Google AdSense.


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
I have a camera that can take ok'ish video's for 35 seconds. In 2007 I took a video of myself TIG welding and just pushed play and put the camera on a table:

I thought it was a cool video. I didn't know how cool the world thought that video was though. Somebody had actually embedded my video into their store trying to sell their welding machines. I had to disable it temporarily and it was off the site last year.

Here is when it gets good though. Google sent me an e-mail saying my video had over 9000 views a few months back! :LOL: So many views in fact that I could make money off it! :eek: They said it would take a bit of time for the ad to show so I abandoned the video again. I recently checked up on the video using Google InSight. On average the video gets 200 views a day, 127,736 in total. The ad companies who put that tiny ad in the middle have received $40.86! In fact I earned $13.59 for October alone! :eek: This is all from a shitty 35sec video that I thought looked cool.

Now they want to do the same on my TF2 video which was probably the first on youtube but I won't make money off Valve expense. I'm just putting this thread here to show you guys that it can pay to put a cruddy video on youtube. :D
Well geeze, maybe I can make a video of me working on my car, and I can make money from some mechanic place saying "Don't you hate it when working on your car takes forever, and always something new pops up!?"
I have a few Red Alert 2 related videos and a crappy 3ds max animation, each one with over 60,000 views, and no one has ever contacted me to place adds on them. I detect bull shit.
So in order to sign up you have to have a website where you can edit the HTML code.. Waste of time unless you own a website..
my deus ex gameplay video gets a lot of views in these days - don't know why
So in order to sign up you have to have a website where you can edit the HTML code.. Waste of time unless you own a website..
I don't have a website, nor do I know how to make a website.
I have a few Red Alert 2 related videos and a crappy 3ds max animation, each one with over 60,000 views, and no one has ever contacted me to place adds on them. I detect bull shit.
I don't know how they do it but it has to be a lot of views (idk 80k) and a lot of views in a day.
My GTA IV video has over 150,000 views, thanks to the popularity of GTA IV.

I don't know anything about AdSense though.
They sent me the same thing for one of my videos that has 60k views. However I can't join the adsense program because the material is of a video game and isn't my own content.

Also Hool how the hell does the video have 127,000 views and only 27 ratings? and your other videos in the series only have like 9k views as well.
I thought this was going to be a whinge fest about the random things Google decides you need based upon the stuff you post.

Google seems to think I have haemophilia. Hmm.

"Haemophilia & You - For patients and those caring for people with haemophilia."

cool video, i can see why it became successful.
Posting how much you make violates the terms and conditions you agreed to when you signed up for adsense. I would recommend you remove this post before they see it.
Posting how much you make violates the terms and conditions you agreed to when you signed up for adsense. I would recommend you remove this post before they see it.

You nAdzi.
i call bullshit, i have an embedded video with 400,000 views and i haven't gotten so much as a handshake...stupid youtube
YouTube contacted me about revenue sharing for this video:

But it's a news broadcast, so I think that would cause problems. It's pretty popular though. I recorded it after I skipped school when GTA:SA came out, haha.

edit: Hard to believe that was over three years ago now. Crazy.

Looks like they changed their terms a bit since I got hit for talking about how much I made. This is from their current terms and conditions:

Confidentiality. You agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without Google's prior written consent. "Google Confidential Information" includes without limitation: (a) all Google software, technology, programming, specifications, materials, guidelines and documentation relating to the Program; (b) click-through rates or other statistics relating to Property performance in the Program provided to You by Google; and (c) any other information designated in writing by Google as "Confidential" or an equivalent designation. However, You may accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments to You pursuant to the Program. Google Confidential Information does not include information that has become publicly known through no breach by You or Google, or information that has been (i) independently developed without access to Google Confidential Information, as evidenced in writing; (ii) rightfully received by You from a third party; or (iii) required to be disclosed by law or by a governmental authority.

So you can tell people your gross amount but you can't share any details about how many clicks you are getting nor how much you are getting paid for those clicks.

So I think your OP is probably fine, sorry about the confusion on my part.