"Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in..."

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It's just a thought of mine. Really how many people on this forum are completely new to Half-life? Almost all of us have been waiting since we heard about HL2.

The devotion of our time is a tribute to the strength of character the average HL fan has.

IT's A MIRICLE OH lordy PRAISE JEBUS. Praise GORDON and hist mighty crowbar FURY.
Dalamari said:
Oh god, now were gonna have a religion flame war, gj.

Heheh, I dont think it will turn to that....

Oh and btw, your sig. It is supposed to be four lines long. I would change it before a mod catches up with ya. :)
Call me an ass, but IMO it seems like Valve would have handed this info over to other sites. Never mind, don't call me an ass because flamers and uptight mods are why i quit posting here a while ago. To me this all seems like all of the false info that's been leaking out for almost a year now. Everytime there's some announcement like this people go apesh!t and then (for the most part) are let down. So as someone who has watched a bunch of this unfold, my advice is to not get the least bit excited until a huge site like Gamespot.com or ign.com has a story on the official release date news post. Again, just my opinion.
I hardly saying a game won't be released for 3 months as something to be let down over. Considering the game was finished before e3, 4 months is a long time to bug test and balance before releasing the game, however given what game is and the developers history of high standards, it's not surprising. I totally trust the game to be ready and if there are any delays then they will be minor (we're talking 1 or 2 weeks maximum).
aww man august? summers like over and school starts again! oh well i guess its better than september.
Damn, I have to go back to school in Mid August. I was really hoping for a July release. Oh well, Ill find someway to get off for a week.
Darkknighttt said:
aww man august? summers like over and school starts again! oh well i guess its better than september.

Uh, it WILL be out in September. They will be giving the game to Vivendi in August, and I doubt they mean right as August starts, so when you add in the time between going gold and release, it will come out in September. Just like some of us have been saying all along.
Remember: There are no definitives in this situation. We are getting statements from Valve very similar to those made last summer, last winter, and last spring. Each of them seemed genuine and plausible at the time. I'm not saying that this particular instance won't be the actual release period (obviously they have to be right at some point; even a broken clock is right twice a day), but that they have not given anyone, even Vivendi, anything written in stone. This lastest release estimate sounds realistic, but you can never rule out further delays. September could easily turn into October and so forth, especially if Steam is not up to snuff. I'm just saying...
Soundwave said:
Uh, it WILL be out in September. They will be giving the game to Vivendi in August, and I doubt they mean right as August starts, so when you add in the time between going gold and release, it will come out in September. Just like some of us have been saying all along.

Muah! :cheers:
I guess I was expecting this news, and I hope that some serious polishing is going on at Valve. We will have the game in about three months time. I really hope Doom3 comes out in the next month so I can have a crack at that in the meantime.

There aren't many games that I even finish anymore, that's why I get excited about stuff like Doom3 and Half-Life2; the chance that finally something will come out that I want to play to the end.

Like going to the cinema and leaving half way through a film... it happens way too often in computer gaming though...
doom 3's slated for fall, so they may actually come out close to each other like bf-vietnam and unreal-04, that'd be exiting
denlife7 said:
I guess I was expecting this news, and I hope that some serious polishing is going on at Valve. We will have the game in about three months time. I really hope Doom3 comes out in the next month so I can have a crack at that in the meantime.

There aren't many games that I even finish anymore, that's why I get excited about stuff like Doom3 and Half-Life2; the chance that finally something will come out that I want to play to the end.

Like going to the cinema and leaving half way through a film... it happens way too often in computer gaming though...

I hear yeah there.
Gossoon said:
September could easily turn into October and so forth, especially if Steam is not up to snuff. I'm just saying...

Half-life 2 will NOT be delayed if Steam 'is not up to snuff'. If it's not ready now, it'll never be ready, and I doubt they'll delay a game just because a small part of its distribution network fails to do the job. Steam works quite well now anyway, and whilst it might get over-worked during the preload, I can't see any problems with it delivering the game in good time.

You are right in saying that a delay could knock back the game but not as far as you suggest. I think the game is too close to completion for any delays to stretch into months. The game will be released late August/early September and any delays will simply push the game back a couple of weeks to late September at the latest. September 30th perhaps? :rolleyes:
I agree with you, but i think valve will be very overwhelmed trying to make steam, all the mods going to source, hl2, tons of more options trying to work on steam without having problems. I think they are going to get hit with some big problems trying to release the game.
There damn well had better not be any problems with it now, they've had plenty of time to think about and plan accordingly for any problems that come with distribution through Steam.
I'm also curious to see if Steam can provide all the bandwith the day HL2 get's released :)
Sai said:
doom 3's slated for fall, so they may actually come out close to each other like bf-vietnam and unreal-04, that'd be exiting

Where did you hear Doom 3 is slated for fall? iD announced it will be shipped this Summer; presumably end of August :P but who knows.
I would have actually bought doom 3 if they had co-op for PC... can't play that game by myself..
Does this mean they are releasing the game in August?
well, as you can see from the email response i got from gabe last week in the "info from valve" thread, they are at least going to have to release it before Sept 22nd, or they will be forcing gabe into lying...he said they were saying a "summer release" with the intention of having it out during the officially mandated federally sanctioned "end of summer" date of Sept 22, 2004.
Wow. Pretty crazy fan base we have here. . . So this, umm, what do you call it? "Half Life 2"? Is that some sort of computer application or something? Is it a movie? Maybe it's the cure for AIDs, considering how geared up you all are for it.

How about this:

Oh God, the color scheme of that forum hurts my eyes.
"Yep, to the best of our admittedly weak planning abilities, we are looking at August."

Well, at least they don't try to lie about it. ;)
x84D80Yx said:

*cough* little late are we? *cough*

No it's not like I didn't believe the codename gordon interview, but i read in a few other threads people thought it may have been faked or something.

And i knew of the gold date estimate the first day it came about. It's just nice to hear it from more than one source.

I was just showing people that more than one source has gabe saying that it's gonna be an august completion date, don't jump to conclusions that i don't know whats going on.
Moejoe said:
No it's not like I didn't believe the codename gordon interview, but i read in a few other threads people thought it may have been faked or something.

And i knew of the gold date estimate the first day it came about. It's just nice to hear it from more than one source.

I was just showing people that more than one source has gabe saying that it's gonna be an august completion date, don't jump to conclusions that i don't know whats going on.

the fallout link was found like minutes after somebody posted the interview link. i was saying that you were late.
oh, okay my bad then. I searched a few pages back and didn't see the link, but okay. Sorry then.

Hooray, though, a semi-solid date.... Not what i was hoping though. But i gotta be realistic sometime don't I? A summer release date is still likely, even if it is september 21st...

*Stupid Summer date technicalities...*
Absinthe said:
"Yep, to the best of our admittedly weak planning abilities, we are looking at August."

Well, at least they don't try to lie about it. ;)

Holy jesus. You're avatar is f*cking frightening.
you are out of euro 2004, hard lines...ahahahahaha
moppe said:
Since I can't see any other subject on this info Homelanfed just posted an interview with Gabe there he states that they're delivering it to vivendi in August.

HomeLAN - Finally, we have to ask; how is Half-Life 2 coming along?

Gabe Newell - Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in August.


2005, note he doesn't say what year?
Obviously this is right. :rolleyes: