
Wow i had never heard about the Google Web Accelerator before
first google maps and now this?
companies and governments around the world must be going ape
kinda scary for the average user too
Its so true though... if Microsoft came up with this WA thing, people would be yelling and screaming, but since Google did, people cant handle the truth of google is just a big bastard company like the rest. :)
nothing is private online anymore...

not just out streets are turning into big brother, but the net is aswell. :/
well if you use gmail all the text in your mail can be scanned by google and potentially others mostly in order to place user specific ads alongside your mail
I've installed this web accelerator and i have to say it's improved browsing dramatically average loading time for the front page of this site on my 1mb connection was 5 seconds now its 0.7 seconds :) although im gonna decide soon whether its a invasion of privacy after sum research

Edit:I would suggest installing this on a web browser machine, not a work or development machine as not to invade privacy, also if you are worried the evil guys at goole may be readin your e-mails there is a "Do not accelerate these sites" option to which you can add your e-mail site for example
The web accelerator is actually very good, designed for broadband and really speeds up web pages. Although I can't find it anywhere in google features or even searching for it doesnt come up with it. Maybe it is very beta and they are trying to keep it secret :eek:
john3571000 said:
well if you use gmail all the text in your mail can be scanned by google and potentially others mostly in order to place user specific ads alongside your mail
Oh please not the gmail issue again. It's read by a machine, not a human. An email isn't like a letter in a sealed envelope, when you send a mail the data is sent from your computer to your mail server, which reads the data off the input stream, and sends it to the end-user. Whether or not google "reads" your mail is irrelevant, it's the same CPU performing various +-*/ etc. operations on your email data, I don't see how *what* operations it performs is relevant.

And btw you can prevent google web accelerator from accelerating certain sites, or entire domains or subdomains.

Edit: Btw where does it say on the google website that it caches pages you visit?
OMGZoRZ IF I download that teh GooGlE Will know all MY FavorItE pr0n SyteS!!!!!11!1

Its really not all that bad when you think about it. If you don't want google looking through your stuff then don't download it. Its basically software that provides a very good service at the cost that Google could potentially use it as a piece of optional spyware.
OOO guess what, Gman scans your email on what you talk about...omg... Guess what they do with it? All those little text ads..they are based on what you talk about.
Now I havn't noticed one bit. Yet there was a show on it explaining it and warning people not to use Gmail...
Yet.. Gmail is great.

Google is a respectable company, and it Temp stores things. I believe google will once again show that they wont screw over there customers and sell out everyones information.