good mod idea


Feb 26, 2004
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I have a great mod idea. It would be a D&D mod, but it could be a singleplayer mod, dont say my idea is stupid please... :dork:
your idea is stupid

but, yeah i'm all for it, even though sp ww2 games are a dime a dozen.
really, i think its a good idea, only thing is i couldnt help make it because i would ruin it. But, the thing i CAN do very good is help with the ideas of the game, so if you want to try this mod idea, just respond here. :thumbs: P.S. please think about it :bounce:
I'm awe-struck at this awesome idea. Struck with awe. Awe has come down from the heavens and smacked my bitch ass. Awe.
I want a 'Dawn Of The Dead' shopping Mall level , with zombies that run realy fast n bite other NPC's then they become zombs.

This is totally off topic but wht the heck just a thought :)
I'm talking about Dungeons and Dragons. We could implement statistics and with the source engine spells would have great effects. It would be a story driven mod. We could update the mod with new campaigns and everything. This would be very much worth looking in to, atleast i think so. I could even help with making the storyline. any other questions?
So, uuh.. let me guess.

You have no talent whatsoever, and i've heard "I can help with the ideas" about a million times from various skill-less children.

You want absolute control of the mod as it's your "Highly Origanol (sp?) idea".

You'll soon start spamming,

3d Modellers
Texture artists
Website designers
Someone who can pay for the website
etc, etc..
I have a great mod idea. It would be a D&D mod

This idea is very very weak, it isn't thought out at all. it's just like, "i have an idea its awsome!!! it's blah!" period....


talk about it, tell me about the idea, don't state it. Get me in to it, tell me why you think it's a good idea.

seriously, at least.
i have a webspace with php mysql
i can photoshop
i can map
i can c++ (at least a bit)
i can do webdesign
but i dont wanna work on a mod because i am too LAZY :p
I can code quite well, photoshop, model, skin, animate, make music, record sound effects, map, write fiction, and make a rudimentary website.

Oh, and to top it off, I can think of ideas too. That's why I'm a one-man mod team. The only time I'll need other people in the mod is to playtest. If you have an idea, learn how to produce the majority of it yourself, because unless it's a groundbreaking idea, nobody's going to make it for you, because everyone else has their own ideas.

-Angry Lawyer
dont be so mean... :monkee:

Anyways, im already trying to brainstorm ideas

Story: Imagine, a lush forest, archers waiting in ambush with such anticipation. You are a guard for a small caravan on route to Mirabar. While just walking along the road into a forest you have a sense of dread you cannot explain. soon...AMBUSH!!!
A volley of arrors streak the sunset pink sky. You try to cry out in alarm, but you cant speak or utter a sound. Dozens of guards fall, silent screams on their dying lips. Only you seem to be untouched. Then,all of a sudden,BOOM! A giant ball of fire scorches the earth where the archers once stood, screams of dying men aloud. Nothing is left except the seared ground and the smell of burnt flesh,making you gag with disgust. Then a man jumps in front of you, seemingly out of thin air. Before you can say anything, he starts to scream then disappears into the earth seeming to melt where he stands. You then notice that you can hear your heavy breathing. A woman walks out of the caravan, unharmed. She approaches you then utters arcane words and you disappear, felling as though you were being jerked in every direction possible. You seem to become drowsy and before you know it, blackness overcomes your senses. You wake in a dark dungeon, stripped of everything but you undergarments.

So, is it good or bad? :|
You know that Wizards of the Coast (Is that still their name?-I think it may have changed) will probably be unhappy with anyone making D&D related products without their consent. They have sold the D&D game system rights to companies before so I'd imagine they wouldn't want people using their rules without permission.
well, they would most likely not care as long as i dont use any of their characters. I mean, Warhammer 40K mods are being made, but permission didnt need to be asked because all you have to have is that thing on the bottom that says like " this project is not a copy and is not affiliated with Gamesworkshop", that kind of stuff.
The problem is that the D20 system has a rather unusual licensing situation in that the only exclusive rights to it are in the realm of, software, these belong to Atari, and WotC makes it quite clear when reading about licensing the D20 material that software is not covered in the OGL for it. In other words if you want to make a D&D particularly if you have no talent toward 3D modeling I suggest you check out NWN, you will have to learn scripting, but hey maybe you can find somebody on the forums there to do it for you (I doubt it, though many would be quite willing to help you learn it).

The NWN community is very friendly and very committed to the game, also the developer bioware seems to be similarly committed as they just started a new program to sell new modules for the engine online "steam" style. If you want some more future tech, there is a NWN2 under development, though it won't be out till 2006-2007.

You are welcome to write to Atari about getting the rights to make a source mod using their D&D license, somehow I don't think they will oblige. You could also check this mod:

They have talked about role-playing elements in their game. Or you could come up with your own system that can use ideas based off of D&D. Anyway good luck!
Would a mod based on Angels and Devils in a war be a good mod?

*This is not satanical thinking in anyway,shape or form*
Is this any good??? :monkee:

A war has waged for centuries between Angels and Devils. It will not stop until either Devils or Angels are fully eradicated. Ancient weapons have come into play for the Devils. The Devils are overwhelming the Angels everywhere, Angels dying by thousands while Devils only die by hundreds. God has realized their is only one thing to do. He sends an elite group of Angels to assasinate a general in Satans army. The general has the most powerful weapon in history. If they could possibly eliminate him, the Angels may have hope in winning.

In a universe where divine beings fight, the war may never end. Devils and Angels wage war everywhere. Devastating powers are used. Ancient weapons are held.

This is Apocalypse.....
To be brutally honest, it sounds like the horrible premise for some incredibly crappy budget FPS. If you really want to take on the idea of the apocalypse you should perhaps choose a metaphorical situation ? Also the whole concept sounds like you are trying to take another idea and slop on this religious mythology to make it yours.
He sends an elite group of Angels
Whenever anyone says they're sending in an elite group it always turns me off from the game, I don't know why but it just sounds stupid.
If you ever have a cliche'd or overused concept, there's always a way to make it good - take a different perspective.

Instead of a generic Forgotten Realms fps/rpg where you play a hero, put it in the perspective of you as a goblin, or something. Run around with a mob of AIs, and try and face down some overpowered Hero opponents. Nobody's tried that before, hmm?

Or, in the angel vs. devil track, you could play a random civilian. The world is falling down around you, unkillable daemons stalk the street. Your mission? Survive.

-Angry Lawyer
actually, ive always wanted to be an ant fighting another ant :imu: