Gordon Freeman main character in Aftermath?


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
Here is a shot from that, the continuation of Gordon Freeman’s adventures that we'll be releasing as an episode later this summer.

I think that's pretty significant. :bounce:
Yeah. I say booo.

From the screenshot he's still in the citadel too apparently.Maybe you have to help Alyx escape with you. Hmmm...
but ... the explosion ?!
how he's still in the citadel ?
well seeing as it has been out for a while that you are gordon in aftermath....NO
Well, that settles that.

Not that it was really a mystery though, since who else was at the top of the citadel with a strong relationship to alyx? :p
No, it was never a mystery, it's just that fantasists like myself kept clinging to the hope that the ending wouldn't be screwed up.

That said, it is Valve's game (in case no one noticed), and I guess it's a safe bet that they'll find a way to shape the story without knackering their own dramatic conclusion.
If it's Gordon I'll sue Valve. I won't believe it's Gordon unless Valve confirm it.
ríomhaire said:
If it's Gordon I'll sue Valve. I won't believe it's Gordon unless Valve confirm it.

dude that news was posted by Valve!
I'd say it's pretty obvious why some people don't want to be Gordon- they're at a loss to explain exactly why HL2 ended like it did if Gordon is just going to be thrown back into the action at the drop of a hat. I bet Valve can do it though...

And yes, unless Valve suddenly rewrite their storyline Gordon will be the player's character in Aftermath. It's pretty obvious they've made this announcement to cater to the disbelievers like myself, so I'll shut up now.
because gordon is mute! who likes cripple people (joking, no offense cripples people)
Gman: Ah, ahem, I know this might seem a little...contradictory, Mr Freeman, but in actual fact myself and your... employers have determined that you will continue your.. mission from where I... interupted.

Gordon: confused expression = what?! why?!

Gman: You see, your employers have decided to arbitrarily continue the game from where it left off, breaking the logic of the story. Very... impressive, I'm sure you'll agree

Gordon: outraged expression = whaddya mean it's a game?!

I fail to see how it's contradictory to the storyline. The Gman had to save Gordon from the reactor explosion otherwise he would have died and no more Gordon. He could have just replanted gordon whereever he wanted right away but instead he decides to taunt Gordon first, once again demonstrating his control.
HL2- Gman: I trust it will all make sense for you in the course of- well, I'm not at liberty to say.

HL2:AM- Gman: Now, in fact. Because the game demanded an expansion. So I was just being all dramatic and sensationalist for no good reason. Sorry.


EDIT: Come to think of it, he mentions offers made for Gordon's services (ones that he normally wouldn't consider in less exceptional circumstances), so perhaps the twist is that the new "employer" wants Gordon to start work on what's left of the Citadel. Or something.
Well, here's more proof for you. My friend went to Valve today, and went on a tour lead by Gabe Newell. During the tour Gabe discussed part of Aftermath, and specificallly said that you play as Gordon. Hopefully I'll be able to post my friends entire email later, complete with additional information about the Lost Coast and Team Fortress 2.
It didn't say you are playing as Gordon, it says continuing his adventure...like if you finish someone elses work...but i want it to be Gordon im just throwing it out there.
I read the PC Gamer (UK) article yesterday. I forget exactly what it said, but it's definitely Gordon...
I cant really tell how this is going to end in a conclusion of 3 main chapters. So he saves the world from the Combine, so what? He saved the world from Xen, that didnt help, i hope there are more than 3- a fool's hope probably
Dammit, i've formed a useless opinion and i'm sticking to it: Valve won't pwn themselves.

Its like pandoras box. You open it up, and there is no putting it back.

He opened up the way to new dimensions.

Now humanity has to live with it somehow.
I know this thread is about Aftermath,but it got me thinking...

the other offers...hmmmm

the dude in the lighthouse with the Gman..maybe the lost coast is one of those other offers in a playable form?

probably not,but hey the lighthouse scene IS on the coast..
and if it all works out, maybe we can finally pay to see the ending of Halo 2.

The only thing I have against AM is that it feels too much like something they snipped off the end of Half Life 2 as an attempt to justify Steam by providing this "quick" expansion pack. Otherwise, bring it on. so to speak.
they could be trying to fool you in to thinking that its gordon when its not really him. when they made metal gear solid 2 they didn't tell anybody about the new charicter till the game shipped. they even redid all the cut senes for snake. but its most likly gordon because the flashlight recharge thing in the sewers
I refuse to believe that it is Gordon until I sit down in front of my computer on the day of Aftermath's release and Alyx calls me "Gordon". Until then I pray that Valve has some common sense to not completely screw up their plot.

Those who don't see how it would screw up the plot, go play the last mission of HL2 and watch the end cinematic. Then tell me it makes sense for Gordon to be dropped right back to where he was.

I swear you'll be playing mossman -_-

Besides, it'd be way too easy, you'd start off with the uber grav gun for t3h win. :rolleyes: