good mic for 20-35$


Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
What is a good mic I can get for under 35$. I need it to have 2 speakers and a mic that is not free hanging.
Plantronics - AUdio .90s though be warned the cord is really long and really cheap. Mine shorted after 6-9 months of use. Id definately go for a Sennheiser if you have the extra $$
Logitech precision headset is pretty good, about $20US. Only thing is, goes around the back of your head, with these big ear cups and looks kinda ridiculous.
I also have a logitech headset (don't think it's the same one J_Tweedy mentioned tho). I really have nothing but good things to say about it. Very comfortable, great audio quality, and I've been told by multiple people that the mic sounds good.
Also, if you could add some linkage It would be very much apreciated.
whoamg to that second one, I am going to get it. Thnx tweedy!