Gordon 'talks' in gamespy movie?


May 19, 2003
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hello all, this is my first topic post here and I prefer to stay rather quiet, but as I was watching the long gamespy (~700mb) E3 2k4 presentation something hit me wrong and it is only now that I figured out what it is...

I did a search but couldn't find anything else like this, sorry if it has already been answered, but around 3:05-3:10 when Gordon gets locked in the security gate and the combine soldier shoves him back.. is that gordon that says 'ouch'? I can't tell.. it seems like it, and if it is... wow that threw me for a loop, gordon isn't supposed to talk and it would kinda pull me outta the experience that valve wants to get us into while playing this game... does VALVe need an email over this one? anyone?
I haven't seen it ( :/ ) but I hope he was pushed into someone standing behind him.
That definitely wasn't gordon saying ouch.

I'd bet it was someone in the audience.
I have the movie downloaded but as i was watching thru the beginning parts i realized the spoiler factor was critcal and this was parts of the game so i just stopped. I really hope that he didn't talk because hes be less cool.
Not unless Gordon talks like a frog....no sorry that was the combine saying something 'cryptic'?
What you're hearing is the combine that tells you to come with him

He says "you... citizen come with me," the you almost sounds like an "ouch"

Well, if that's not what you're hearing.. I'm not hearing anything else? Except for what sounds like a gate being slammed, or something along those lines
Mechagodzilla said:
That definitely wasn't gordon saying ouch.

I'd bet it was someone in the audience.
yep, it definately was someone from the audience, since the gamespot one doesn't have the "ouch".
Shuzer said:
What you're hearing is the combine that tells you to come with him

He says "you... citizen come with me," the you almost sounds like an "ouch"

Well, if that's not what you're hearing.. I'm not hearing anything else? Except for what sounds like a gate being slammed, or something along those lines

I assume he was refering to the very instant that you get pushed back. you hear the combine say something along the lines of 'keep moving' then he kinda......burps :stare:
lans said:
yep, it definately was someone from the audience, since the gamespot one doesn't have the "ouch".

So are your basing that answer on the gamespot one alone?

The E3 vid doesn't have anyone saying ouch in either believe me and everyone else who's said so.
Shuzer said:
What you're hearing is the combine that tells you to come with him

He says "you... citizen come with me," the you almost sounds like an "ouch"

Yeah I think the ouch is from one of the guys in the interogation room... u know when gordon trys to look in and he closes the blind....
ive got a spoiler on this the size of new york. PM me if you want to get spoiled.
You will never hear a voice eminate from Gordon Freeman's mouth.
Chris_D said:
You will never hear a voice eminate from Gordon Freeman's mouth.
Just as you never heard a peep from Grand Theft Auto 3's main character.
I thought the combine that opened the security door said: "Hey you, circus freak, come with me."?

That's what it sounded like to me... thought it was funny.
I downloaded the video from FilePlanet, and I don't hear anything after Gordon gets pushed.
Rico said:
I thought the combine that opened the security door said: "Hey you, circus freak, come with me."?

That's what it sounded like to me... thought it was funny.

But could it have been (yeah I know it sounds crazy but bear with me) 'Hey you, citizen, come with me.'?

BackFyr said:
hello all, this is my first topic post here and I prefer to stay rather quiet, but as I was watching the long gamespy (~700mb) E3 2k4 presentation something hit me wrong and it is only now that I figured out what it is...

I did a search but couldn't find anything else like this, sorry if it has already been answered, but around 3:05-3:10 when Gordon gets locked in the security gate and the combine soldier shoves him back.. is that gordon that says 'ouch'? I can't tell.. it seems like it, and if it is... wow that threw me for a loop, gordon isn't supposed to talk and it would kinda pull me outta the experience that valve wants to get us into while playing this game... does VALVe need an email over this one? anyone?

no one says anything
Daiceman9 said:
I'm so gonna make a mod with Gordon talking now.

You don't have to, just fire up a multiplayer game, and see someone making voicecomm, they even lipsyncing for that.

So now we'll see gordon both talk and move his lips accordingly :)
You people won't ruin it for me, he calls hi ma circus freak and thats final!
/me skulks away
good god, where did the mysterious "ouch" come from? :o
Um, I believe the combine guard was saying 'out' when the guy playing as Gordan tried to reenter the room.
Daiceman9 said:
I'm so gonna make a mod with Gordon talking now.

That'd be awesome. Playing the story with Gordon responding to their speech. You might need to tweak every dialouge a bit though :P
Just as you never heard a peep from Grand Theft Auto 3's main character.

I found your charactor's silence in GTA3 made him appear like he was being pushed around and taking orders without question. Im glad vice city's charactor talked, he actually had a personality.
I thought he said "New citizen, come with me!"
I could'nt really make out if it was "you" or "new" when i checked.. Anyone?
i thought he said 'you' since he pointed fiercley. Bastard..
out, ouch, halt...theres something saying that in the vid...it seens like a voice of a little alien.. O_o or someone burping? now im intrigued
"Hey, - You, Citizen, come with me!" That's EXACTLY what he says. You guys must be hearing impaired or something.
Yes, he says that, but AFTER the player gets pushed, there's a sound that goes OUCH, i think it's at 03:07.
There's no such sound as "Ouch" occuring. Which video are you referring to?
During the scene with the zombie guys, in the wooden shack and manipulator, a head crab jumps at Gordon. When it hits him, he clearly makes a grunting sound of some sort. Gordon never actually "talks" in the game. They made it so he "grunts" or "umphs". No big deal.
You dont make grunts, the damage sounds come from the HEV suit.
Ahaa, so the HEV is a synthesizer controlled by Gordon's left hand, as known from Stephen Hawking ;)