Gordon and the Homies



Gordon and the homies is based on a True story back in lets say.... 1970 :afro: kinda creepy huh anyway lets begin.

Our story begins with Barney the idiot, Kliener the Nerd, Gordon the Leader, and Eli the handicap

The story begins with the "Homies" :afro: and of course Gordon, The story starts of with them walking down the street, "Hey" barney shouts out of nowhere, lets go to burgerholm.Ive heard good stuff :cheese:. what do you think Eli? "aaehahhsm" Eli your not retarted your handicap. "Oh really..." using the stupid buttons to talk. They start to come to burgerholm when the encounter a group of rabid Waiters(combine) using old stale buns as weapons. Using quickful thinking..well stupid thinking Barney detachs the breaks on Eli's wheelchair and sends him speeding down the hill towards them. he completly misses them and hits the citadel with a thud. The Waiters continue to advance.Gordon turns around when something tugs on his shirt. "Cover me gordon". Barney is literaly clinging onto his ass. Gordon thinking he has "Kung Fu" skill runs up and trys to smack the combine it just grabs his arm twists it and Gordon starts to cry. "Man down, MAN DOWN" he yells. Kliener runs up with a whirlwind of sissy slaps.*slow motion* FWAP FWAP CA CHUNK* They all dissapear. And the homies continue into burgerholm. There they see Father Piggory, taking up a corner and holding a huge hamburger in his hand."OOOH they called me crazy but i care not for i am Hungry and you are my helping". The homies start to order. Yes id like some friesnholm and uhh a large zombie guts shake. Then they head for there normal table which is taken. Enraged barney picks up a can and shakes it till its foamin nice a guud, and hurls it towards the table and yells out, GRENADE. The people flee in disgrace out the door as the pop can spins like mad on the table. Father Piggory looks up from his 90' sandwhich. and yells out "Patience Brother, you coulda had your table in time". They start to eat. So im thinking after this we go swimming. the choise is. The docks, Ravenholm Community Centre, Or Route Kanal.. Gordon and Kliener discuss in leet and end with the desicion of the docks. suddenly out of nowhere a zombie runs in. FOOD FIGHT, Barney, Gordon and Kliener get up and start throwing there Poutine at it. Father Piggory yells "LIKE THIS MY BROTHER" he stuffs a hotdog down the shaft of his Annabelle and fires it through the zombies head. The homies leave burgerholm. Nearing the docks Kliener asks Did you bring your trunks and Gordon replys "No, but i brought my Goku. NAAAAHAHAHAHHAHA. back to reality. Barney rips off the snazzy combine suit and jumps into the river where itchyosaurs are swarming. and does a cannonball. Kliener put his hand on his chin and says "Not too shabby". 2 hours later. barney emerges fine as if wearing Crisco Bikini Wax. 2 hours i waited down there...I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED.. "Shoulda.." gordon mumbles. They head down to the Basketball Arena. They start playing Barney insists he gets number "69" they start playing against the Vortigaunt. Dr Kliener pulls out this fandangled machine and says "Dont worry ill win it for us" and the ball is instantly teleported to Xen. A Vortigaunt grabs the ball with his green lazor and dunks it. "Oh f***ing cheap buddy" Gordon and Barney both punch him in the stomach.
The vortigaunts go for a 3 pointer, Gordon shoots the ball with a RPG and its blown out the window. Barney throws a Grenade into the other hoop and almost gets away with it but it explodes.The vortigaunts chase him and Barney attempts to do a wall flip, Only manages to hit the wall with his feet fall back and yell out "oh **** im gay". Kliener in 5 miliseconds creates a hyperpowered Jetpack and they fly to the Clothing Store to get some new threads :). There is Gangster Man Fixing his pants to show his boxers. He turns around and walks into a mirror while trying to dissapear it smashes and instead he jumps out a window. Gordon bought some more Orange stuff, Barney Bought nothing and tryed to hit on the clerk who held a shotgun to his head, Kliener stood reading a book like the nerd he is. In the end Barney went on to be a National Swimmer, Eli went to win the Paralympics 3 times in a row, Father Piggory went to be the Worlds Fattest man, Kliener read 1,000,000 books in 3 weeks a personal worst... As for Gordon use your imagination, and For Gangster man well he was a fast made up charecter that doesnt deserve and ending
Ummmm... Where to start?

- Paragraphs, please.... use paragraphs!
- Dialogue needs to be separated. New paragraph for each speaker.
- You seem to be unaware of the rules for capitalization.
- Proofread, proofread, proofread!
- Aauugghh! There's just so much wrong!

I'm assuming this was meant to be a comedy, but there's no reason for it to be so......I'm not sure how to put it.

Sorry, I never want to put a damper on someone elses creative spirit, but, well, you asked for comments.
You have no paragraph breaks, or paragraphs period, for that matter. You spelled a ton of words wrong, and, like tinyxipe said, there's too much wrong to count!
Out of my Five-Thumb Rating, this gets a:
I always get flamed for my use of grammar or lack there of......but I don't write Fanfics..... so Pleez edit ur post brendan.....then i'll read it....and maybe you should wait a little bit till you start a new fanfic.
hey marco pollo this is nathan griffy(not my last name). as far as the fanfic goes; grammer, character building (more in-depth backround) and also do some keen aspect that will grab the designers attention ie. sneaking/stealth or gravgun , new kind of genre etc. i know that this is fanfiction but who are we kidding we also want to make this bound to video games thuse we need a component tied into the game well, like scientist making gravgun and using it for gordon. These kinds of things kick ass and take names with a fury, and also will attract more atention. I like the funky groove style but my kind of mod would be 70's based where it'd kinda represent the Viet nam' kind of warfare.