Gordon freeman is my Boss

What the **** are you waiting for, tell him not to put that chrystal in the thing do it go go go call him right now.
Did you know that your name including your last is the same name that over fifty people have?

I bet Gordon Freeman and Gordon Freeman don't.
Sounds like that...

You just found a random (fake) picture from the wonderful world of internet, then you made up a funny OMGLOLWUT story and now you tell everybody the OMGLOLWUT story and show everybody the (fake) picture from the wonderful world of internet.

At least the first post sounds and looks like it.
Oh, and why would you take a picture of you bosses name tag?
Oh, and I could draw a picture like that and print it.

Sorry, I'm bitchy today. O.O
its not a name tag its a business card. a perfectly easy thing to get a hold of espescially at an interview
Haha, does he have an athletic half-black half-asian chick that hangs around him a lot?
Oh This was a random day!! was just applying for a new job ...went in , he shook my hand and said he was Gordon Freeman i was like noway!!! just had to share it with everyone hahaa

lol that's funny and really cool at the same time!