Gordon - highly skilled weapons expert??!!??


Mar 9, 2005
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First of all, in HL1 he is a lab-rat. how is he a weapon expert as soon as resinence cascade.

Plus, how does he know how to use alien gun?
Obviously from his vast military training that you didn't know about!!!
Maybe it's cause HL is a FREAKING GAME.
^^ Wat??! HL2 is a GAME!!>>>???? HOW COME NO ONE TOLD ME!!!! AGAHAHAGAGH my LIFE HAS NO MEANING ANYMORE!!!! ffgnksfn;k;ks
I'm sure if I had a strange weapon with me and I was being hunted down by various aliens and humans, I'd probably figure out how to use it pretty fast.
yeah, it's easy to say that, but what if you couldn't figure it out.

btw, were would he keep snarks when not using them?
But what if...It was a game about shooting and if ur main character didn't know how to use weapons..it would suck! As for the snarks...He keeps them in his snark pouch!!
It is meant to be that way. HL and HL2 are about a normal guy being put into the absolute worst situation and having to surviving, sorta like those stories of people being stuck under a car then lifting up the car to escape.
in hl2 gordon is not just a normal guy... I mean Dr.Breen is telling the combine to be on the look out for him because he is the leader of the rebels for christ's sake.
WaterMelon34 said:
in hl2 gordon is not just a normal guy... I mean Dr.Breen is telling the combine to be on the look out for him because he is the leader of the rebels for christ's sake.

I think, Eli Vance is the one who owns that title. Gordon just went and kicked a lot of ass doing his own thing.
I would guess that the HEV suit manages your weapons. For example, in HL1, if you don't have the HEV suit when you get a weapon (i.e., in a custom map or by cheating), you can't see the HUD for changing weapons.
Maybe the HEV has special magnetic plates, so when you need to put away that pistol, you can just stick it on your thigh or shoulder, and it locks into place.
The HEV suit was originally designed for manipulating hazardous materials and Xen artifacts, so it probably has special snark pouches also.
Aside from the hazard course, guns are less than tricky to figure out given thirty seconds to examine them. Load rounds, cock weapon, disengage saftey, pull trigger. Same for all known weapons on the planet. Theoretically, thats how you would launch a nuke...
Launch a nuke?

Lets see...

*Loads rounds*
*Cocks weapon*
*disengages Safety*
*gets the s**t bombed out of him*
*Fires missile*

Just like Evil Masterminds everwhere. Oh, and *laughs maniacly* or is it maniacally?
What about swords and grenades? *Loads rounds* *Cocks sword* *Disengages safety* *Pulls trigger* Hay wait... Where is the trigger on this piece of metal?
I'm sure Gordon had access to TV. All he had to do was watch any episode of the A-Team and he could have figured anything out!
He was trained for weapons cause he was one of the Xen-explorers, altough he didnt have any trip to Xen before the incident. I think they understanded the hostile enviroments at Xen, when they were doing those research trips with those HEV-suits. Thats why they were given weapons training to fight any hostile creature which they encounter there. They were also experimenting new weapons if you remember the part:

Scientist: Careful, do not let it overcharge...

Security Guard: What do you mean, overcharge? (KABOOM)
To me it seems just plain stupid for a single scientist to have killed hundreds of elite soldiers. I know you say "IT's JUST A GAME FOO!1"

But why does Breen mention it then? Breen's like "he's just a theoretical physicist, so why is he killing you all?".

I think it's clear that you're not playing as Gordon (the character), you're playing as yourself. It's not a question of Gordon having great aim and reflexes but the player having a great aim and reflexes, although obviously Gordon is the one handling the weapon.
subtlesnake said:
To me it seems just plain stupid for a single scientist to have killed hundreds of elite soldiers
1 Gordon was a prodogy "I heard about you long before the Black Mesa incident

2 HEV suit

3 He might be a weapon's expert. It's America, you can buy assault rifles from supermarkets.
ríomhaire said:
1 Gordon was a prodogy "I heard about you long before the Black Mesa incident

2 HEV suit

3 He might be a weapon's expert. It's America, you can buy assault rifles from supermarkets.
you can't by AR's from super markets, you can buy pistals and rifles tho
kenyo said:
you can't by AR's from super markets
Put in a clip, pull the trigger. You defenatly have to be a theoretical physicist to figure that out [/sarcasm]
Seriously it is just like an assault rifle but fires pulse bullets (and power cores)
Quote from the Prima guide about Gordon's background -

"Aside from a butane-powered tennis ball cannon he constructed at age 6, Gordon had never handled a weapon of any sort until the Black Mesa incident."

He's clearly just meant to be your average stupefyingly intelligent research scientist, pushed to the limits of self-preservation and determination to survive. Which makes Freeman so cool, because, according to the setting, technically anyone could do what Freeman does (assuming we have the smarts to get his credentials).

Stop crippling your imagination by tearing apart every last aspect of the story, as if you've discovered errors in it when you haven't.
ríomhaire said:
1 Gordon was a prodogy "I heard about you long before the Black Mesa incident
In the leak, Valve indicated that Gordon was pretty stupid, and Breen says that he barely earned his PHD.

But he'd have to be more than a weapons expert, he'd have to be like an elite spec ops trooper. Could someone go through HL on the first play through without dying once?
subtlesnake said:
In the leak, Valve indicated that Gordon was pretty stupid, and Breen says that he barely earned his PHD.

I can't remember exactly what Breen said, but my impression was more that Gordon had "barely earned it" because he had only just finished working on it, time-wise, not that he was only just capable of earning it...
pomegranate said:
I can't remember exactly what Breen said, but my impression was more that Gordon had "barely earned it" because he had only just finished working on it, time-wise, not that he was only just capable of earning it...

Ah, that's right. I was trying to figure out which of Breen's speeches he was referring to, but now that you've said that I remember the sentence. Breen definitely meant that in a time sense of the word. Think about it, Breen spends most of the end of the game cussing Gordon for being so troublesome while at the same time trying to butter him up and convince him to collaborate. It wouldn't fit that he thought Gordon was stupid.
I was paraphrasing. Breen actually said that Gordon had barely earned the distinction of his PHD.

Edit: It's "Gordan Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills."

Ok, that's open to interpretation.
Are you implying that he shoved the snarks up his ass or he has his own personal slave that shoves the snarks up his ass, and if you are implying that you are you also implying Gordon is infact Mr. Garrison(Well Mrs. Garrison now).

How is gordon not addicted to morphine..!? and whats the deal with that stupid baby pic in his locker if he has no loved ones..!? and how is everyone from blackmesa still alive and crammed into c17..!? why is the gman so ugly!?
subtlesnake said:
I was paraphrasing. Breen actually said that Gordon had barely earned the distinction of his PHD.

Edit: It's "Gordan Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills."

Ok, that's open to interpretation.

I don't think it is. Grammatically, if Gordon hardly earned his PhD - as in he was only just smart enough to get it - he hardly earned it, full stop. If he has hardly earned it at *random point in time*, it means that at that point in time, he had only just earned it.

To summarise, if you were talking about intelligence you would never say "He had hardly earned it", you would simply say "He hardly earned it" because it will always be true.

If anything, Breen's speech tells us that Gordon is even more academically brilliant due to being scooped up straight after having earned his letters.
irjoe said:
how do you hold so many weapons at the same time 0,o

I think ts the same reason that you are able to carry a chain gun, a chainsaw, and a rocket launcher at the same time and still out run cars in GTA.
Rusty100 said:
yeah, it's easy to say that, but what if you couldn't figure it out.

btw, were would he keep snarks when not using them?

In his pants?
^on hard

Well, he did have the training facility, mabye he enjoyed going there on a daily basis.