Gordan Freeman doesnt talk y's that???

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Gordon doesn't talk because if he did you'd find out he's a racist.
And then we'd have threads written by people with names like
"Goran ehates mexicans y's dat???"
Arden said:
Wow, you make fun of the guy and then you say "btw?"

Congratulations, you have officially failed at life.
fyi, btw is an accepted abbreviation, it don't even count as 1337-talk.
And if anyone now has a go at him for putting 'fyi' ... that never even came from computer-land where people flame and laugh then go home and cry.

Anyways, I prefered it this way. I felt a little like I couldn't express myself sometimes, but that was fleeting.
Mechagodzilla said:
Gordon doesn't talk because if he did you'd find out he's a racist.
Mechagodzilla youve got a good and hillarious point i think thats true havent you noticed how there was always tension between He and Alyx? Sexual tension you might say but no its just because Gordon hates anybody with darker skin than him or with a different language (i.e. father gregory) hes just an overall horrible person.... and G-Man is actually Jesse Holmes LOL/
On topic:

Gordon doesn't talk for the same reason as he doesn't have a complete body (just occational hands), a shadow and reflection... Valve thought this would make you feel more like Gordon...

Well, I just watched the F.E.A.R. ingame video... In this game you HAVE a body, which CASTS shadows, and you probably also have a reflection... You even have a voice... I think this works really well...

But I don't think Gordon should have a voice... Just the rest of his body...
Have any of you realized that from the OP's name and the inclusion of the rolleyes smiley that he might be joking? Maybe I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt but I think he was poking fun at people who are actually posing the question seriously.

I don't mind that Gordon doesn't talk because I talk for him. Crazy as it may be, I'll sit at my monitor conversing with the characters and acting in the manner that I see Gordon Freeman acting in.

Case in point: Before HL2 I went and played HL:S, to get in the mood for HL2. I played the entire game not as if I were a gamer who had a HUD, a clearcut goal, and a quicksave button, but I played it as if I were a research scientist dropped into a whole mess of WTF? When the antimass spectrometer went up I crouched Gordon down in a corner of the test chamber and breathed erratically. As I walked around I checked up on the dead bodies, staggering out of the test chamber as if I were in a daze and couldn't believe all the chaos around me. In this way, I gave Gordon personality despite the fact that he never says word one.

When I was in C17 and I met up with Barney I said, "Barney!" really enthusiastically, presumably like Gordon Freeman would have said. I told Dr. Kleiner it was good to see him again. Later on in the game I even told Dr. Breen to f*ck off. :LOL:

So just because you don't hear Gordon's voice doesn't mean Gordon doesn't talk. You are Gordon Freeman. Your voice is his voice. So say something, whatever you want. It's more immersive than picking from a handful of pre-scripted responses, I guarantee.
Everytime Breen asks me to join him I say YES YES YES.....unfortunately nothing ever happens.
Darkside55 said:
Have any of you realized that from the OP's name and the inclusion of the rolleyes smiley that he might be joking? Maybe I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt but I think he was poking fun at people who are actually posing the question seriously.

I don't mind that Gordon doesn't talk because I talk for him. Crazy as it may be, I'll sit at my monitor conversing with the characters and acting in the manner that I see Gordon Freeman acting in.

Case in point: Before HL2 I went and played HL:S, to get in the mood for HL2. I played the entire game not as if I were a gamer who had a HUD, a clearcut goal, and a quicksave button, but I played it as if I were a research scientist dropped into a whole mess of WTF? When the antimass spectrometer went up I crouched Gordon down in a corner of the test chamber and breathed erratically. As I walked around I checked up on the dead bodies, staggering out of the test chamber as if I were in a daze and couldn't believe all the chaos around me. In this way, I gave Gordon personality despite the fact that he never says word one.

When I was in C17 and I met up with Barney I said, "Barney!" really enthusiastically, presumably like Gordon Freeman would have said. I told Dr. Kleiner it was good to see him again. Later on in the game I even told Dr. Breen to f*ck off. :LOL:

So just because you don't hear Gordon's voice doesn't mean Gordon doesn't talk. You are Gordon Freeman. Your voice is his voice. So say something, whatever you want. It's more immersive than picking from a handful of pre-scripted responses, I guarantee.

So you're talking with the monitor...great...
Digital_Junkie said:
Can anyone think of one other game that generated as much philisophical discussion, clue hunting, dialogue anylization, and wild theories that HL2 has created?

The Halo series.

Honestly, you should hear some of the ideas its community comes up with.
HALO OMFG HALO Suxx0rs teh big 11!1one 11 one !!eleven and its not even the best console game ot there... its doesnt even compare to Duke Nukem' 64 ROFL and yes i HAVE played HALO and HALO 2
actually im making a retraction it doesn't suck that many ones maybe just teh big 1 but what i dont like is when people compare HALO 2 to Half LIfe 2
FaultySanity said:
Dude, you have the WORST grammar I have EVER heard.

So you read posts out loud to yourself?

Anywho, I like the fact that Gordon never speaks. And that idea that Gordon snapped? That's goddam awesome. It's probably the most badass thing I've heard about Mr. Freeman.
Axyon said:
Valve wanted to make it feel like you were playing the game, not just some one-dimensional, one-liner spouting clone.
You're exactly right; it's the player's buisness... nay, duty to provide these one-liners. We don't need any voice actor to do that for us.

"Take that you old Has-Breen!"
and the following sentance, useful for any Breen / G-Man meetings / Mr T conventions:
"Quit your Jibba'-Jabba' Sucka' "
We need just one word from him , ONE WORD !!!! And that will be enough to know how his voice sounds like . Be that something like ouch or sh*t or something . Not those quiet ones like he makes ... fff , sss .
Here's why he can't talk.

If you listen to the Breen announcement to the Combine troops inside Nova Prospekt berating their performance he mentions that Freeman barely got his PhD and explicitly suggested that he had a disability that would hinder is further progression. Although I don't have the full transcript, I think it's either a good joke or Gordan really CAN'T talk and nobody around him has caught on to it. That MIT education is really paying off, hm?
deus ex machina said:
If you listen to the Breen announcement to the Combine troops inside Nova Prospekt berating their performance he mentions that Freeman barely got his PhD and explicitly suggested that he had a disability that would hinder is further progression. Although I don't have the full transcript, I think it's either a good joke or Gordan really CAN'T talk and nobody around him has caught on to it. That MIT education is really paying off, hm?
I think Breen meant he had disappeared for ten years.
AJ Rimmer said:
I think Breen meant he had disappeared for ten years.
Exactly. He's talking about Freeman being "in a state that precluded any development of covert skills" since Black Mesa. If anything, not being able to talk would be an addition to those Covert Skills...
Darkside55 said:
I don't mind that Gordon doesn't talk because I talk for him. Crazy as it may be, I'll sit at my monitor conversing with the characters and acting in the manner that I see Gordon Freeman acting in.

My friend I do the exact same thing! Plus I nod with the mouse by moving it up and down. People flamed me for it too, because I actually started a topic on it, a month ago.

Anyway I feel the same way.. this is why Gordon doesn't talk.. Talking for him adds a lot of fun to the game..

Did I mention my girlfriend made me an orange HEV suit out of workout suit, so I can wear it while I play? Just kidding.
I was gonna say i dont think anyone could get a gf if they play that hardcore rofl
Well it's not like saying a few lines while playing a game is inhibiting your ability to go up and, God forbid, talk to women. :LOL:

It's just that while you're playing a game you might as well make the most of it. Myself, I tend to get really caught up in some games. The degree varies, but if I'm really enthralled in a story I'll get into it. Whether it be saying lines for Gordon Freeman when talking to an NPC, or if just screaming out, "Oh fsck, BALLSY!" during an intense action scene (a very un-Freeman-like thing to do, hehe), it all depends.

It's easy to hear that and get flamed for it because it seems out of the ordinary. Guys like NJspeed and I are sitting there, talking to our monitors. It's funny. But one of the failings of getting old is losing your imagination. Playing a role is an extension of the imagination. You're immersing yourself in another place where you aren't yourself, where you're somebody else. People tend to lose themselves in games anyway, they just don't realize it.

For example, when you get scared in a game or you get your adrenaline pumping, you've momentarily lost yourself, because if you were always completely aware that you were sitting at your desk playing a game how could a headcrab leaping out at "you" be scary? You'd always be aware that there's no way the crab could get out of the monitor, and it'd just be stimulus on a screen. The reason you get scared is because you're going through it seeing through someone else's eyes, and for a brief moment you forget that the crab actually isn't going to jump out and bite you in the face.

So really going a step further isn't too hard to imagine from that. You're playing Gordon Freeman, you act like Gordon Freeman. It's just one of those things, either you have the imagination for it or you don't. Haven't any of you played around with your imagination when you were kids? I'm a grown-ass man (21) and I still hold onto my imagination. It makes life (and games) funner.

Ninja edit: I have been sig-quoted. Awesome. :thumbs:
I seem to remember that Valve said... in either RtB or "the final hours of Half-Life 2", that they were investigating the possibility of allowing the player to talk with the NPC via a microphone. Something for HL3 perhaps? Just you wait - the monitor talkers won't be as strange then ^^

Also, just to mention it: the other mystery about the player character's presence in the game, is that he casts no shadow and has no reflection. I suppose this was also to enhance the sense that Gordon Freeman is you, which would be shattered if you could see his face...
I can't imagine how they'd do something like that with current technology. I mean, you'd have to pick from a predetermined set of phrases, wouldn't you? You couldn't say whatever you want to NPCs and have them realize what you're talking about. The only place I can really see that working is when Freeman commanded those rebel teams.

You: "Let's go."
Rebel: "Alright Dr. Freeman, lead on."
You: "Wait here."
Rebel: "Right, we'll wait right here."
Rebel: "Hey everybody, let's follow Free--"
You: "Don't you friggin' dare."
why....why.. :bounce:

why did gordon freeman don't talk it's really strange....will be so beautiful when G.freeman talking with other's u will feel the adventure and action.... I hope in hl3 G.freeman will have a tongue... and will be nice. :thumbs:
okeydokey89 said:
why did gordon freeman don't talk it's really strange....will be so beautiful when G.freeman talking with other's u will feel the adventure and action.... I hope in hl3 G.freeman will have a tongue... and will be nice. :thumbs:
nah... I would still prefer Gordon to be silent. :borg:
i think gordon doesn't talk because it makes a feeling you are g. freeman.
WormsME said:
i think gordon doesn't talk because it makes a feeling you are g. freeman.
yeah... you are right about that... that's why I like HL games... it gives you the feeling u are inside teh game. :smoking:
WormsME said:
i think gordon doesn't talk because it makes a feeling you are g. freeman.
:LOL: ... what if u talk while u playing...i mean sometims they told to G.freeman something get u angry :angry: & like to talk :flame: