Good strategy websites?


Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
I'm a new CS player - just started with CS:S. I've learned a bit, but overall, I keep getting owned over and over. If I break .500, I'm doing REALLY well.

Does anyone have a good website that goes over strategies for each map? I dunno if such an animal even exists. I just keep getting stuck (like being a CT on de_piranesi - just can't make any headway).

Any help? I just want to be able to hold my own a bit more.
The best way to learn is to observe good people. If you need help learning the map layout the best thing to do is start a LAN server and walk around the map until you know which hallway takes you where. The most important thing is to be aware of where the enemies could be, and take extreme caution when going into those areas. Or learn how to snipe ;)
I know the maps in CS:S pretty well at this point. But, for example, in de_piransei, usually the Ts got right for the high ground, and they always seem to get there faster than the CTs can. I'd like to counter that, but short of fighting my way around so I come up on it behind them, I can't come up with anything. That sort of thing.

And, I've TRIED to learn sniping - I just plain suck at it. ;)
I hear ya - I'm a CS n00b as well - I missed the boat on all the previous versions (apart from a few LAN games), have been really enjoying it and even been topping some of the scoreboards, but I'm a bit stuck with buy scripts and general 'best strategies'.

I searched the net, but it seems to be for more advanced CS players talkin' about stuff I have no idea about! Anyhoo, I have found the best method for me, as previously mentioned, is to find the best payer (leading scorer) on your team and follow them around. If you die, switch to them in spectate mode and watch what they do! As well as the leading scorer for the other team, that way you can analyse their tactics!

I guess the main thing letting me down is I don't know what are the best weapons/equipment to buy - but I'm working on it!
I'm a CS n00b too, I love running around unknown halls and find out I'm going in's so much fun to laugh at myself...
Megalomaniac said:
I'm a CS n00b too, I love running around unknown halls and find out I'm going in's so much fun to laugh at myself...
yep thats fun
im a n00b i guess
i started playing cs (cz) during mid summer
i mostly just play
dust, dust2, office, or italy
i reccomend just playing a couple different maps, getting to know them well
then playing other ones
No clue on stat websites except for competition teams.

Best thing to do is just get experience.
Personally, I don't go much beyond bombsites and I don't go in circles (or going through T spawn! Running through T spawn is a big pet peave of mine). I double-back a lot. That keeps me from getting shot in the back and missing the enemy rather than chasing where they were to never find them and hear "bomb has been planted".

If you can handle a rifle well, without letting it get out of control, and place good shots then that is always a good weapon to fall back on.
MP5 is good but you really can't strafe and shoot with it in CSS. You will get torn up, unlike in CS.
USP is my second 'rifle'. Very accurate and can fire pretty quickly. I can generally out shoot others who have MP5s with a few good shots.

I'm a nade whore, so I've become accustom to using Flashbangs and grenades pretty effectively. Just throw these where you think they are going.

Once you get an idea of patterns that they run you can start predicting their moves. That's the biggest help in CS.
adamkelt said:
I know the maps in CS:S pretty well at this point. But, for example, in de_piransei, usually the Ts got right for the high ground, and they always seem to get there faster than the CTs can. I'd like to counter that, but short of fighting my way around so I come up on it behind them, I can't come up with anything. That sort of thing.

And, I've TRIED to learn sniping - I just plain suck at it. ;)
i dont get your sig
but anyway, sniping takes practice, i would probably first practice with barrels because they dont move...
im no good at sniping but i dont practice much...
also, just fire even if you think you wont hit them
because it scares them and you might hit them
ne0_shiny said:
i dont get your sig

Its a Phish lyric = from "Maze" off of Rift.

Thanks for all the advice folks! Seems I've just been doing pretty much the right thing - just need to do it more.

Although, I did fire it up solo tonight and I developed a theory that might work as a CT in de_piranesi - a way to gain control of the high ground from the CT side. I'll have to try it out. :)

I just need to do more of that...
agreed with others.

learn the map, learn to rush, play lots.

only way to get better :)