Gordan Freeman = ME!! Yeah, that's right, ME!

So the infallible Tantalus admits he should have done something different? Amazing!!! I was beginning to think it would never happen!

Yes, that's true, spammy threads are shut down and locked as soon as moderators or administrators see them. That's not to say that all threads are. At least 50% are let through because no one wants to bother, they aren't bad enough to merit a shutdown, or they're just a different flavor of SPAM. Who's to say which applies in this situation?

Then again, maybe any moderators would agree, but haven't seen it yet. I don't know, and I don't feel like explaining further.

Apparently when you saw the original definition in my post you decided that was enough information to reply upon, Tantalus, and therein lies the problem. You see, I went on to state how my using of the term "SPAM" deviated from that definition. Of course, I didn't expect your attention span to hold out that long. It's common sense that spammers don't have the longest of attention spans, and you don't seem to be an exception. So, in all likelihood, you won't even read any of what I'm typing right now. Not that it matters. My initial point is the same: This thread is SPAM, and whether or not it's shut down, that fact is going to hold.

For more proof of Tantalus' ploy to boost his persona, as he seems to be trying to do with his incessant polls and nonstop posting, read my OffTopic "PM" topic. That includes you, Tantie.

lukrebu said:
So the infallible Tantalus admits he should have done something different? Amazing!!! I was beginning to think it would never happen!


Actually, if you read the entire thread like you were supposed to before responding I admitted to that mistake earlier.
I'd much rather read spam than flamebait... *cough*
Let it go, lukrebu. Move on.
with his incessant polls and nonstop posting
So participation in the community is a bad thing now? I see...
Oh, I fully realize that. I read the thread, however painful it was. Your quote you're referring to is: "By the way, sorry if the title seemed a bit... obnoxious. But I wanted it to attract attention."

Nowhere in their did you display regret for your choice of the title. You said it was obnoxious, but that's not necessarily a negative adjective, or else... no, I'll resist putting you down. I think you've had enough, and it's obvious you're realizing how stupid your thread, and, by association, you, are. Kinda feel sorry for you.

Not sorry enough to overlook the fact that once again, you skipped the bulk of my post and chose to ignore the relevant information I brought forth. Hey, that's your style, and to each his own.

edit: Participation can easily be a bad thing. Someone who joins and posts a topic a thousand times that simply says "I COOCKSKCOSOFKDJFLSDJ:KL:FSJDKDF:" is taking an active role in participating in this community. However, not in a positive way. He needs to think over his posts a little more deeply, and maybe he'll post something of a little value as a result. Just a suggestion.
lukrebu said:
Oh, I fully realize that. I read the thread, however painful it was. Your quote you're referring to is: "By the way, sorry if the title seemed a bit... obnoxious. But I wanted it to attract attention."

Nowhere in their did you display regret for your choice of the title. You said it was obnoxious, but that's not necessarily a negative adjective, or else... no, I'll resist putting you down. I think you've had enough, and it's obvious you're realizing how stupid your thread, and, by association, you, are. Kinda feel sorry for you.

Not sorry enough to overlook the fact that once again, you skipped the bulk of my post and chose to ignore the relevant information I brought forth. Hey, that's your style, and to each his own.

edit: Participation can easily be a bad thing. Someone who joins and posts a topic a thousand times that simply says "I COOCKSKCOSOFKDJFLSDJ:KL:FSJDKDF:" is taking an active role in participating in this community. However, not in a positive way. He needs to think over his posts a little more deeply, and maybe he'll post something of a little value as a result. Just a suggestion.

This thread has a little more worth than "I COOCKSKCOSOFKDJFLSDJ:KL:FSJDKDF:". And I did display my regret for the choice of title... last time I checked, that's what 'sorry' means. And you obviously haven't resisted putting me down.
heh, this guy just registered here... and he's already trying to play "thread police".

Sorry guy, you haven't quite earned that privilage yet.
*points to the ! button to report threads*
If you really think something is spam, then report it...

You over here saying that he need to apologise bedause his threads title says what it says? Because he made it like that to draw attention? I'm sorry, we all try to make our thread titles attractive; we all want the threads we make to be popular. This is nothing new to the internet.

Down boy...down
No, "sorry" is an apology, offered for condolence and leading someone to BELIEVE you're expressing regret. Actually stating that you wish you had done differently is the action of expressing regret.

I feel like a dictionary, with all the definitions you're requesting.

edit: It's spam. Spam is usually not closed. And I don't see myself suggesting this thread be closed down at all. You're putting words in my mouth. I don't think it should be closed. I think it should be recognised as spam. There's a huge gap you obviously can't grasp.
lukrebu said:
edit: It's spam.
In your opinion...
Spam is usually not closed.
Of course, you obviously know that! Because you've been around here for so long...
*slaps forhead*
You see, actuall spam is delt with around here...not always in the most expeditious manner, but it is delt with.
And I don't see myself suggesting this thread be closed down at all. You're putting words in my mouth. I don't think it should be closed. I think it should be recognised as spam.
Good job, you got your point across in your first rant about it. It needs no further support. Let it go. Give it up. No one is agreeing with you. How many more ways can I put this?
*pulls out Thesaurus*
Tantalus said:
I remember it clearly. I stepped off of the train. Walked through Black Mesa. Triggered the resonance cascade. And I'm not the g-man.
Great, gordon = white trash.
THNX that really boost's my spirit while playing SP next time, knowing that after all this, he returns to his trailer park to live with his drunken dad and his 8 month's pregnant 11 year old sister .. JOY!
These aren't the only forums in existence, you know. The fact that I haven't been here long doesn't mean I'm ignorant of how forums are run. Furthermore, you're retarded.

Game, set, match, stop playing.
I'm off to bed. WhiteZero, you keep on arguing with me, I might come back and read your most recent post tomorrow. In my absence, you might actually win an argument. Imagine that. Night night, kid.
lukrebu said:
These aren't the only forums in existence, you know. The fact that I haven't been here long doesn't mean I'm ignorant of how forums are run. Furthermore, you're retarded.

Hmmm, name calling now, eh? I believe by the Rules of Argument, you've just offically lost. gg
How you say...Game, set, match...
Why don't you just make that your sig, since you seem to like posting it so much, even though your argument is criticly flawed.

Oh look! You'r thread in Off-Topic got shut down ;( ... I wonder why?
These aren't the only forums in existence, you know.
Really?! Ya don't say! I administrate my own forum...
The fact that I haven't been here long doesn't mean I'm ignorant of how forums are run.
No, however it dose mean that your ignorant on how these forums run, sir. Not all forums are run the same, "you know".

gj, gg, good night.
subtlesnake said:
I've been saying this all before. The player is Gordon now.

Yes, but unfortunately no one listened. Lukrebu may or may have not actually helped this thread...
In my absence, you might actually win an argument.
Your participation through out this argument is irrelevant, seeings that your "argument" was obiously opinionated and hallow in the first place.

Hmmmm, lets look at the breakdown of what just happened:
1.) Guy1 posts a harmless thread.
2.) Guy2 barges in, yelling "omg! Spam!"
3.) Guy1 defends himself.
6.) Guy2 dosent get the point that no one cares about his argument, continues empty slander.
7.) Guy2 desperately attempts to gather support against Guy1 by creating a thread in Off-Topic. His "covert" attempt is quite obvious, by his blatent reference to the Off-Topic thread in Guy2's own thread.
8.) Guy2's thread in Off-Topic is closed and his argument is further destroyed.
9.) Guy2 breaks under his own ignorant and unsupported argument and regresses to childish name calling - exits the forum for the night... hopefully forever.

Bum-bum-bum, another one bites the dust.
Tantalus said:
I remember it clearly. I stepped off of the train. Walked through Black Mesa. Triggered the resonance cascade. And I'm not the g-man.

will you please please please STOP POSTING SHIT EVERY 3 SECONDS
What the?
Why doesn't anyone respect this theory. It could very well be true that GMan is Gordan Freeman. I have proof, just look at my avatar, it's the same person!
Teh_Poet said:
Sheesh, calm down.
Its a safe bet that Wraith has calmed down, considering this thread is over three months old. :rolleyes:

And I bet he had a very good reason for saying what he did.
After all, Tantalus is banned.
one of my cousin look like free man has same glasses and moustache i think it is funny :) but he not like play computer games, he thinks it is a waster of time.
This is a clear indication that free-thought should be abolished.
You agree.