Gordon Freeman's pictures look different everytime.


Aug 13, 2013
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Is it just me or does Gordon look different in each picture, for example:

This one: http://www.gametrailers.com/side-mission/files/2012/07/Gordon-Freeman-Face.jpg Looks different from these down here..I cant figure it out

http://static.comicvine.com/uploads...5808-half-life-half-life-2-gordon-freeman.jpg <In this one he has a more rugged look to his beard and his jawline seems more "long" (second favorite)

This one is my favorite...he looks really handsome all around in this one...http://dogsounds.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/gordon1191709903.jpg

In this one his jawline appears hellishly wider than the others

and the same for this one(third favorite)
http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/EXID5839/images/freeman.jpg I still dont get why Alyxs panties didnt drop at the first sight of him hehe...
I guess his increasing ruggedness could be explained by Gordon gettin' his photo taken at different points.
The first one is probably a selfie, that's why it looks different. ;D
I think it's just how they were drawn not actually differences in his jawline or looks.
They probably weren't all drawn by the same person....
Thing is: Gordon is the only major character in the Half-Life 2 series whose face is not based on a real person. Instead, Gordon's face is more or less a hybrid of several different real-life faces. So, simply put, there is no absolute reference face or singular source for what Gordon's face is supposed to look like. That's why Gordon's various promotional art faces look slightly different from one another.
Gordon always changes facial expressions.
I recall there being a thread about how ugly Gordon is. I disagree, he is neither hot/handsome or ugly, he just look like an ok ordinary guy with lots of charm. Just look at his facial expression on the 4th pic, it's like:
Alyx: "Damn! Gordon, we are done for!!!"
Gordon: "10 Hunters? bit* please, nothing a crowbar couldn't handle"
I recall there being a thread about how ugly Gordon is. I disagree, he is neither hot/handsome or ugly, he just look like an ok ordinary guy with lots of charm. Just look at his facial expression on the 4th pic, it's like:
Alyx: "Damn! Gordon, we are done for!!!"
Gordon: "10 Hunters? bit* please, nothing a crowbar couldn't handle"

Oh come on, you have such bad taste.