Gordon Freeman: High School Years

On episode 5. Brilliant, but the spelling mistakes are bit unnessisary IMO. Hilarious *fourty-three thumbs-up*

Edit: I take it back, the spelling mistakes make it better
Episode 9: Cats and Dogs

Gordons was staring right into the eyes of teh combines secret weapons, CAT. Cat was a mix of a big robot and a tank who shoots missiles out of its arms and cans jump 100 feet in teh air. The combine pout gordons and alyx into an arena with teh cat and wanted to watch it kill them. Gordon with his hazard suit did a jump kick and knocked cat onto its back. This amde cat furious and he picked up gordon and threw him into a wall knockings him out. The cat then looks at alyx and says in a robot voice" now i wills kill you and gordon nubs" Just when CAT was about to jump on Alyx, DOG!!!! jumped into the arena and says "No ones touches my alyx, if you want to get her, you have to go through me's!!!!"

CAT then backed up and prepared to battle with dog. CAT LEAPED at dog but dog ducked. However cat landed on gordon knocking him out again. DOG picked up cat and threw him into teh airs 300 feet high. When cat landed, it hit gordon again. Dog ran overs to alyx and gordon, picked them up, and THREW them out of the arena into the combine bases. Dog then said loudly, "ill finish this, you guys go kill teh combines and take earth back!!!!, lol."

Gordon and alyx then made there way to the MAIN COMBINE HIDEOUT!!!!
Interesting, CAT vs. DOG. One the traditional nemesis of the other.
I think you need maybe slightly less spelling mistakes.

Superfunny though.
Wow, thinking about this just makes my head hurt - something that's happen more and more around here.
Hey, does evilsloth's last post confuse anyone else? Something's going on!
Update coming within the next day or two....ooooooh baby
Episode 10: The Gravity Gun

Gordons and alyx finally gots to the main combat hideout on earth. Its was a big building surrounded by CATS and other combines. The only way gordon and alyx were going to get inside was if they builts a catapult. Gorodn found wood nearby and alyx began building teh catapult. WHen they were done, they wanted to test it, so gordon found a rabbit and shot teh catapult. The rabbit over shot teh building and fell to his death. Grodon laughed but alyx said "GORDON, you just killed teh bunny, why is that funny?" Gordon replied "hair today, gone tomorrow, rofl..!!!111"

alyx was not amused so she threw gordons on the catapult and let it go! Gordon soard hundereds of feets in the air. He began to falls very fast, directly on tops of the building. When he landed, he went through 4 floors until he stopped. Combines were EVERWHERE! gordon took his gravity gun and started shooting tables and desks everywhere, killoings combine. Finally, there was 1 combine left, but gordon didnt see him, he was right behind gordon. Just as he was about to stabs godon in the head, alyx landed on top of him, saving gordon.

Gordon said thanks you but alyx was still mad about the rabbit. gordon and alyx found a teleport to xen, but it was guarded by CATS and other combine. Gordon took alyx's hand, and ran full speed into the room. He then shots everyone with teh gravity gun and dove into the portal!!!!!!
OMG!!!! Hahaha, You don't even have to be high to understand this lol. Gawd, I think i've changed through over 10 pants so far. And I still can't stop laughing lol

Episode 11: The Final Chapter

Gordon and Alyx arrived at xen and were instantly surroudned by headcrabs. Gordon told alyx that this was not the first time she has had crabs and alyx threw teh gravity gun at him. Gordon took terh gun and threw all the crabs away and him and alyx ran and came across a giatn gonarch! Gordon saw that teh large spider had a testicle under it and he started beating the spider until the ball turned blue. AThen gordon left the spider with blue ball and went to find teh BOSS!

After a few minutes they saw the G-man. He opend his briefcase and inside was a nuclear BOMB!!!! Gordon and alyx had no way to escape and the gman was going to blow everything up.

GORDON TOOK THE GRAVITY GUN AND THREW THE NUCLEAR BOMMMB into space and it exploded. Then gordon and alyx took the gman back to earth and he was put in jail.

The End...

(had to end it :) )

The bomb EXPLODED!
I wish there was moar. These fanfics mak me hard.......wait wut.
I would like to take this time to thank all of the little people who have made it possible to create such a work of......art?

Special thanks to Vegeta for his prior work in the animation of another fanfic.

To all you young people out there, dreams do come true, I am a living example. Now I know I will be catapulted into stardom but I want you to know I will never forget you.
"For Those About To Write A FanFic, We Salute You."
