Gordan's weapon loadout.

Herr Mike

May 6, 2006
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Lets be real. Unless the laws of physics don't apply to hazard suit pockets, there is no way Gordan could carry all that heat.

What do you feel he could realistically carry? And since you have to be choosy about what it is, which weapons would you bring along? Keep ammo in mind.

Crowbar. It just makes sense to have a crowbar in a post-invasion world.

9mm. Holstered.

SMG. You could sling this one but you'd have a hard time toting 225 rounds.

Grenades. Gotta have a few. Clipped to something.

Magnum. Would replace 9mm but you just couldn't due to ammo shortage.

Gravity Gun. You pretty much have to have this heavy bastard. On the back.

Shotgun. This or the SMG could be slung. You have to think, the SMG sucks but you get the ammo crate on your buggy. Still, I'd take the SG. Replaces SMG.

Combine Assault Rifle. Hard choice here. You'd need to ditch the GG or the shotgun. You have to keep the GG. Not a great range weapon but better than the SG. Close range SG is slightly better I think. Ammo not hugely plentiful for either. Secondary mode gives it the edge.

Crossbow. Leave it.

RPG launcher. Ha. You better hope there's one around when you need one cause you couldn't carry this beast. Use and drop.

Antlion spore. You could store this in your undies.

So, optimal practical weapon loadout according to me would be crowbar, GG, 9mm, grenades, and the combine assault rifle.

Now, if they let you use the car trunk...
I don't think you understand how uber Gordon is, I'll show you how I picture him in-game, I don't have time to do a proper picture right now so this crude diagram will have to do.

You want it to be more like Halo?
And who is 'Gordan'?
I've never played Halo, it gets points for addressing the issue. :p

Great picture! I see him as a moving mound of ordnance, with eye holes.
My guess, teleportation. Whatever weapons he isent using just float around in some void till he swiches.
He just has them. And they appear. That's like "we does space invader get his infinite supply of bullets?"

Calls for serious facepalming
The topic is not how he carries the weapons, but what he should carry if he was limited to a realistic inventory.
Crowbar. It just makes sense to have a crowbar in a post-invasion world.

9mm. Holstered.

SMG. You could sling this one but you'd have a hard time toting 225 rounds.

Grenades. Gotta have a few. Clipped to something.

Magnum. Would replace 9mm but you just couldn't due to ammo shortage.

Gravity Gun. You pretty much have to have this heavy bastard. On the back.

Shotgun. This or the SMG could be slung. You have to think, the SMG sucks but you get the ammo crate on your buggy. Still, I'd take the SG. Replaces SMG.

Combine Assault Rifle. Hard choice here. You'd need to ditch the GG or the shotgun. You have to keep the GG. Not a great range weapon but better than the SG. Close range SG is slightly better I think. Ammo not hugely plentiful for either. Secondary mode gives it the edge.

Crossbow. Leave it.

RPG launcher. Ha. You better hope there's one around when you need one cause you couldn't carry this beast. Use and drop.
God, I'm glad Valve didn't decide to go with the "exchange one weapon for another" system. Specialized weapons like the crossbow would have become almost useless because they're not vital, just suitable for certain situations, so given the choice between one of them and, say, being able to carry both an SMG and a shotgun, most would choose the latter. :hmph:
I don't like that kind of answer but, WHO CARES? IT'S A GAME!
Realistic inventory? A crowbar. That's it. He has no pockets.
Realistic inventory? Don't piss in my ear and tell me it's rain. You do realize the Grav-guns not real right? This is the same as the thread I'm talking about.

(that piss in my ear thing is a Mass Effect quote btw)
How dare you say leave the crossbow m***af*cka!
The Crossbow has the longest range of any weapon.
Piss off. I like Sniping.
During Our Benefactor's when the magnetic security grid disarms you, it doesn't appear that carrying all those weapons would be that daunting.
its called hammer space dude. its just a game yall

stop trippin like a geek an just enjoy the game
Trippin' like a geek? Wow. Just wow.

The crowbar's a keeper, it's not that big and not so heavy.
I'd keep the pistol too, and I would keep that crossbow for sure. :\

As far as carrying goes, I personally believe the idea that it's all held to the HEV suit through the use of magnets or something. (Go check out the other thread about how Gordon carries his weps, it's fun.)
Personally, I could complete the whole game with a grav gun. Possibly a Hivehand, if it wasn't on hard. A pistol, if the need arose and there was enough ammo. I could easily do it with a shotgun. Hell, I could complete the whole damn game with a crowbar!
I read alot. Exeprt your posts...for some reason they give me headaches.
It's shocking how many people simply do not read.

yeah it sure is. if u had read MY post, you would have read "itz just a game". that meanz i think ur whole "REALISTICLY wat culd GF carry including ammo" is retarded. u must hav missed that, so i am pointing it out 2 u again, becoz u didnt READ.
Ha! I like you Mc Bane. I also like simpsons as you can tell be one of my quotes.
yeah it sure is. if u had read MY post, you would have read "itz just a game". that meanz i think ur whole "REALISTICLY wat culd GF carry including ammo" is retarded. u must hav missed that, so i am pointing it out 2 u again, becoz u didnt READ.

this is not msn.
I've never actually seen anyone spell "moron" as "moran" until now.

If you think this topic's retarded, then go find another discussion.
I've never actually seen anyone spell "moron" as "moran" until now.

hook, line and sinker. awesum. its too esy with ppl liek u. please be more of a challang in future.

u dont get out much, do u.
yeah it sure is. if u had read MY post, you would have read "itz just a game". that meanz i think ur whole "REALISTICLY wat culd GF carry including ammo" is retarded. u must hav missed that, so i am pointing it out 2 u again, becoz u didnt READ.

Probably because you didn't TYPE.

lol u relly shud lern 2 tipe it makes thngs easier 2 read n u mite actually b listnd 2
wer not txtn n wer nt msn so u shud take time 2 rite psts so ppl take time 2 read ur mssges

its rely hrd 2 reed a pst wen its not ritn proply thngs gt so cntrctd u strt wundrin wat thry mnt s js tp prbz k?


Edit: On a real (and well pronunciated) topic, you do sound like a child when you don't bother to type properly. Especially when you don't make sense. Or you think that someone pointing out your mistakes is "falling for something", because really, you can't even spell challenge.
You remind me of myself ten years ago. Seriously dude, grow up.

And on the "getting out" note, someone who speaks with "u"s and "liek"s and "ppl"s obviously doesn't leave his computer much. Get out. Get a life. Get a girlfriend. And get a kitkat.
I love it when people think that they're superior for taking shortcuts when typing online.

Oh yes, I am definately on a lower level because I prefer 'you' over 'u'. Why did I read so many books when I was young? If only I had taken another path filled with Steven Seagal movies and friends who didn't know how to count further than twenty. Oh, how I regret my wasted life.

If you haven't gotten the point by now then it would probably be better to just leave.
Probably because you didn't TYPE.

lol u relly shud lern 2 tipe it makes thngs easier 2 read n u mite actually b listnd 2
wer not txtn n wer nt msn so u shud take time 2 rite psts so ppl take time 2 read ur mssges

its rely hrd 2 reed a pst wen its not ritn proply thngs gt so cntrctd u strt wundrin wat thry mnt s js tp prbz k?


Edit: On a real (and well pronunciated) topic, you do sound like a child when you don't bother to type properly. Especially when you don't make sense. Or you think that someone pointing out your mistakes is "falling for something", because really, you can't even spell challenge.
You remind me of myself ten years ago. Seriously dude, grow up.

And on the "getting out" note, someone who speaks with "u"s and "liek"s and "ppl"s obviously doesn't leave his computer much. Get out. Get a life. Get a girlfriend. And get a kitkat.

I love it when people think that they're superior for taking shortcuts when typing online.

Oh yes, I am definately on a lower level because I prefer 'you' over 'u'. Why did I read so many books when I was young? If only I had taken another path filled with Steven Seagal movies and friends who didn't know how to count further than twenty. Oh, how I regret my wasted life.

If you haven't gotten the point by now then it would probably be better to just leave.

again 4 da slow ppl:

sure. i type liek that because im a retarded, uneducated moran who also has parkinsons. i cant help it.

hook, line and sinker. awesum. its too esy with ppl liek u. please be more of a challang in future.
First, I have a hard time believing people on the internet when they claim to have a disease, serious mental disorder, or had a parent die. People usually say things like that to shift arguments into pity parties. If it's true that you are retarded and have parkinsons, then it sucks to be you. You will gain no sympathy from me if you use any illness as an excuse to be a jerk whether you are mentally handicapped and have parkinsons or not.

Secondly, because I am new to this forum I don't want to appear to be a complete ass (even if it is to someone who deserves it). Any other place, I guarentee that I'd be more than a challenge. Especially in person.

Kawaii, I'd get an avatar, makes you less nooby :p.

Mc Bane... huh, even with a name like that you just sound like a complete moran... you just repeated yourself. Which works if no-one listens. Unfortunately, several people have responded to your comments, telling you how stupid you are for saying them, and yet you believe your argument will be won by repeating the same comments that got you buggered in the first place.

You type like you're retarded, sure, but that's not fair on people with mental disabilities. They at least try to type correctly. And having parkinsons is no reason to laugh. It's serious, and you're just a dumbass for even bringing it up.

And again, saying that we "fell" for something just makes you an even bigger prick. You just don't get it do you? You try to sound like a gansta with your "da"s and your "4"s but you just sound like an 11 year old chav who just got introduced to the internet.
I noticed when I was browsing another topic :p. Very nice. Kind've creepy though D:

You try to sound like a gansta with your "da"s and your "4"s but you just sound like an 11 year old chav who just got introduced to the internet.

close. i r a 10 year old gnagsta from da hood. da guy in da middle iz my hero.
All the guns in a black bin bag held up by the gravity gun in a special harness on his back.

McBane, shut your ****flaps.
You are probably the sassiest newb I've seen in a long time. Lets tone it down.
"Did you hear that Even, we were complemented". But srry I give it when it's deserved no toning down here. But again thx for saying such a nice thing.