"Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in..."

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Damn. ;(

This is alright news, but I really wanted it mid summer so that I could play around with HL2 for a while before going back to school. Noes.
i think this is a good reason for all of us to get away from our gaming lives for a bit, clean ourselves up and live more social lives. cmon, go outside, drink beer, smoke weed, meet GIRLS! :cheers: :thumbs:

maybe then you could actually forget about HL2 (its possible, you know it) then be pleasantly surprised when it finally comes out! :eek:
-kinematik- said:
i think this is a good reason for all of us to get away from our gaming lives for a bit, clean ourselves up and live more social lives. cmon, go outside, drink beer, smoke weed, meet GIRLS! :cheers: :thumbs:

maybe then you could actually forget about HL2 (its possible, you know it) then be pleasantly surprised when it finally comes out! :eek:

but... I don't have any friends... I gave them up, waiting for HL2.
basicaly the game is coming september.................
Ain't gonna happen people. Sorry, but HL2 is gonna be 2005. I've said this since the September 2003 delay.
DarkStar said:
Ain't gonna happen people. Sorry, but HL2 is gonna be 2005. I've said this since the September 2003 delay.

Pffft. Everyone and their dog know that HL2 is delayed until the year 3067. N3wb.
Moto-x_Pat said:
Pffft. Everyone and their dog know that HL2 is delayed until the year 3067. N3wb.

Well hey, at least it'll be out before Duke Nukem Forever!
-kinematik- said:
i think this is a good reason for all of us to get away from our gaming lives for a bit, clean ourselves up and live more social lives. cmon, go outside, drink beer, smoke weed, meet GIRLS! :cheers: :thumbs:

or be more healthy! which means replace the beer with milk, the weed with fresh vegetables, and pump some iron and/or go running to strengthen your cardiovascular system. you dont want to have a heart attack when hl2 goes gold do you!?
I guess were about to hear something about TF2 pretty soon?
I'm just happy that we actually have a narrow target to shoot for instead of "Summer." Now the waiting game officially begins.
I for one think this is complete and total bullshit, pardon my French. The fact is that they said "summer" release. Please, don't start with the "well technically, August is a part of the official summer." crap, I don't wanna hear it. Many of us are students, and we need to go back to school, college, and our crappy lives in general. Valve knows that the target audience is around 16-25, so what the hell are they doing by releasing a game at the end of everyone's semi-free time. I'm freaking pissed. Here I am, and many others are, bored out of our freaking minds kicking in the virtual dirt trying to figure out something to freaking talk about with this game. They haven't released any binks, information, or even a real release date. August is a month, not a date. They could release August 31st for all we know. I'm not really happy about the fact that I get to pick up the game I've been waiting on, for over a year, just so I can open the box, install it, then do my freaking college homework. Oh goodie, thanks Valve for the awesome game, too bad I'll get to play it for a total of 15 minutes. I know, it's cool and all that they're finally going to release it, for that, I'm happy... but, the timing is off, and it couldn't be more off if they tried. Once again they've told the public something they can't hold true to. I know that August is not the middle of the summer, and you all do too. I'm still going to buy the game, in fact, my reserve is already paid in full, but, the truth is, I'm not even going to get to scratch the surface of it. Valve could have pushed a little harder to please the fans after all the total shit they put us through for an entire year. I'm sick of the "they don't owe us" crap too. If I'm laying $80.00 of my hard earned money, I don't wanna sit around on my ass forever waiting for it to come so I can ignore it. Thanks Valve for the cool game, but next time understand the target age group and what they're probably doing around the time you decide to release. Go ahead and bitch me out people, I honestly don't care, but I know that a lot of you feel what I'm feeling, but are just too afraid to confront the issue.

Paragraphs, man. Use them!

But, you made a good point. While I'm not pissed at VALVe for when they are releasing it, I'm just bummed that the summer will not be spent playing Half-Life 2.

Just remember, if they pushed the game, then it would have bugs and not be nearly as polished as they/we want it.
BoS said:
I'm not really happy about the fact that I get to pick up the game I've been waiting on, for over a year, just so I can open the box, install it, then do my freaking college homework.

"Top story today, college deans around the country are blaming Valve Software for a 50% higher dropout rate in September..." :laugh:
Anyone who actually thought it would come out in July/August deserves to be disappointed by this.

I, and many other people have figured September would be the date, and now it looks like it was right all along. September isn't so far away everyone, at least we have some more specific information now.
Raziaar said:
Well hey, at least it'll be out before Duke Nukem Forever!

Scene: moments before the End of Time. George Broussard the MXV^78964 enters.

Broussard: "Wait! We've just finished!"
"Me first Me first!"
I think you have it backwards. They make the game and then people buy it. You can't demand an unreleased game or have expectations for the developer prior to the product being on the shelf for purchase.

If you wish it was released at the begining of summer for your convenience then I'm sure you can email them asking to delay the finished game just for you, until next June. ;)
Or perhaps they can send you an alpha build and let you patch and playtest the unfinished game yourself.

I, for one, am glad the release date is approching even if I start classes around that time.
The only specific information we got was that they want to release the game this year. They never said that it would definately be out in August, they also never said it wouldn't be out before August. All that Gabe stated basically is that they want to have it in the mass production line by August. I want to have a Ferrari, that doesn't mean I'll be able to pull it off. See what I'm saying? They're trying to shut us up for 5 minutes by saying one of the 12 months and letting us quote it as the release date.

I'm not really dissapointed in the fact that it's not coming out earlier in the summer, I'm upset that Valve pretended that it would be. Just like they pretended it would be out Sept. 30, April, the May, and that there was going to be an awesome mod expo, and that info would trickle almost all the time nearing release, and that they would talk about TF2, or any other freaking thing that they didn't do but said they would.

The point/moral of the whole Valve fiasco, which they still haven't come to grasps with is: If you can't do it, don't say you can. Telling everyone you have something, or can do something that you really don't or can't is called lying. Valve has flat out lied to the fan base several times. A screenshot here and there and a silly little flash game isn't anything to brag about in my books. It's not going to hide the fact that I've been lied to on several accounts along with the rest of my fellow HL2 followers. I been in these forums since the beginning pretty much and all I read about are disappointments.

This isn't a protest against Valve in anyway, I'm just saying that we can't sit here and kiss their internet asses for anything, because they haven't done anything. When someone making the game says the word "August" that shouldn't be the beginning of everyone's little mind party. There is nothing going on, and even if the game is released in August, I don't think we're gonna see jack until then. So we'll just be sitting here arguing over ficticious nonsense and starting threads about complete garbage just because there's absolutely nothing to think about.

Whatever, like I said before, I'm happy that Half Life 2 will actually see the light of day this year, but I'm not going to rub my nose on anyones butt out of sheer joy and anxiousness, because, I have no reason to be overly exstatic, and, I don't think any of you do either. Prove me wrong, I'm open to opinion. Just don't throw some rehash nonsense at me like I said before.


Paragraphs, happy? ;)
Asus said:
"Me first Me first!"
You can't demand an unreleased game or have expectations for the developer prior to the product being on the shelf for purchase.

Of course we can. We can demand they not jerk us around.

Oh, and the retailers guessed. There's no precedent to suggest they heard anything more solid than we did: if they do hear anything, that information tends to get out, which didn't happen in this case. We all heard "summer", so they made the easy bet that that meant late summer. Still, what we've heard today is not certain yet either. An early August gold date could mean a mid- or late-August retail date.

Valve should have kept the secret longer and saved us all some agravation. Next time, they better not make any announcements for HL3 until it's in late beta. That's what all game makers should do. I understand the smaller devs without publishers hyping their games years before release (STALKER comes to mind), but the ids, valves, blizzards, and medium tier devs should not announce projects more than ~4 months before completion.
I remember the good ol' days pre-march when we were waiting for april...


meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh seeeeee I neeed this seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I for one think this is complete and total bullshit, pardon my French. The fact is that they said "summer" release. Please, don't start with the "well technically, August is a part of the official summer." crap, I don't wanna hear it. Many of us are students, and we need to go back to school, college, and our crappy lives in general. Valve knows that the target audience is around 16-25, so what the hell are they doing by releasing a game at the end of everyone's semi-free time. I'm freaking pissed. Here I am, and many others are, bored out of our freaking minds kicking in the virtual dirt trying to figure out something to freaking talk about with this game. They haven't released any binks, information, or even a real release date. August is a month, not a date. They could release August 31st for all we know. I'm not really happy about the fact that I get to pick up the game I've been waiting on, for over a year, just so I can open the box, install it, then do my freaking college homework. Oh goodie, thanks Valve for the awesome game, too bad I'll get to play it for a total of 15 minutes. I know, it's cool and all that they're finally going to release it, for that, I'm happy... but, the timing is off, and it couldn't be more off if they tried. Once again they've told the public something they can't hold true to. I know that August is not the middle of the summer, and you all do too. I'm still going to buy the game, in fact, my reserve is already paid in full, but, the truth is, I'm not even going to get to scratch the surface of it. Valve could have pushed a little harder to please the fans after all the total shit they put us through for an entire year. I'm sick of the "they don't owe us" crap too. If I'm laying $80.00 of my hard earned money, I don't wanna sit around on my ass forever waiting for it to come so I can ignore it. Thanks Valve for the cool game, but next time understand the target age group and what they're probably doing around the time you decide to release. Go ahead and bitch me out people, I honestly don't care, but I know that a lot of you feel what I'm feeling, but are just too afraid to confront the issue.


Wow, that was touching... now step outside your parents house and realize that the world doesn't revolve around YOUR schedule of summer. Realize that these guys didn't say "well, you know, although summer IS tecnically end of june through almost end of a september, so, well, lets redefine the definition of summer to suit all the high school kids and people with classes so they can play the game.

And while we are at it, lets just forget about how we have fiscal reports and timings with the publisher and all this over small stuff involving a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR GAME AND WORLD WIDE RELEASE... but its okay, we'll change our whole production schedule so you can play it before you have to go back to school in august... you know... it only works for us if its conveinent for you... hey that's our motto... we're valve!

Valve is made up of adults and think of "summer" when summer actually is. So quit being a baby and go change your diaper

...and that rehash nonsense hasn't got anything on me!
BoS said:
I for one think this is complete and total bullshit, pardon my French. The fact is that they said "summer" release. Please, don't start with the "well technically, August is a part of the official summer." crap, I don't wanna hear it. Many of us are students, and we need to go back to school, college, and our crappy lives in general. Valve knows that the target audience is around 16-25, so what the hell are they doing by releasing a game at the end of everyone's semi-free time. I'm freaking pissed. Here I am, and many others are, bored out of our freaking minds kicking in the virtual dirt trying to figure out something to freaking talk about with this game. They haven't released any binks, information, or even a real release date. August is a month, not a date. They could release August 31st for all we know. I'm not really happy about the fact that I get to pick up the game I've been waiting on, for over a year, just so I can open the box, install it, then do my freaking college homework. Oh goodie, thanks Valve for the awesome game, too bad I'll get to play it for a total of 15 minutes. I know, it's cool and all that they're finally going to release it, for that, I'm happy... but, the timing is off, and it couldn't be more off if they tried. Once again they've told the public something they can't hold true to. I know that August is not the middle of the summer, and you all do too. I'm still going to buy the game, in fact, my reserve is already paid in full, but, the truth is, I'm not even going to get to scratch the surface of it. Valve could have pushed a little harder to please the fans after all the total shit they put us through for an entire year. I'm sick of the "they don't owe us" crap too. If I'm laying $80.00 of my hard earned money, I don't wanna sit around on my ass forever waiting for it to come so I can ignore it. Thanks Valve for the cool game, but next time understand the target age group and what they're probably doing around the time you decide to release. Go ahead and bitch me out people, I honestly don't care, but I know that a lot of you feel what I'm feeling, but are just too afraid to confront the issue.


I know, I am going crazy too... what now? My life is not worth living until August. I need to go to the ghetto to get some weed...
aeroripper you are acting just as immature as he is. Insulting him isn't going to make you look any more adult like or mature. He can express his opinion if he wants to and shouldn't have to worry about people like you dogging on him for your own personal pleasure.
How is Valve different from other game company with releasing their game?
How many delays have their been with other games involving several release date changes?

Valve is only different because their community is so huge and they seem to have a spoiled section of fans.
Asus said:
How is Valve different from other game company with releasing their game?
How many delays have their been with other games involving several release date changes?

Valve is only different because their community is so huge and they seem to have a spoiled section of fans.

No, Valve is only different because they lied, even when they KNEW it wasn't going to make it last year.

I love valve still....
Well if you compare it to the pre-release of Diablo 2, it's interesting.

Diablo 2 had about 7 major release date changes over the course of it's making - people didn't mind too much though, in general, because Blizzard was always pretty forthcoming when they found that it was an unrealistic date. And they kept the fans up to date with quite a lot of media and interviews with gaming sites (that actually gave -new- info, not just the same thing over and over like Valve does).

Whereas if you look at HL2, it's had 1 major delay (the September 30th that they promised so much) and another delay about the whole April mess earlier this year, with very little information from valve about the fact that it would miss the date until it actually -did- miss the date, and long dry spots between information releases, most of which haven't been very detailed. So people seem to have gotten a lot more pissed off at Valve than they ever did at Blizzard, IMO. (I was following the D2 pre-release since December '98).

I suspect that the Diablo 2 community was larger pre-release than the Half Life 2 community is right now. It may still be larger - I don't actually have any Blizzard games installed right now though so I can't get info on the # of games being played over b.net, but I suspect it would rival CS quite easily. It used to anyway.
aeroripper you are acting just as immature as he is. Insulting him isn't going to make you look any more adult like or mature. He can express his opinion if he wants to and shouldn't have to worry about people like you dogging on him for your own personal pleasure.

but i like dogging on other people :( This is all about my small pee pee and i know it!
Why people are bitching is beyond me, we have a semi concrete date and a definite period of time for the game's release, let's ****ing go is what i say, easy peasy wait.
Grimresfa said:
aeroripper you are acting just as immature as he is. Insulting him isn't going to make you look any more adult like or mature. He can express his opinion if he wants to and shouldn't have to worry about people like you dogging on him for your own personal pleasure.

But he's right. You can't expect Valve to stick to the shady definition of a "school summer", whatever the hell that is, it's different for everyone. Not to mention the US isn't the only country in the world where HL2 gets released. They should stick to a calendar summer, which is from june 21st to september 22nd.
September is for the most part perfectly summer. And August definitely is, hell it's the warmest period of the year, it sure isn't autumn.

And I don't get why people act so surprised, august/september has been the best estimate for a few months now. June/July always was unrealistic. Get a ****ing grip, and stop blaming Valve for everything.