Gordon in Gmod?

No official Gordon model exists, mainly because at no point in the game do you actually encounter anything that allows you a view of yourself. Someone cobbled together a custom gordon (they stuck a custom head on the HEV suit). Riomhaire probably knows how you get custom content into GMod, and where to obtain the (questionably good) Freeman model, because he's been doing just that.
Search the Gmod forums. It's painful as there is no search feature. Go to the models section and but the threads in alphabetacile order and go to the Fs. The best one(still crap, won't react to face/eye poser and has a realy stupid expression and a terrible back, a bitch to pose) comes in a pack with an Adrian Shepard model(also crap).
I got the good model... I'm just clueless as to where to put the textures, models, ect, and how to get it ingame.
losermeetsworld said:
I got the good model... I'm just clueless as to where to put the textures, models, ect, and how to get it ingame.
Didn't it come with a read me?
It's suppost to be for HL2 DM but I found instructions for how to put it in Gmod 7, but it doesn;t apply to Gmod 9... any help?
losermeetsworld said:
It's suppost to be for HL2 DM but I found instructions for how to put it in Gmod 7, but it doesn;t apply to Gmod 9... any help?
They should be the same.
It is except it says to edit a file "garry_prop" and add a line of code, but that file doesn't exist anywhere in the Gmod directory or anywhere.
losermeetsworld said:
It is except it says to edit a file "garry_prop" and add a line of code, but that file doesn't exist anywhere in the Gmod directory or anywhere.
Go to settings, then menu_props. Put it in whichever menu you want.
kupoartist said:
No official Gordon model exists, mainly because at no point in the game do you actually encounter anything that allows you a view of yourself.
Interestingly enough, one does. A model of his head for HL2 exists that was made up of composites from a number of Valve employees' faces. Why they made it, and where it is now, who knows. Personally I didn't think it looked much like him anyway.
Darkside55 said:
Interestingly enough, one does. A model of his head for HL2 exists that was made up of composites from a number of Valve employees' faces. Why they made it, and where it is now, who knows. Personally I didn't think it looked much like him anyway.
Well yes. This one is in Raising the Bar for those wanting to look it up. Did they use the same model on the original sierra cover (the one on the Valve store poster set)? It looks different to me, but I guess that may be because they simply drew that shot. Why they didn't put the model in regardless is a mystery really...
Not really a mystery; they didn't put in because they didn't want it to ever seem like you weren't Gordon Freeman. That's why you never have a reflection in waters or mirrors; you're never supposed to see yourself. Unless you mean it's a mystery why the model wasn't included somewhere to be viewed with the SDK, then I don't know. I think the real mystery is why they made it in the first place, knowing that they'd never have reflections or scenes where you were playing someone other than Gordon Freeman.

And yeah, it's not the same as the drawing on the cover. It's funny because on the next page in RtB, there are drawings of Gordon and the model doesn't look anything like them.
if there was a mirror or something, a model would be a must. i think water reflection would be cool too, if you saw gordon's face, or at least his suit in the water...
GMod 9? The only Gordon model I use is the character model Gordon, which is the same as the HL1 Deathmatch Gordon. To get it, stick this in Settings/Menu_Props/Whatever-file-you-want.

"#Gordon Freeman" "models/Player/gordon_classic.mdl"
Did anyone else read the thread as "Gordon is GMod"? That would have been the ultimate speculation thread.

-Angry Lawyer
Nah, G-Mod is a G-Man simulator. All those people hankering for a game where you play as the G-Man, manipulating events and stuff: it's already here!