Gordon being able to talk and cutscenes poll

Do you want cutscenes and gordon to speak?

  • Yes i want gordon to speak and i also want ingame cutscenes

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • No i dont want gordon to speak but would love ingame cutscenes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yeah let gordon talk but i dont want ingame cutscenes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Keep gordon shut! and no to cutscenes!

    Votes: 42 97.7%

  • Total voters
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May 12, 2004
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Games like gta3 and hl2 dont let "hero" talk so that the player thinks that they are the hero, in hl3 or any of the episodes do you think they should allow gordon freeman to be able to talk? make it more cinematic ingame cutscenes like halo/gow? whats your choice let gordon talk are keep the nerd quite?I myself would love ingame cutscenes and being able to let gordon talk.
Well covered ground...but Gordon speaking means Gordon isn't you. Which is what Valve wants to get across. Also cut scenes take you out the action. When you are with an NPC talking to you, you feel apart of that scene and interactive. It's far superior to a cut-scene in my opinion.
Gordon should not talk, and Gordon will never talk. No cutscenes, and there never will be.
Well covered ground...but Gordon speaking means Gordon isn't you.

But he know how he looks like :p i know i dont have glasses and brown hair :p
What the point of making the player believe hes gordon freeman when the player doesent even look like the bugger?i like how halo (yes i like halo lol) handles the player hero interaction while oyu never get to see the masterchiefs face you kind feel apart of him, but you know that your not :p
i would love cutscenes but im a whore lke that and i also want gordon to speak because it feels kinda wierd when like you on a elevater with alyx and she talking to you but your not saying anything, wich comes to my second point if gordon doesent talk to girls, im guessing hes a virgin lol

Gordon should not talk, and Gordon will never talk. No cutscenes, and there never will be.

*Runs away crying*
If I wanted cut scenes to ruin my experience, I'd play Halo. Half-Life is different, and Valve doesn't need to follow the rest of the pack.
It'd be a neat gimmick for Gordon to make a passing comment during HL3, and it would just be so unexpected that every player would jump. Heh.

Also, loving the "look in a mirror" idea, even if it wasn't in this thread.
No, no, no. Cutscenes and speaking protagonists aren't bad - plenty of games do them right. However, each game brand should keep to its style. A Half-Life game with cutscenes wouldn't be a Half-Life game, really. The storytelling is part of what made HL series famous, and it should remain that way.
half life has it's own style! we don't need cut scenes liek those other RPG's like final fantacy! and COUNTLESS other ones...just leave half life the way it is!
well clearly by this poll no one wants cut scenes or gordon to talk!
lol cutscenes would ruin the half life saga totally and a voice for gordan now??? nooooooooo
Yes, the majority of people who want a talking Gordon or cut scenes are probably people who didn't play HL1 when it was released, if at all.
haha yes! but seriously imagine how Gordon would sound? he is a major scientist! so his vocabulary would be HUGE!. Would he sound like that old professor? I forget his name..the one who teleports him in the beginning of HL2 with alyx
"Surrender now, Freeman!"

"I believe that, given the impact velocity of a handgun projectile, the tensile strength of my HEV suit, as well as the current levels of duranthium batteries in aforementioned suit, a decision to willingly surrender myself to you would not be statistically optimal"
"Surrender now, Freeman!"

"I believe that, given the impact velocity of a handgun projectile, the tensile strength of my HEV suit, as well as the current levels of duranthium batteries in aforementioned suit, a decision to willingly surrender myself to you would not be statistically optimal"

LOL haha mabye that was an idea in the first hl but mabye many people were to confused by his speech.
Games like gta3 and hl2 dont let "hero" talk so that the player thinks that they are the hero, in hl3 or any of the episodes do you think they should allow gordon freeman to be able to talk? make it more cinematic ingame cutscenes like halo/gow? whats your choice let gordon talk are keep the nerd quite?I myself would love ingame cutscenes and being able to let gordon talk.

Most pointless poll ever.

No cutscenes, and there never will be.

Whilst I agree with the principle, what do think the shot of zooming up the outside of the Citadel at the start of Episode 2 was meant to be? I'm not saying it was a cutscene, but I don't understand how it was meant to be Gordon's viewpoint either.
giant389 I just have to give you mad props on your avatar! haha the first moving one with tetris i ever saw! i waste so much time starring at it haha
The poll couldn't be more conclusive if it tried, that's what the fans think. ;)
It has served its purpose, lock!
Keep gordon shut! and no to cutscenes!
Whilst I agree with the principle, what do think the shot of zooming up the outside of the Citadel at the start of Episode 2 was meant to be? I'm not saying it was a cutscene, but I don't understand how it was meant to be Gordon's viewpoint either.
It was Gordon seeing through the eyes of the vortigaunts.

Also, this isn't Halo. What do you need cutscenes for anyway? It takes you out of the action, wrests control away from you (no matter how brief the cutscene), and generally disrupts the flow. You ever hear people talk about the tram ride in the opening of HL, and thinking it was a cutscene only to realize they could move around? People are always saying how blown away they were by that; that's why HL doesn't need cutscenes. Every major sequence, you still maintain some semblance of control, elsewise when control is taken from you (such as when the G-man is warping you around) it's noticeable and it has more of an impact. You actually realize that you're not in control of your body rather than thinking, "Oh, it's a cutscene taking over."

As for Gordon speaking, why take away the bit of characterization people put into him themselves? Players like to come up with his dialogue in their heads during the game.If he spoke, people'd be like, "That's not what he should say," or "I thought he'd say something else." Or maybe they want him to say nothing at all. That's the whole point of Valve's "You are Gordon Freeman" philosophy. If YOU are Gordon Freeman, you're the one in charge of Freeman's thoughts and speech, all in your head. If he starts talking and you don't want him talking there or want him to say something completely different, there goes your immersion right out the window.

No and no. We don't need cutscenes, we don't need Gordon talking, and I'm very proud of our community on these forums right now to see that the only person who voted "Yes" to this poll was the OP.

As 6Three said, LOCK.
This isnt a Far cry forum.
Gaah........goddamn cutscenes,who needs them?
You ever hear people talk about the tram ride in the opening of HL, and thinking it was a cutscene only to realize they could move around? People are always saying how blown away they were by that; that's why HL doesn't need cutscenes.

You know, it's pretty weird when someone plays HL1 for the first time now. I mean, sure, most people would still enjoy a first HL playthrough now, but they wouldn't really see what was so great and innovative about it at the time. You'd have to sit next to the person playing for the first time and comment about every bit - "this had never been done before", "this place had mindblowing graphics", etc. :)
It Could Be Argued That Hl2 Is A Giant Cutscene In Terms Of Quality And Cinematic Immersion
Pride :)
Most. One-Sided. Poll. Ever.

Sometimes it can be frustrating not having Gordon talk, but half-life would feel so wrong if he talked. Imagine you're looking around and spot Alyx and then you hear, "Wow that fall you took broke your neck that must be teh suxzor! Lolz" - how weird and disconcerting would it be?

You know, it's pretty weird when someone plays HL1 for the first time now. I mean, sure, most people would still enjoy a first HL playthrough now, but they wouldn't really see what was so great and innovative about it at the time. You'd have to sit next to the person playing for the first time and comment about every bit - "this had never been done before", "this place had mindblowing graphics", etc. :)
I'm one of those people. I wasn't into FPS when HL1 came out so I missed that experience. By the time I first played it (a little bit after HL2 was out (played HL1 so I could play HL2)) most of its elements were pretty standard. I still liked it a lot and I appreciate its place in gaming history by looking at the other titles around when it was released but when I first played HL2 it blew me away, I would have liked to have been awed by HL1 in the same way.
Well as said above, there's enough discussion here & the people have spoken in literally the biggest landslide poll I've ever seen. Good job Half-life fans, dis is how we do tings round 'ear.
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