release the game before the "expected" date.

It seems more an more like they give the vague date then they clarify a lil more and a lil more until they barely make the date. JUST to hype the god damn game even more.

If this game comes out just barely in summer I will be sickened truly sickened by it.
dscowboy said:
1) All the people doubting that Valve is really aiming for August gold
2) All the people disappointed that it's not coming earlier

You're idiots. Every major retailer in the US has had first week of Sept as release for months now. You're living in a "oo, big Gabeums would never tell retailers something without telling us first!" fantasy. You're the same people who thought you were going to wake up Sept 30 2003 to the sounds of Gabe in a red suit climbing down your chimney to give you HL2, after 3 months of painfully obvious signs that the game had no chance in hell of making that date.

To everyone who's glad Valve is talking a little more because it means they're more confident: :thumbs:

I guess I fall into the second catagory.

You know what? I don't care. I'm just upset that I am going to have an entire summer with no new games worth playing aside from farcry and UT2k4. I've finished FarCry, and while UT2k4 has near unlimited replayability (Hey, it's only MP. :D) It seems a waste.
No, there are NO other games I'm waiting for this summer, HL2 is the last game on my list for the year. and I'm going to get to enjoy it while studying for test, and writing essays.

Yes, I'm glad they are taking their time and making a great product, and no I don't want something rushed, I just was really hoping for a mid july release date so I could enjoy the game without college pressues.
dscowboy said:
1) All the people doubting that Valve is really aiming for August gold
2) All the people disappointed that it's not coming earlier

You're idiots. Every major retailer in the US has had first week of Sept as release for months now. You're living in a "oo, big Gabeums would never tell retailers something without telling us first!" fantasy. You're the same people who thought you were going to wake up Sept 30 2003 to the sounds of Gabe in a red suit climbing down your chimney to give you HL2, after 3 months of painfully obvious signs that the game had no chance in hell of making that date.

To everyone who's glad Valve is talking a little more because it means they're more confident: :thumbs:

Whatever... but what's not to be disappointed about? Wouldn't you want it to come earlier?
i knew it was going to be late summer all along. why would you think a beginning of summer release from valve, the guys that have always given inconsistent dates? you are only asking for disappointment by doing so.

i'm actually glad its not out sooner. now I'll be really enjoying my summer by going outside and meeting chicks, no temptations of staying inside to play HL2 nonstop. :cheese:
-kinematik- said:
i knew it was going to be late summer all along. why would you think a beginning of summer release from valve, the guys that have always given inconsistent dates? you are only asking for disappointment by doing so.

i'm actually glad its not out sooner. now I'll be really enjoying my summer by going outside and meeting chicks, no temptations of staying inside to play HL2 nonstop. :cheese:

Have fun...
at least its better than blizzard... oh I remember waiting for warcraft 3 and diablo 2