Goofy Radio Music


Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Hey all, new here to this forum. Played through Portal and loved it to death.

I loved the music in this game but aside from my favorite tune "Still alive" that damn radio jingle keeps looping in my head. I keep looking at the OST's people have for it but that radio jingle comes up short.

I was wondering if anyone has the radio music to download? I would really appreciate it. :)
It's in the Portal GCF file.

BTW the song is a radio version of Still Alive.
You can download it here if you're bound to Xbox like I am (Rapidshare link). It's my main ringtone on my cell phone now. :D

To put it on most cell phones, you'll probably need to convert it into an mp3. I'd recommend using Audacity for that if you don't already have something. You'll have to download an additional patch for it (which it will prompt you to do when you try to export the file as an mp3), but it's all free, and a pretty decent program overall.
I swear, I hear this music in my head as I wake up some mornings. Just like the game o_O
How would I get it to be my ringtone, that's sweet? (is it free?)
It's an instrumental version of 'Still Alive', You learn this in the commentary.
Lol i carried the radio with me through level 18.
How do I transfer the audio file onto my cell for my ringtone??? D=
Uhm.. you need a USB-phone cord.. and.. software? Dunno.
Yeah you will need a cable for connection to your PC and software to use it. If your phone didn't come with those you might be out of luck.
I think that there's some websites out there that you can use to send ringtones to your phone, but I don't know how well they work, etc. You can also buy a cable and transfer software for most modern phones, though it's usually poorly designed and a PitA to get to connect properly. Every time I try to connect my phone I have to retry it two or three times before it connects.
Is your phone bluetooth? bcause yo can buy a bluetooth adaptor for your PC for around 8GBP and then send it that way
You can download it here if you're bound to Xbox like I am (Rapidshare link). It's my main ringtone on my cell phone now. :D

To put it on most cell phones, you'll probably need to convert it into an mp3. I'd recommend using Audacity for that if you don't already have something. You'll have to download an additional patch for it (which it will prompt you to do when you try to export the file as an mp3), but it's all free, and a pretty decent program overall.

Yes! Thank you very much for the song. I am bound to the xbox so I couldn't get it like the PC people.

Heh, and yes that was my intent for trying to get the tune. Gonna make it my cell phone ringtone. Thanks once again!:D