"Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in..."

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diablo 2 and half life 2 are the two games i have waited and waited for checking web sites almost daily.
deja vu, after sep 30 i vowed ill never do this for another game again.
Let's not get all hyped up, it didn't went gold just yet.
Well, I myself was really sure of the June/July release date!When i read that Gabe's quote i just couldn't help but want to kill him!I mean-they'll propabbly release it in september and that's when the school starts!They could really specify what do they mean by summer-i think that 70% of their potential customers are teenagers who are bored to death during summer and they are hungry for such hits like HL2.I worked hard to get a new computer for summer just to play HL 2 and now they jus said like that that they are going to release it at the end of school summer-it got on my nerves i must say.Well,anyway let's hope for god's sake that Valve decides to release it sooner.
Don't get me wrong but i wouldn't be suprised if some maniac will break into Valve's headquaters and make them to release it NOW or steal it and release it on internet. :)

Oh,and hello to Halflife2.net community! :)
thats a good point ferd lol. thats wot they are aiming for, its not even wet cement yet :/
Whoa you start your school all the way into September? In Sweden, most schools start in the middle of August (well around 20th).

Well let's hope that Valve is wrong once again about their plans of deliviering. Never mind about their plans, they're practically never right anyway :) For all we (and Valve) know, it could go Gold next week. Gabe DID admit they have poor planning skills....
Alec_85 said:
Whoa you start your school all the way into September? In Sweden, most schools start in the middle of August (well around 20th).

Well, I off to school the 2nd August. That's Denmark. Pffft... :x
Well when did you quit school then? My school ended June 14th & we have the same time off every year even if the date varies sometimes.
aeroripper said:
Wow, that was touching... now step outside your parents house and realize that the world doesn't revolve around YOUR schedule of summer. Realize that these guys didn't say "well, you know, although summer IS tecnically end of june through almost end of a september, so, well, lets redefine the definition of summer to suit all the high school kids and people with classes so they can play the game.

And while we are at it, lets just forget about how we have fiscal reports and timings with the publisher and all this over small stuff involving a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR GAME AND WORLD WIDE RELEASE... but its okay, we'll change our whole production schedule so you can play it before you have to go back to school in august... you know... it only works for us if its conveinent for you... hey that's our motto... we're valve!

Valve is made up of adults and think of "summer" when summer actually is. So quit being a baby and go change your diaper

...and that rehash nonsense hasn't got anything on me!

You're a complete ass if you think I was being selfish. If you hadn't noticed, throughout my post, I made references to the entire HL2 community. Change my diapers? I'll be 20 in January, I'm a sophmore in the school of engineering at my college, so why don't you suck on that for a second and stop acting as if you're some well paid doctor and I'm just your little peon. I never said that it was about me, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who wants to play it before going back to school. Sorry I'm not like the rest of you people, jumping up and down because the game scheduled to come out at some time this year!

Instead of "dogging" on me as some said, maybe you yourself could grow up and realize that when you have a product, it's usually the consumer you wish to satisfy. I know it's different with video games and you can't just plop them on the table and say, "well, it's out, it's not quite done, but at least you have it." I can't remember the last time people didn't get pissed over a missed deadline. In fact, I think that video games are in the only industry where your whole team doesn't get fired if you miss a deadline. I'm sure what ever important job you're doing in this world has you strapped to specific deadlines, and if you miss it, you can pack up your cubicle space and head home, because the company needs someone more reliable.

Reliability is the main issue with this game. ATI was relying on Valve releasing the game with the 9800XT, meanwhile, they have upset customers that spent $400+ on a video card for a game that isn't coming out until a year later. Now, new video cards have been released, and those who made upgrade purchases to have the best of the best for game now have a $400+ piece of outdated hardware. I'm sure it's still great, but, I know I'd be pissed either way.

We the mass consumers rely on Valve to release the best freaking game that we've played in years, and you know what? I think they will do it ten fold! But, we also depended on unbroken deadlines and the fact that Valve told us about a lot of cool stuff that would happen and every time someone asks, they reply with, "within a few weeks." I heard within a few weeks, a few weeks ago! What is that? Stop giving estimated time frames when there isn't one! Just say "we don't know" and the community can speculate all it wants.

If you're not looking forward to something, then you won't be let down when it doesn't happen. Valve has said over and over that they love, cherish, respect, and want to do all they can for the beautful and peaceful Half Life community. Well, I haven't gotten anything, so what is it exactly Valve wants to do for us, besides take our money in trade fora cool game?
People, why are we arguing over such rubbish? We should be happy that Valve have given us a better idea as to when Half-Life 2 will appear. Who cares if it isn't coming out this summer? At most it will be delayed a few months, which really isn't that long to wait. So you have nothing to occupy yourself with over the summer? Get a job. Get some patience. The time will fly by, and you'll forgive Valve for everything they've done by the time it comes out.

This is good news, not bad news! :)
BoS said:
Reliability is the main issue with this game. ATI was relying on Valve releasing the game with the 9800XT, meanwhile, they have upset customers that spent $400+ on a video card for a game that isn't coming out until a year later. Now, new video cards have been released, and those who made upgrade purchases to have the best of the best for game now have a $400+ piece of outdated hardware. I'm sure it's still great, but, I know I'd be pissed either way.

How is a 9800XT outdated exactly? It runs HL2 perfectly fine! Jesus...stop whining man. Just because it's not coming out when you want it to, doesn't mean the world will end. You're still going to buy it when it comes out so either way Valve wins.
august release date? doom 3 better come out before it, cause something will need to be filling time till then.
How in the bloody hell did ANYONE think it was coming in June/July? That just blows my mind.

And remember everyone, they will be giving the game to Vivendi in August (hopefully). NOT releasing it. It will still be a week to 2 weeks for the whole going gold process. September is the likely time when it will actually be out in stores.
Well i'd imagine from a income viewpoint it really doesn't matter when they release it because everyone here is gonna end of buying it anyways even if it is delayed.
Here in Finland school begins around 14th of August (I think, can't really remember any more) and ends in late May/early June I think. Universities etc start a few weeks later, though.

I admit I was hoping for a bit later (!!) release, since I have a shitload of reading to do in late august/early september. It never even crossed my mind that they could have released it June/July, I mean that was just never going to happen. I suppose we'll see how much of an addict (or dumbass) I am when I have to choose between exam books and HL2. Somehow I fear I'm not gonna be reading as much as I should...
With John Carmack's "Beta testing is going very well" tidbit and Gabe Newell's August estimate, the race between Doom III and Half-Life 2 is starting to heaten up. It looks like Doom III could end up being released a week or two before Half-Life 2. So against the thoughts, it seems that the two games are going to competite head to head in stores. This is starting to get interesting :)

So to freely quote King Théoden from The Return of the King: "So it has come to this, it is before the store shelves where the doom of our time is decided."
Hehee, sorry but I had to get dramatic
aeroripper said:
Well i'd imagine from a income viewpoint it really doesn't matter when they release it because everyone here is gonna end of buying it anyways even if it is delayed.
Yeah that's what I keep saying. There's no point WHAT SO EVER for Vivendi to delay it until X-mas. They won't make more money then nor will they make less. Sure they might get a bigger amount of cash at a time if they wait but, as a whole, and in 5 years from now, that sum of money will be very neglible. Unless they are greedy bastards that is ;) Vivendi might be pissed off if they do not sell the last 5 copies of the game. But I doubt Valve would care about such trivial things.
Seppo said:
With John Carmack's "Beta testing is going very well" tidbit and Gabe Newell's August estimate, the race between Doom III and Half-Life 2 is starting to heaten up. It looks like Doom III could end up being released a week or two before Half-Life 2. So against the thoughts, it seems that the two games are going to competite head to head in stores. This is starting to get interesting :)

Yeah, I've suspected ever since that most recent interview with Hollenshead said that they don't know if Doom 3 will be released before or after QuakeCon (Mid-August) that they are waiting to get an idea of when Hl2 comes out so they can release it a bit earlier. Crazy theory? Maybe, but it sure makes alot of sense, and just watch, I bet it'll happen.
Alec_85 said:
Well when did you quit school then? My school ended June 14th & we have the same time off every year even if the date varies sometimes.

Last year it was around the 19th of June, but this year my exames was early, so I was free to go the 4th of June (only had 3 exames, pffft, next year will be around 7, gah).

But back to the topic, no no no, I want DOOM³ now to be a waiting game for HL2 :|

Guss I'll take my mind of the time with some actionfilled, extrem hardcore, insande stunts and best entertainment for a pc.... (RollerCoaster Tycoon) :E
So as I look at the calendar, we're looking for a late August or early September realease, which gives us a few dates...

Aug 20 Aug 27 Sept 3 Sept 10 Sept 17

For the love of Cheezits I'm not sure I can wait that long!!!
wayne white said:
im happy that its coming at all...for a while there it looked like DNF

Duke Nukem Forever OR Did Not Finish? ;)
Sorry if this has already been brought up but....

The latest release info is to have the gold to Vivendi come August, but not too long ago, in the 'Info from Valve', someone said that there was still no solid idea on what was going to be in each of the release editions, especially the the CE release.
That means that they only have a month or two to finalise the details and create-and-package an absolute bog-load of materials.

I don't know anything about the actual packaging and distribution process so I am probably worrying over nothing, but I do hope it isn't going to cause a massive delay between Gold and Distribution.

Has anyone heard anything else (recently) on the status and contents of the various releases?
Man It would be nice if we all get to play it by Aug....but like ive been saying since i joined these forums...look for a september date, o well spetember really isnt that far off. :smoking:
They will GIVE IT to vivendi in august, it will prolly release on Sept 30th and then the next interview will be.

HomeLAN: Why was the game delayed so much?

Valve: Delayed? we kept our promise! Sept 30th

HomeLAN: Haha

Valve: Whats so funny? Im serious.
When did FarCry go gold? was it early march? or late feb?
Dalamari said:
They will GIVE IT to vivendi in august, it will prolly release on Sept 30th and then the next interview will be.

HomeLAN: Why was the game delayed so much?

Valve: Delayed? we kept our promise! Sept 30th

HomeLAN: Haha

Valve: Whats so funny? Im serious.
they say summer, sept 30th isnt summer. i dont see your humor, or your logic :laugh:
712 said:
Duke Nukem Forever OR Did Not Finish? ;)

technically, hasn't Duke Nukem Forever take the acronym DNF (did not finish) yet? :laugh: :p
one would think that would be finalized at this point :dork:
2 weeks from going gold to shipping is about right. Still can't believe some people had it in their head that this game could possibly come out in July....lol
haha you have absolutely no idea what stage the process is in, same as anyone else. Kindly desist being a jerk!
So if they deliver in early or mid August then we can expect to see it hit the selves in late August or more likely early September. A little less than one year late.

At least we have an idea now.
Hl2 is such a tease. I should have walked away a year ago. I don't think any of this is good for someones health. Doesn't it feel like your waiting for a kindney with a hole in your torso? Every moment is a slow torturous agony waiting for somthing that is special and yet so common. A game. But a good game.

Our game.
wonkers said:
Hl2 is such a tease. I should have walked away a year ago. I don't think any of this is good for someones health. Doesn't it feel like your waiting for a kindney with a hole in your torso? Every moment is a slow torturous agony waiting for somthing that is special and yet so common. A game. But a good game.

Our game.

Dude, its a game, its JUST a game. Don't turn HL2 into a religion.
Seppo said:
With John Carmack's "Beta testing is going very well" tidbit and Gabe Newell's August estimate, the race between Doom III and Half-Life 2 is starting to heaten up. It looks like Doom III could end up being released a week or two before Half-Life 2. So against the thoughts, it seems that the two games are going to competite head to head in stores. This is starting to get interesting :)

So to freely quote King Théoden from The Return of the King: "So it has come to this, it is before the store shelves where the doom of our time is decided."
Hehee, sorry but I had to get dramatic

It would be in Doom 3's best interest to release as soon as possible. Splitting up the market is a horrible idea considering people aren't going to lay down 100 bucks in one sitting and I personally will be buying Halflife 2 over Doom 3. They should stop trying to shadow ther Halflife 2 release, which is what they are doing, and just get the game out of the god damn door.
Dalamari said:
Dude, its a game, its JUST a game. Don't turn HL2 into a religion.

Hey, don't make fun of my religion.. racist (j/k :) )

Anyways, it's better than that god nonsence :laugh: