Gordon Freeman based on Morgan Freeman?


Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Just look at the facts :

1) They both have the same surname.
2) They both pull off geeky scientists
3) They both have the same number of syllables in their forname.
4) err.. They both have the same surname!!!!
5) erm........................... err... they sorta look similar, apart from the colour of course.
6) hm...did I mention the surname?
7) Morgan is a similar name to Gordon if you look at the position of the letters.

Well see, look at the insurmountable evidence!

This is why Morgan Freeman should be cast if ever a HL movie is released.

And if you think this post is useless, piss off.
This post is useless. :)
lol, jk, I honestly don't think they look anything alike.. there are better choices for Gordon in a HL movie..

anyhow, aside from their surname being the same, I see no real similarities
Gordan Freeman was based on that dude who writes the story for half-life, can't remember his name.
nw909 said:
Gordan Freeman was based on that dude who writes the story for half-life, can't remember his name.

Marc Laidlaw
don't think morgan freeman would do good as gordon. he could play eli vance though, although perhaps a bit dramatic for that type of character.
Eli Vance is more Morgan than Gordon.
Just because they have the same surname dosnt mean Gordon was based on Morgon,the only thing that the they have are the same, the other attributes dont really go together
Shuzer said:
This post is useless. :)
lol, jk, I honestly don't think they look anything alike.. there are better choices for Gordon in a HL movie..

anyhow, aside from their surname being the same, I see no real similarities

This is why i dont come to these forums that often anymore, flooded with moronic people (no offense to you) and asshole moderaters (no offense to mods). By the way the stuff in parenthesis is sarcasm as i know most people wont get it, thought i would point it out.
mortiz said:
Just look at the facts :

1) They both have the same surname.
2) They both pull off geeky scientists
3) They both have the same number of syllables in their forname.
4) err.. They both have the same surname!!!!
5) erm........................... err... they sorta look similar, apart from the colour of course.
6) hm...did I mention the surname?
7) Morgan is a similar name to Gordon if you look at the position of the letters.

Well see, look at the insurmountable evidence!

This is why Morgan Freeman should be cast if ever a HL movie is released.

And if you think this post is useless, piss off.
You forgot to mention they have 99.99% of their genetical code identical.
Dr.Sbaitso said:
This is why i dont come to these forums that often anymore, flooded with moronic people (no offense to you) and asshole moderaters (no offense to mods). By the way the stuff in parenthesis is sarcasm as i know most people wont get it, thought i would point it out.

Excuse me? What'd I say that was so moronic? He said "don't say this is a useless post," that in itself is a moronic thing to say.

That's like saying "1 + 1 = 3, don't say this is a moronic post." It's simply not true, and you're definitely asking for someone to say it's moronic.

Thanks for trolling, come again. :)
/me bangs their heads together.

If you don't like it, get de hell oot :)
He said "don't say this is a useless post"

no I didn't, I said you can piss off (i.e. stop looking at the thread) if you think it is useless.

I didn't say that you shouldn't think it's useless.
Shuzer said:
Excuse me? What'd I say that was so moronic? He said "don't say this is a useless post," that in itself is a moronic thing to say.

That's like saying "1 + 1 = 3, don't say this is a moronic post." It's simply not true, and you're definitely asking for someone to say it's moronic.

Thanks for trolling, come again. :)

No look at the rest of your post you dumbass, you said "i see no similarities to him whatsoever" or something to that effect, no one on these forums have a sense of humor and think everything is spam even though this is the off topic forum, if a thread doesnt have this is funny or a joke slapped on it then your totally oblivious
Dr.Sbaitso said:
No look at the rest of your post you dumbass, you said "i see no similarities to him whatsoever" or something to that effect, no one on these forums have a sense of humor and think everything is spam even though this is the off topic forum, if a thread doesnt have this is funny or a joke slapped on it then your totally oblivious

Sarcasm doesn't exactly show through the internet too well. Now, what's your problem, exactly? Did I do something to offend you? I find your personal jabs, such as calling me a dumbass, a little offensive and not needed. You really had no reason to attack me as you did.

As an example as to show that sarcasm doesn't show well, look at the replies this thread got. We all thought he was serious (except you, because, you're obviously above us all with your pointless jabs and needless insults), there are alot of not-so-properly thought out posts floating around this forum (ie. your immature and pointless flames), who's going to bother judging if he was being serious or not?

Again, thanks for trolling. You said you don't come here anymore, so why are you still here? Personally, I think this forum is better off without you and you unprovoked personal insults.
Six Three said:
1 + 1 = 4 dummy
This is t3h proper formula bi-tchezz...
1+1=2over 4 which can be reduced to the 1 over 2 and because I like 1 more than 2, it will be 1 over 1 making it a retarded whole number then you do some shit with reciprocals and heres teh answer...
I am t3h Smrt retard-ehs!
*me bounces :bounce: :bounce:
Shuzer said:
Sarcasm doesn't exactly show through the internet too well. Now, what's your problem, exactly? Did I do something to offend you? I find your personal jabs, such as calling me a dumbass, a little offensive and not needed. You really had no reason to attack me as you did.

As an example as to show that sarcasm doesn't show well, look at the replies this thread got. We all thought he was serious (except you, because, you're obviously above us all with your pointless jabs and needless insults), there are alot of not-so-properly thought out posts floating around this forum (ie. your immature and pointless flames), who's going to bother judging if he was being serious or not?

Again, thanks for trolling. You said you don't come here anymore, so why are you still here? Personally, I think this forum is better off without you and you unprovoked personal insults.

Yes i do feel like i am above YOU not everyone else or at least anyone else that can obviously discern someone trying to be funny. And yes i was trying to be offensive to you because i have read so many idiotic posts on this board maybe yours was the last one i read so i finally decided to reply to it, and no i am not a troll because i am only attacking you and i am not trying to do it to just piss you off, more then anything you piss me off trust me. And i came back just so i could tell you how special you are.
lol.. great job starting a flame war moritz ;)

sbaitso, i feel your pain to some degree, and i don't much bother with this place anymore either. however, you are being a dick jumping on shuzer for a fairly innocuous on-topic post.

that said, you can really only take mortiz's post in two ways: 1) sarcasm (which the repetitions of the 'surname'-criterion and the obviously jocular claim of "insurmountable evidence" would indicate) or 2) sheer stupidity. i don't know mortiz's posting much, but why not just assume that it's a humorous post. maybe you don't think it's funny humor, but that's a different issue.

anyway, i agree that these forums are dominated by humorless, overly-sensitive, largely uninformed children (i suppose most children are relatively uninformed..). i also agree that sbaitso was trolling. if you're so upset with the above mentioned behavior, you'd do well not to emulate it.
Dr.Sbaitso said:
Yes i do feel like i am above YOU not everyone else or at least anyone else that can obviously discern someone trying to be funny. And yes i was trying to be offensive to you because i have read so many idiotic posts on this board maybe yours was the last one i read so i finally decided to reply to it, and no i am not a troll because i am only attacking you and i am not trying to do it to just piss you off, more then anything you piss me off trust me. And i came back just so i could tell you how special you are.

If you go back and read my posts, then read your posts, you'll clearly see that you are neither above me nor are you offensive. You just look plain stupid. I just assumed mortiz was serious, seeing as how he actually posted some facts.

And LT, I can only hope you're not referring to me when you say people here are without humor, I can't help but not find pointlessly obscure posts funny. I do however find Sbaitso's immaturity and ignorance pretty whimsical :)
It was in jest, I saw a similar, rather more "serious" post on another forum so I thought i'd do a satire of it.
No, Gordon Freeman is based on my BASIC/Pascal/Java teacher.