Gordons HL2 Model

After finally getting access to the scanner...

Note the aliased polygon edges (most visible on the collar), the general angularity of the collar, and the airbrushed hair (not on the original model). The aliasing on the side of the face is less visible.
I actually feel more immersed in games when I DO have a reflection in mirrors, regardless of who's reflected, seeing as I'm trying to immerse myself as that exact character.

For once, a really bad decision by Valve.
There won't be any mirrors in HL2 I have looked through all the textures and none are mirrors only glass and they dont reflect
True_Eraser said:
I'm sure they'll have the standard deathmatch and a gordon model. there hasn't been a shooter like HL made without deathmatch. well except RTCW having only a team based mp.

They need one anyway for reflections.

yea hopefully

people are going to want to use the weapons they used in SP experience in MP, and they also will want to revisit some familiar places from SP in MP. i don't know of one mp game that thrusts you into a different universe with different weapons and characters from the SP part.

it would just be wrong. so heres hoping valve has done the right thing and doesn't leave it all to the modding community. although thats not necessarily a bad thing.
Brian Damage: There is another possibility: Pre-rendered :/

Though I do tend to believe that the image in question is in-game.
maybe ulll be able to scan in ur own head in game....and have it appear ingame. That would be awesome!
McFace said:
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but I'll give my opinion on it. We've seen Alyx's in-game model, Gman's in-game model etc. But we haven't seen what gordon looks like (You'd only see it in a DM game).

In game he's gonna look like a Navy SEAL from CS:S. :eek:
Chode said:
Through my elite 1337-ness, I bring you the first glimpse of Half Life 2's model for Gordon:


Nah, not really. Just the Half Life 1 era Gordon with a much higher polycount, bump mapping, and specularity. Actually, it's probably not TOO far wrong, if the texture was updated.

Bah, he's missing his glasses. How will he see what he's shooting at?

"Oops, sorry Alyx, I thought you were an ant lion."

[I agree on the mirror part; they call you Gordon all the time, they might as well give you his reflection. No one goes up to me and says "Gordon, are you ready to go into the test chamber?" They use my name. So...there goes there 'total immersion' crap right there :p . That's the worse excuse for lack of player reflection I've ever heard (albeit the only one I've heard).]
It'll look crap when going up to a mirror and not seeing a reflection. Will the monsters be reflected? Because if they are not then it'll look crap. Not like a mirror at all.

Maybe they just won't include mirrors at all. They weren't in HL1 as far as I can remember and I didn't miss em. But a toilet without a mirror would be pretty unrealistic.
Chode said:
Brian Damage: There is another possibility: Pre-rendered :/

Though I do tend to believe that the image in question is in-game.

Pre-rendered with edge aliasing? I reckon the aliasing points to it being a touched up Source screenshot (remember that all the older pics seem to have no antialiasing, as, IIRC, Source had trouble in that area near the start...).
UltimaGecko said:
Bah, he's missing his glasses. How will he see what he's shooting at?

Good point. It seems that the mesh for HL1 Gordon had no glasses, only the box art/loading screen.
Doesn't the hit detection system need a model to base hits off of? Don't worry, textured or not, we will be able to see Gordon once the game is out.
One point I will make:

Whilst playing the first half life, the only way I knew what Gordon looked like was the loading screen. I didn't even know Gordon's mesh was in multiplayer until much later.
Ofcourse there will be a Gordon model complete with animations, because when you look in a mirror, or a camera is filming you (As seen in a tech demo) you will not be invisible!!
soccerdude21490 said:
I think in a couple of the ingame movies for HL2 there is a mirror or like something that reflects his image.. maybe I'm wrong I dunno

I read somewhere in an interview, maybe it was the "valve questions only thread", but I think Valve told us that Gordons image won't be reflected in mirrors and such. It will destroy the illusion of you being Gordon.
Kat said:
Ofcourse there will be a Gordon model complete with animations, because when you look in a mirror, or a camera is filming you (As seen in a tech demo) you will not be invisible!!

'Biggest sack of shit' award goes to.......Kat!!!! :cheers: :E