gospel of judas


Apr 24, 2004
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anyone else saw it? i just want to know what it means for people who do believe in jesus. i thought the whole gnostic thing was pretty interesting. (for those of you who do not know what i'm talking about: check this out)
Christians don't approve the Gnostic books as "canon." Its too bad, Gnosticism would make Christianity badass.
I haven't read it yet (I'll probably get around to it tomorrow)
But the part that they talk about on the news on all the time where Jesus actually asked judas to betray him is really interesting. Especially considering he went and killed himself afterwards. Why would he have been so ashamed of what he did, enough to kill himself, if Jesus had asked him to do it?
(Then again, i havent read it, so i probably have no idea what im talking about)

Although at Bible study tonight (I'm not christian, i was just bored, so i went) we talked about David collecting 200 foreskins as a present for Saul to marry his daughter
Weird. Shit.
I havent had time to read it yet, but i've heard some stuff from Father Roderick, he said something or other about it 'not shaking the fundements of christianity' or something. I'm going to have to find some more about it. Its interesting that it paints Judas in a whole other light though.

Tis the link, he starts saying some interesting things about 5 minutes in. http://www.sqpn.com/

Its The Daily Breakfast 103, just click that direct link to the show link.
Was there a thing on the Discovery chanel about that last night? I'll check it out anyway, could be interesting.
Ikerous said:
Although at Bible study tonight (I'm not christian, i was just bored, so i went) we talked about David collecting 200 foreskins as a present for Saul to marry his daughter
Weird. Shit.

Not that weird, I would just love 200 foreskins.