Google Wave


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
I have a few google wave invites, if anyone wants one send me a pm with where you want it to be sent.

Lol i made a thread just for this purpose. Oh well...
I have invites but I'll have to really like you to send you one. I have a family to think of.
I have invites as well, I'll give them out to anyone who wants one.
Do you have a server set up somewhere? I'd like to try it out. It's web based, no (so I don't need to install anything)?
can I just point out that my previous post was actually a request for bribes
Has anyone got a free invite, I would love to try that out?
Well, I'm still without one, so if anyone has too many to carry...
I'm going to PM everyone in this thread and slowly conquer the world via waves.
I wouldn't be suprised if you'd rather give an invite to Dabomb...

but PM me one if you can find it in your hearts.
I'll do favors for you if you give me an invite ;)
I have 8 because I have no friends......... who want google wave ;)
What is Google wave? I'll take one even though I don't know what it is.
(posted on both Google Wave threads)
I'm set up and working. Does not play well with Opera (9.64 anyway). Google Wave should allow us to "chat" or whatever you want to call it on a, eh, wave. Does someone more familiar with this want to send a wave to me to test the chat/email/forum features? It's not much of a test by yourself. Email: tremor11 at