Gordon Freeman's Great Vision...


Jan 17, 2006
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Why is Freeman still wearing specs? I have to, but if I had to run through canals of shite/radioactive waste, dusty streets, grotty caves and blow the general crap out of stuff - I'd need to keep cleaning them, thus allowing myself to get the crap kicked, shot and stabbed out me while distracted. Mind you - it hurts like a motherfuc*er if you get dust under yer contact lenses...
Uh-oh, this'll turn into another helmet discussion!

But yeah, if he does wear one that'd keep the specs clean.
Why wear glasses or contacts at all when he could've had a laser eye surgery to fix whatever problem he had.
Well that whould probably be pretty hard in a combine controlled future, and he didnt realy need it before Half life1.

And he doesnt have a helmet, its a hud. It says so on the clipboard Kliener reads in a red letter day.
If they're reading glasses, there is no reason that he should wear them. If his vision is so bad that he can't tell a zombie from Alyx without glasses, he should wear them :D
Hmmmpff.....they look like reading glasses....I bet the resistance steal his lunch at playtime...
Nope, I don't think they're reading glasses, he wears them all the time(in every artwork he has those glasses on).If they were reading glasses, he wouldn't need to wear them all the time. So an enemy would just have to knock his glasses off and then he would be helpless.
Contacts will not be practical in our post-apocalyptical future.
Maybe they don't have lenses, and he's just trying to look cool.
I think mine look cool. I'd save the world with them on.

And they don’t get dirty That EZ, as a glasses wearer should know. Little spit and a quick swipe on the ol’ shirt and your ready to go. That takes what? 5? 4 seconds to do in your in a hurry? And it can wait till your not busy… Unless you went swimming in a mud-puddle, you can still see out of dusty or water spotted glasses.

Only problem I got is that if he DID want to wipe them on, on what clothing or bit of fabric would he? For he’s wearing a tin/fiberglass suit…
Redneck said:
Why wear glasses or contacts at all when he could've had a laser eye surgery to fix whatever problem he had.
I'm sure that Gordon has a fear of lasers now, after all that's happened. A laser (plus the sample) caused the resonance cascade...rogue lasers cut up his colleagues outside the test chamber...the Xenian mantas used lasers on their attack runs...Combine sniper rifle lasersights...stalkers have (or HAD) lasers...

Anyway, I think it's just that Gordon's glasses never get dirty. Ever. Even if he was covered from head-to-toe in mud, his glasses would be perfectly clean and unaffected (or at least the lenses). How? He's Gordon Freeman...are YOU gonna tell him that can't happen?
I wonder what other health problems he has...on top of the possible myopia, maybe he has high blood pressure, disrupted sleep (if he ever sleeps), anxiety, flatulence?...man - on the outside - as cool as a cucumber....on the inside, a total shakey, wound up spazzy wreck. No wonder he is so tooled up...:LOL:
Duh, he doesn't wear them, just try to read Kliener's clipboard.
I have. I saw what it said.

Everyone kepts telling me to get into the teleporter while i was trying to read it.
Glasses on men are incredibly sexy.........

But I couldn't read the text on the clipboard that well, either... is it because of my settings?
On the subject, has anyone else noticed, how the colour palette changes just tiny bit darker, when you put on the HEV-suit in HL2? That's a bit strange, considering that it seems to lack a helmet...
Lightice said:
HUD usually doesn't cover the entire field of vision. And it needs something to be reflected on...
ríomhaire said:
Duh, he doesn't wear them, just try to read Kliener's clipboard

What are you talking about?
Redneck said:
What are you talking about?
In Red Letter Day, look at the clipboard that Kleiner drops, it's completly illegable.
ríomhaire said:

Indeed. But the suit doesn't appear to have a helmet, when you're not wearing it and in all pictures of Dr. Freeman, he isn't wearing anything on his head. I believe there has been some serious debate, of whether Gordon is wearing a helmet, or not. It would be easier to say that he is, but it's absence in all situations where it could be seen is strange.
Why doesnt anyone listen to me? On the clipboard, that i can read, it says that it has a hud. Thats friggin it!
Lightice said:
Indeed. But the suit doesn't appear to have a helmet, when you're not wearing it and in all pictures of Dr. Freeman, he isn't wearing anything on his head. I believe there has been some serious debate, of whether Gordon is wearing a helmet, or not. It would be easier to say that he is, but it's absence in all situations where it could be seen is strange.
In HL1 there are no gloves visible on the HEV suit before you put it on.

Rizzo89 said:
Why doesnt anyone listen to me? On the clipboard, that i can read, it says that it has a hud. Thats friggin it!
Safety Glasses.

Self Cleaning Safety Glasses.

HEV powered Self Cleaning Safety Glasses.
What are you tryinbg to say ríomhaire? The text is to small on that picture.
Use the zoom on it.
Rizzo89 said:
Why doesnt anyone listen to me? On the clipboard, that i can read, it says that it has a hud. Thats friggin it!

It's obviously a HUD. But a HUD can't exist on it's own - it needs to be reflected on something. Moreover, the HUD in Freeman's suit doesn't cover his entire field of vision - only the parts, where you actually see the information.
In his glasses!!!

And i though a hud was something you pulled over your head. :S
Rizzo89 said:
In his glasses!!!

Possible, but doubtful - I cannot imagine that the suit would have been designed with eyeglasses in mind. And it still doesn't explain the slightly darkened vision in Half-Life 2. Yes, I know that I'm arguing against both helmet and lack of it, but that's because we're given contradictory information by the gameworld of whether there is one, or not.

And i though a hud was something you pulled over your head. :S

That's a hood. Entirely different thing.
Real HUD is the thing, that is reflected in the window or the helmet visor of a fighter pilot so, that he doesn't have to move his head to see the vital readings of his plane, such as how many missiles or how much fuel he has left and whether the enemy is locking on him. Similar concepts have been designed for infantry soldiers, but I don't think that any are still in widespread use.
Rizzo89 said:
What are you tryinbg to say ríomhaire? The text is to small on that picture.
Use the zoom on it.
That's the actual texture of the clipboard, you won't see a clearer verson of it without someone making a custom texture (like the fackefactory mod)
Oh well. I guess he got a helmet on then. :p But the text could be reflected on his glases. If it is as you say, the lamp or whatever is shining on his glases. But the thing is that when he moves his head, the lamp has to follow his movment. Someone email valve and ask. They never send a reply to me :(

yeah well i had fackefactory when i saw it, so your saying they made the text up?
Rizzo89 said:
Oh well. I guess he got a helmet on then. :p But the text could be reflected on his glases. If it is as you say, the lamp or whatever is shining on his glases. But the thing is that when he moves his head, the lamp has to follow his movment. Someone email valve and ask. They never send a reply to me :(

yeah well i had fackefactory when i saw it, so your saying they made the text up?
Yup, more than likely.
My theory, the HEV suit has electronic eye enhancers in them that put images (Health, suit charge, ammmo, etc) into his eyes, also would explain why you can call up the binoculars without having to pick up a pair like in most games, also would explain why he wouldnt need to clean his glasses (he probably keeps them cause he knows Alyx thinks hes cute looking with them on), also who knows what Kleiner did to that suit in the 10 years he was asleep!
Gordon doesn't actually need glasses. He's just scene.