Good LAN games?


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
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So it turns out that a lot of the people in my computer tech program at college are really cool, and we want to all get some games to LAN with at the school. Our laptop requirements for the program are fairly high (2Ghz, 1 or 2GB RAM, 128MB DX9 card), so we can run most games, but we still need some ideas.

The obvious choices we have so far are:

Worms World Party
Unreal Tournament 2004

Anything else? Genre doesn't really matter.
System Shock 2

Hell yes. Really depends on the crowd though. It's also way too easy with more than 2 people.

Also, Unreal Tournament > Unreal Tournament 2004.

Games like Serious Sam or the original Quake can be good for a romp too. Ohh, and Warcraft 3.
If you have a lot of people, LAN Battlefield is awesome. Hell, it's even fun with just a few people.

We might try WC3, but I remember not liking it as much as Starcraft. And we don't have enough people for Battlefield - yet too many for System Shock.
Unreal Tournament (original/goty)
Serious Sam
Quake 3 Arena
The Specialists
If you have time, get an RTS going - I personally reccomend the C&C series, but that's because that's the one i'm most familiar with.
Terrorist hunts or story coop games in pretty much any of the Rainbow Six games can be fun.
Rainbow Six (any)/Ghost Recon(original and expansions), depending on player counts for tactical genre. SWAT 4 is good also, but is smaller in scope.

Warcraft 3, though starcraft is similar in style.

Battlefield if you raided a populated server.

Left for Dead or TF2 ! :D I have a feeling TF2 will be the pinnacle of LAN gaming (non-coop, anyway), and possibly L4D the pinnacle of LAN coop (though it isn't tactical)
Quake 1 Co-Op is always fun if it's a small number of people at a LAN.
Counter Strike Source?

Surf maps are always good.
Css sucks at lans with friends (not at competitive lans though! ;)).

-Atomic Bomberman
-GTA (original series)
-Jedi Knight/Jedi Academy
-Garry's Mod
-BF1942 (Desert Combat)
-FlatOut Racing

And I agree with Q3, C&C Generals, SWAT 4, Worms Armageddon/world party.