***If you dont like back story OR long types of rants based on math, skip to where you see $$$ *** Thanks
Hello guys,
I just recently started a new quarter and was as happy as you could be about going into pre calc. The problem became apparent the first day of school when the teacher informed the class that he didnt get paid to teach, but to grade papers. Ofcorse I went to see if any of the other teachers for this "pre calc" were any better, but behold, all the teachers feel cheated, and it shows in how they teach.
Moving along to the problem I have, I am lazy. Lazy is probably a word that doesnt quite fit me as if its something actually important "fixing a car, getting a program finished, doing something that someone has asked me to do." I can do these with realitive ease. The problem that I keep getting is that its almost like my brain DOES NOT WANT TO LEARN THIS NEW MATH.
It started the first day when he said that we would be useing E for these things called logarithm's. I had no idea what E was and neither did the class. The teacher ofcorse FREAKED becuase evidently E is part of the 148 which is college algebra. So basicaly, we are on our own.
Looking at the math, I can tell its actually quite simple. The problem is, is that its almost like I have a mental block that wont allow me to obsorb this crap. Previous bits of math were pointless too but seriously, Log4^6 .... WTF can i use that on? Now, i know thats a simple one, but the crap he wanted us to do for homework tonight was literaly like, take this HUGE mamoth and use this 5 pages of rules to reduce it. ..... There has to be a better way than trying to bash my head into a book that reads like it was made as a refresher for the teacher.
$$$ Is there any good way of learning math? -Pre calc, calc?
Hello guys,
I just recently started a new quarter and was as happy as you could be about going into pre calc. The problem became apparent the first day of school when the teacher informed the class that he didnt get paid to teach, but to grade papers. Ofcorse I went to see if any of the other teachers for this "pre calc" were any better, but behold, all the teachers feel cheated, and it shows in how they teach.
Moving along to the problem I have, I am lazy. Lazy is probably a word that doesnt quite fit me as if its something actually important "fixing a car, getting a program finished, doing something that someone has asked me to do." I can do these with realitive ease. The problem that I keep getting is that its almost like my brain DOES NOT WANT TO LEARN THIS NEW MATH.
It started the first day when he said that we would be useing E for these things called logarithm's. I had no idea what E was and neither did the class. The teacher ofcorse FREAKED becuase evidently E is part of the 148 which is college algebra. So basicaly, we are on our own.
Looking at the math, I can tell its actually quite simple. The problem is, is that its almost like I have a mental block that wont allow me to obsorb this crap. Previous bits of math were pointless too but seriously, Log4^6 .... WTF can i use that on? Now, i know thats a simple one, but the crap he wanted us to do for homework tonight was literaly like, take this HUGE mamoth and use this 5 pages of rules to reduce it. ..... There has to be a better way than trying to bash my head into a book that reads like it was made as a refresher for the teacher.
$$$ Is there any good way of learning math? -Pre calc, calc?