Gordon Needs You!

I was at an Xbox forum and I said I wasnt buying Halo 2 and that I was getting Half-Life 2 and some guy was came out with like 5 reasons why im stupid and Halo 2 is better...
ItchyFish said:
But its now 13400 to 9600, we are catching up !

It really annoys me however better hl2 will be, consoles always out do pc in sales.
theres a simple reason for the pc piracy is easier than console piracy so more people could be playing pc games but the console games get more sales
Halo 2's sale profits will apperently top any big movie open
There are more then 1.5million pre-orders for the game
Bungie has done a great job with the xbox... the hardware is aging, but the graphics look many times better then Halo1
PC's are upgradable.... but usually more expensive than a console.
If i got a video card for the same price as i could by an xbox, then Hl2 prolly wudn't run good on that video card.

HL2 pros
*single player campaign
*more interactive enviroment
*that gravity gun *drool*
*it's on the pc

*multiplayer css is cool and all, but it's still counter-strike =/

Halo2 pros
*Multiplayer - just looks damn sexy.. many different game types
*it has been said that the single player isn't as reapeative, and the only bad thing about it was that the campaign had to end
*harder to cheat/hack it's a console game... XBL detects any active mod chips
* looks damn good for a 3 year old console
*4 palyer split screen on xbox live.... (you have 3 friends, and they all can come with u into a 16 player server)
*Proximity chat- if u use prox chat with ur head set.. then when u talk, people who are within ear-shot of u can hear u... great for taunting people u kill
*Co-op play

*it's on a console :p
*XBL is $50/year
*16 player mx on XBL
* xbox live communicator is pricy
Im more excited over HL2 but halo 2 looks good ^_~ (just played the halo 1 demos a day -2 ago... getting halo 1 + hl2 + 100$ in RAM
BrutalGoerge said:
Halo 2's sale profits will apperently top any big movie open
There are more then 1.5million pre-orders for the game
Bungie has done a great job with the xbox... the hardware is aging, but the graphics look many times better then Halo1
PC's are upgradable.... but usually more expensive than a console.
If i got a video card for the same price as i could by an xbox, then Hl2 prolly wudn't run good on that video card.

HL2 pros
*single player campaign
*more interactive enviroment
*that gravity gun *drool*
* MODs
*it's on the pc

*multiplayer css is cool and all, but it's still counter-strike =/

Halo2 pros
*Multiplayer - just looks damn sexy.. many different game types
*it has been said that the single player isn't as reapeative, and the only bad thing about it was that the campaign had to end
*harder to cheat/hack it's a console game... XBL detects any active mod chips
* looks damn good for a 3 year old console
*4 palyer split screen on xbox live.... (you have 3 friends, and they all can come with u into a 16 player server)
*Proximity chat- if u use prox chat with ur head set.. then when u talk, people who are within ear-shot of u can hear u... great for taunting people u kill
*Co-op play

*it's on a console :p
*XBL is $50/year
*16 player mx on XBL
* xbox live communicator is pricy

You forgot the mods
we were 4000 behind all day, but now all the little halo fans must be watching TV, so now we are only 3000 behind ... WE ARE GAINING, NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT!
i was thinking more right-out-of the box
but yeah
Hl2 is gonna have some awesome ones.. if it was DOD source instead of cs source....
i would be much happier
yeah sure, halo 2 is gonna win it, but when it comes out, it's gonna disappoint people, then we can laugh.
Lol yeah right, HL2 loosing to Halo 2?

GameSpy is full of internet gaming n00bs. Most I would imagine dont even know what HL is.
]SK[ said:
Lol yeah right, HL2 loosing to Halo 2?

GameSpy is full of internet gaming n00bs. Most I would imagine dont even know what HL is.

no kidding, im seeing a lot of Halo fanboys like this :

Wow you people don't get it do you? lmfao. Ok whatever people. When Halo 2 comes out I'll tell you all to screw yourselves. It'll be the best game and best gaming experience on the Xbox Live. You all make me sick.
Seriously people. In the Microsoft E3 Conference (you might have seen it), they said it would be THE BEST GAMING EXPERIENCE to come. How the hell can Half Life 2 compete? Oh wait...it can't. Stop flaming against Halo and realize you suck, buy Halo 2, play it online, be 1337 like all the other Halo 2'ers :). Gimme a call when Half Life 2 is claimed better than Halo 2. I'll be wanting to hear that. Hahaha.....

Yeah, I'm obsessed. But I'm not just a crazy fanatic over Halo, I *KNOW* it will pwn.

where as half life fans are replying liek this

People.... this is a grudge between Half-life 2 and Halo 2 not Half-life and Halo. And to those who are comparing the originals... I do hope you acknowledge the fact that Half-life came out way before Halo. Think about it for a second, Half-Life came out during the time when the majority of games had no substance, no story, just endless levels of monsters coming at you while you blow them up with your bazooka. While, Halo came out after the idea that story beats eye-candy, so they had some time to design their game "Halo" to meet the customers demands based off previous successes. Yet still.... Halo's storyline and atmosphere is so sorrowly lacking and predictable. Not that I'm comparing the two....I mean both games were fun. And by the way, in case you haven't already figured out.... I vote for Half-Life 2, the previews were awesome. And in case you were wondering, yes, I played both Halo(PC/XBOX) and Half-life all the way through.... twice, even more for HL and I've checked out both E3 videos for Halo 2 and Half-life 2.

notice the difference? +1 brain in each half life fan. Halo fans (i know one) are brainless. Bungie said "these $400 headphones are the best hing since sliced bread for Halo 2 when it comes out!" guess what? He bought it JUST because they told him to.

its so sad that the intellectual half life fans :P are losing to the most ignorant halo fanboys i have ever seen :angry:
LeXo5 said:
notice the difference? +1 brain in each half life fan. Halo fans (i know one) are brainless. Bungie said "these $400 headphones are the best hing since sliced bread for Halo 2 when it comes out!" guess what? He bought it JUST because they told him to.

its so sad that the intellectual half life fans :P are losing to the most ignorant halo fanboys i have ever seen :angry:
Yeah I noticed the difference, imo that applies to a lot of console owners. I have a console too (N64), haven't touched it for years now, just because I found out pc games are much more immersing. Think of Doom 3 playing on a pc or on the sofa. And graphics of course. Consoles are only for people who are so stupid they can't install a game or think the GF FX5200 256 mb is better than a Radeon X600XT with only 128 mb wich is three times as expensive. But unfortunally this kind of people rules the world. Let's unite and establish a new nation to defend us against this threat! :With Gabe as our leader :P
Vinnie_NL said:
Yeah I noticed the difference, imo that applies to a lot of console owners. I have a console too (N64), haven't touched it for years now, just because I found out pc games are much more immersing. Think of Doom 3 playing on a pc or on the sofa. And graphics of course. Consoles are only for people who are so stupid they can't install a game or think the GF FX5200 256 mb is better than a Radeon X600XT with only 128 mb wich is three times as expensive. But unfortunally this kind of people dominate our sort. Let's establish a new nation to defend us against this threat! :E

yes yes, we must take california and then build a big wall around the borders and claim at as our new nation, techifornia and we shall be the most advanced society in teh world and everyone will love us!

lol... on a side note... a bit of my background history

i grew up on a nintendo. played that for many years. then i upgraded to sega saturn and played that for years. when i was 9 we got our first computer and i started playing games like Wolfenstein3d. since then, i have never looked back, been a PCgamer since

on a side note, i don't think the sega saturn got the credit it was due. it had great graphics for the time, the first system to use CD media vs. older cateridge (i think) and IMHO had a supur controller. (of course newer controllers are better but it was great for the time).

anyhow enough of my spam...
Thats pretty damn good numbers for a PC Game when the majority of the Halo 2 voters know close to nothing about hl2 nore have the computer power to run it, if they did, in my opinion they wouldnt have voted halo 2. Anyways I dont really care who gets more votes since I know which is going to be the better :cheese: Only less than 14 days now ? BRING IT ON!!
Yeah. For a pc game, hl2 sure is getting quite a lot of votes.

I remember how RTW and D3 lost from halo 2 at a 75:25 ratio in other general votes. Halo 2 of course being 75.
Ugh. I can't believe that halflife2.net is officially participating in this crap. Who cares what some fool kids think of Halo 2 vs. Half-Life 2.
evil console humpers have been voting... Halo2 vrs HL2... they arnt gonna be excited about something they aint getting... lol We have the choise of 2... HL2 being the ultimate...
LeXo5 said:
Halo fans (i know one) are brainless.

Wow, stereotypes are your genre, right? Being a Halo and Half Life fan I feel comfortable when ppl spit out this shit. Yes, I played the original Half Life, played Blue Shift, played Op4. Never touched Decay though, might do that someday.

Can't you understand there are ppl who love both games?

On a sidenote: being a journalist I need to stay objective to games and non-biased but with Half Life 2, Halo 2 and Killzone I just can't.
Prone said:
Wow, stereotypes are your genre, right? Being a Halo and Half Life fan I feel comfortable when ppl spit out this shit. Yes, I played the original Half Life, played Blue Shift, played Op4. Never touched Decay though, might do that someday.

Can't you understand there are ppl who love both games?

On a sidenote: being a journalist I need to stay objective to games and non-biased but with Half Life 2, Halo 2 and Killzone I just can't.
It is true in a sort of way. The average consolegamer is younger and that means their intelligence is less developed. But let's be happy those Halo kids don't play pc games, otherwise they would be probable screwing up CS and CSS games (or is that already happening?).
Well, in Germany that is not the case. I wrote an article about that matter about half a year ago: gamers get older. In Germany the differences between PC and console gamers isn't that hardcore. I thought that this had ended but it seems the stereotypes still exist. Most of the ppl I play Xbox Live with play also PC games with me...

console kiddies tbh :/

The guys your on Xbox live with a more than just casual gamers to spend that type of money on playing :p
Prone said:
Wow, stereotypes are your genre, right? Being a Halo and Half Life fan I feel comfortable when ppl spit out this shit.

Can't you understand there are ppl who love both games?

Well first off, my post was supposed to be funny, so you shouldn't take it so seriously

Yes I can believe that people like both. But most console gamers are pretty much exclusively console gamers.

"stereotypes - A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image."

Well considering that I KNOW a hardcore halo fan, I am not stating my opinion rather I am telling you what I have observed, so how is that an stereotype? I am speaking from experiance. As for console gamers in general, I have a few friends that are console people exclusively. You know what? They have zero taste in games. Whenever I show them games that have deep storylines or good atmosphere, they find it boring! They only enjoy games were you are constantly shooting something or blowing something up. I am not saying that isn't fun, but for single player games to be enjoyable to me, they need a lot more than pyrotechnics.

Ok, I'm done.
The people that want Halo 2 to win are just prolly voting loads of times.
It's stupid to have a grudge about 2 games when no one has yet played either of them. I say buy both, play it and be happy.
Yeah well its just a poll, gamespy also have a lot of console owners who visits so obliviously they are gonna vote for Halo 2 which i'm sure is gonna be a great game. They just forgot what HL2 is all about, I'd say let the game come out on Nov 16 (finally) and do another poll.

If there's people in the world that don't know the meaning of "Game of the year" well they are going to learn it on Nov 16.

You think I'm too confident ? Let me just say 3 things:
1- PC magazines around the world gave 98%, 96%, 94%, 95%, etc...
2- The first Half-Life got something like over 80 "Game of the year"
do you realy think they would desapoint us? In fact something tells me that part of the delay was to make sure the game has almost nothing to "yack" about.
3- This is more than just more beautifull graphics. People saying "well Farcry has a better graphics for it's water" don't know nothing about games. Is Doom 3 the best game ever made? graphicly maybe, but nothing more if you asked me.

I'm sure that of all those who voted, few have played HL1 since its been so long (5 years) compared to Halo1 and I do think that in North america Xbox owners average age is much younger that the average age of PC gamers.

I will conclude my long and pathetic reply by saying that nothing in the world (except maybe playing the game) will make me think that HL2 is not gonna be the best ever game for an FPS.
maybe it isnt that bad for us. the kids going to play the AWESOME GREAT SHADER GRAPHIXX HALO2 and we dont hear anything from them :P
@LeXo5: I for one are a hardcore Halo-Fan, have read all the books, played the game a couple of times etc.pp.. On the other hand I am a Half Life-Fan b/c it's the best FPS for its time and still leads the way when it comes to how fps are today. Only because you know one fan you can't say all fans are like that. That is a stereotype.

And not having played it: as you might know, the press got it yesterday so I have played it (halo 2 that is, Half Life 2 not)
Halo and most likely 2 are shite, at least when compared to half life 1. To Half life 2 however they shouldn't even qualify as a games
Just cuz Halo2 is beating ur precious Half-Life 2 doesnt mean a Halo2 flame-fest needs to start.
Comments such as, "consoles are for kiddies," "consoles are for people who are too stupid to run a computer," are all ignorant, and were pulled from the posters' asses :p
The poll reads, "Which are you most excited about?
that doesn't mean, "What do you think is going to be a better game"
I'm sure HL2 would of won 20 days before it's first release date, but with all the delays and flood of Halo2 content.... you get the picture.
With Halo2, most of the people I know are all more excited for Halo2's multiplayer.
Half-Life2's multiplayer is counter-strike source, the same old boring counter strike with some prettier graphics, whoop de freaking do.

With Halo2, you can have counter-strike style team death match... all for all... capture the flag.... races... swords.... odd ball.... plus all the custom ones people will be making.

Halo2 was NEVER delayed, the one date that the developer stated (November 9th) is the day that the game will come out.

I don't even remember Half-Life2's first date..... wasn't it November 1 2003? Back then, i could of cared less about Halo2... but things have changed. There has been a ton of media about Halo2's multiplayer, and the single player campaign is still pretty mysterious.
People assuming that Halo2 will suck have no reason to, just only that it's beating Half-Life 2.. SO WHAT?!
I think both games are going to be great
Half-Life 2 single player > Halo 2 single player
Halo2 Multiplayer > HL2 multiplayer (css)
All this hate towards H2 is out of jealousy it seems
BrutalGoerge said:
Just cuz Halo2 is beating ur precious Half-Life 2 doesnt mean a Halo2 flame-fest needs to start.
Comments such as, "consoles are for kiddies," "consoles are for people who are too stupid to run a computer," are all ignorant, and were pulled from the posters' asses :p
The poll reads, "Which are you most excited about?
that doesn't mean, "What do you think is going to be a better game"
I'm sure HL2 would of won 20 days before it's first release date, but with all the delays and flood of Halo2 content.... you get the picture.
With Halo2, most of the people I know are all more excited for Halo2's multiplayer.
Half-Life2's multiplayer is counter-strike source, the same old boring counter strike with some prettier graphics, whoop de freaking do.

With Halo2, you can have counter-strike style team death match... all for all... capture the flag.... races... swords.... odd ball.... plus all the custom ones people will be making.

Halo2 was NEVER delayed, the one date that the developer stated (November 9th) is the day that the game will come out.

I don't even remember Half-Life2's first date..... wasn't it November 1 2003? Back then, i could of cared less about Halo2... but things have changed. There has been a ton of media about Halo2's multiplayer, and the single player campaign is still pretty mysterious.
People assuming that Halo2 will suck have no reason to, just only that it's beating Half-Life 2.. SO WHAT?!
I think both games are going to be great
Half-Life 2 single player > Halo 2 single player
Halo2 Multiplayer > HL2 multiplayer (css)
All this hate towards H2 is out of jealousy it seems
Wait! I thought Halo 2(XBOX) out Nov(when is PC ver)?
Halo 2 comes out Novemeber 9th
Half-Life 2 comes out the 16th
and there is not a pc version of Halo 2 (well, not yet)