Gordo's reflection



i was watching the vid clip with the antlion guard on the roof, where there is that shiny roof and was wondering - will we be able to see gordo's face in reflective objects ingame?
probably not no. Might be modable though?

hmm, there's a point, all this great looking reflective water, and no Gordon reflected in it

I now seriously think they should add that player model *and the player shadow - shouts the crowd of users*
it would be pretty epic to see small touches like that done.
If it can be done, I'll make sure its done in my mod (I like the lil touches) I dunno how difficult it might be to add the stuff as a bolt on for HL2 itself. But I think it should deffinately be done.. Maybe with the head that turns to face the way your looking too (up to a point then the body turns aswell, so no linda blair style head turning ;))
No we won't, gabe said that. I THINK it's in the valve info thread.
Still it's strange because this can add to the player experiencing things more realistically. Just as the missing feet aspect. I wonder if this is a design decision or something else..
they should make it so that if u finish the game u get to playout the mp version with loads of extra outfits. i would love to see gordo in some plus fours with a cap and a pitching wedge instead of his crowbar. heh heh.
Originally posted by DeusEx2
Still it's strange because this can add to the player experiencing things more realistically. Just as the missing feet aspect. I wonder if this is a design decision or something else..

maybe they are trying to make it easier for the player to feel that they are actually gordo. the more voice and reflection they stick in the less the "role playing" aspect

.... maybe...
Originally posted by DeusEx2
Still it's strange because this can add to the player experiencing things more realistically. Just as the missing feet aspect. I wonder if this is a design decision or something else..

I think Gabe or someone said the whole feet/torso/shadow issue was a choice on their part not a limitation, so the first mod that should be done for HL2 should be to fix that and add a working player model + shadow + working head and so on, shouldn't be too hard to match up what you'd see in a reflection to fit what you see in first person (like the weapons and hands)
Originally posted by Tweaks
maybe they are trying to make it easier for the player to feel that they are actually gordo. the more voice and reflection they stick in the less the "role playing" aspect

.... maybe...

yeah, except your playing as Gordon Freeman, if they'd really have wanted you to feel more in deep as the character, they wouldn't have named him or given him any details, just a nameless unseen character. Dunno how they'd have got around the times he's called by name though, maybe something like Black and White, I think a few mentioned that suggestion a while back
I think its entirely possible, if they can set walls to 50% reflectivity all you'd have todo is set it to 100 and it would reflect everything :eek:

If Max Payne 2 has it, Half Life 2 gotta have it ;)
well i look forward to seeing a Mod that has it. cant wait to run around a corner, cake myself and waste full clip on my own reflection. ha ha.

Fenric1138 - u say u are making a mod? u got a link to any artwork?
Originally posted by Tweaks
well i look forward to seeing a Mod that has it. cant wait to run around a corner, cake myself and waste full clip on my own reflection. ha ha.

heh yeah thats what I'm hoping for.. ;)

Fenric1138 - u say u are making a mod? u got a link to any artwork?

Not showing squat for the mod :) not yet anyway. But some older work of mine is floating about the net
Out of curiosity why don't FPS games have feet modeled ? First thing I do with a new game is look for my feet :p

Serious though, I have seen games reflect your image on a shiney floor and there you see the whole model, feet and all...but if you look down you never see your feet.

Seems to me to be a real immersion breaker.

(and no I do not have a foot fetish :p)
Originally posted by ASnogarD
Out of curiosity why don't FPS games have feet modeled ? First thing I do with a new game is look for my feet :p

Serious though, I have seen games reflect your image on a shiney floor and there you see the whole model, feet and all...but if you look down you never see your feet.

Seems to me to be a real immersion breaker.

(and no I do not have a foot fetish :p)

I think the reason is they don't want to confuse people or something.. I dunno maybe its just a throwback to the old days of FPS when you'd never see yourself, reflections were a far off dream and only towards the end of the 2 1/2D FPS you'd see yourself in game. So maybe its just cause thats what people are used to

with a full player body, you could in theory get rid of the HUD completely and have things displayed on your body, if you need to select a weapon look down at your belt and grab it or something heh
Yeah, a visible player body was one of the things I liked about Halo and Arx Fatalis. They should make it an option in the menu.
I think its just one of thoser conventions that developers are resistant to changing...its worked so far, so why not again?
Tribes II did have the ability to that though.
It's certainly a design decision as Source is not doubt capable of creating such an effect. However, I, for one, would it find it a bit disconcerting to look into a mirror and see somebody else's face reflected.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
It's certainly a design decision as Source is not doubt capable of creating such an effect. However, I, for one, would it find it a bit disconcerting to look into a mirror and see somebody else's face reflected.

I'd be more worried if I looked in a mirror in a game and saw MY face staring back at me, especially if I hadn't like scanned my face in for the game! :)
Originally posted by Mountain Man
It's certainly a design decision as Source is not doubt capable of creating such an effect. However, I, for one, would it find it a bit disconcerting to look into a mirror and see somebody else's face reflected.

You'd just rather see nothing?
Originally posted by iamironsam
You'd just rather see nothing?

make all your mods where the player is a vampire, reflection problem solved ;)
This is remind me of Max Payne2 when you can look in the mirrore and you can see youreself. cool
Originally posted by G0rgon
This is remind me of Max Payne2 when you can look in the mirrore and you can see youreself. cool

can someone take some screengrabs of MP2 or other games where the full body is there, showing how it looks, and those with reflections too. Be interesting to see

hmm come to think of it, isn't Cate Archer's body there in NOLF2. I know its in some reflections, and a faint memory of seeing her legs go flying about when she accidently gets knocked unconcious from one of those sleep gas things (thats so annoying when I catch myself with one haha)
I'd get you some screenshots, but I just uninstalled the game last night. The reflections aren't great. The mirrors are always very small, and the image is pixelated. You can see MP with whatever gun he's carrying, but it seems like the reflected backround is just a flattened 2D texture of the backround. The illusion works well in 3rd person, but if you switch to 1st (which requires the dev commands), then you can see all the flaws.
Emm why is this refleciton thing such a hot topic??? It where present in AVP1 and EVEN Duke Nukem 3D! Body and all...
Originally posted by iamironsam
You'd just rather see nothing?
Actually, I would. To me, it tends to break the feeling of immersion when my mirrored image looks nothing like me, but maybe I'm alone on this.

(And looking at my earlier post, I realize I made an embarassing amount of typos!)
Originally posted by Mountain Man
(And looking at my earlier post, I realize I made an embarassing amount of typos!)

no whats embarassing is I don't think any of us noticed the typo's.. I think we should all go back to school :)
hl2 doesnt render gordan's body...just the weapons and his hands, unless you go 3rd person. i read it somewhere in an interview when someone asked why the user couldnt see their feet
See this is where HL2 leak could step in and aid us, but were not allowed :/
Maybe, but it's the leak. Who can say whether it's an accurate representation of the final game or not?
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Actually, I would. To me, it tends to break the feeling of immersion when my mirrored image looks nothing like me, but maybe I'm alone on this.

(And looking at my earlier post, I realize I made an embarassing amount of typos!)

I'll make a mod that reflects a black siloutte of your character with "Your Face Here" written on it for you.
can't you both discuss the stolen files in that other thread (started by the troll who thinks he's so hard.. he waited until no mods were online before calling them names, how brave of him) thats bound to be completely deleted :D
Originally posted by iamironsam
I'll make a mod that reflects a black siloutte of your character with "Your Face Here" written on it for you.


You know, I doubt it would be hard to setup a player character who's face you can put your own on. Maybe a lone texture thats in the mod but not packed up, showing where everything goes in the image to get the face right, then the player can just put their own in and away they go in the game with their face included.
Include a pair of cardboard calipers for facial measurements, facilities for importing pics of the users own face, and a long list of instructions in japanese.
Freshman year of college I took a scan of my buddies face and made it into a simple texture and wrapped it around Gordon's head. It was hard to tell who it was though, the res was terrible.
Originally posted by iamironsam
Freshman year of college I took a scan of my buddies face and made it into a simple texture and wrapped it around Gordon's head. It was hard to tell who it was though, the res was terrible.

I used to scan photo's of people I didn't like, put them on basic flat boards and shoot the hell out of them in the game

.. I had issues ;)
The reason they don't do stuff like this is because your character would be moving in a horrible unrealistic way, and it would break the sense of immersion because of this.
Originally posted by Dagobert
The reason they don't do stuff like this is because your character would be moving in a horrible unrealistic way, and it would break the sense of immersion because of this.

no it wouldnt... im SURE source would make any motion and modeling look perfect.
Originally posted by Tweaks
no it wouldnt... im SURE source would make any motion and modeling look perfect.
I wouldnt think so... Theres a big different between digitally created images and reallife scanned images you would presume it would look 100% correct but source still cannot do it 100% correct.. so...