Got bored in class and drew a zombie pwning someone


Nov 8, 2003
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observe plz :D


  • ZOMBIE.jpg
    76.1 KB · Views: 290

But what do you do when you're bored in art class? :angel:
Wow, that's vey, vey cool, especially for a faster sketch.

Are you interested in joining a mod team? :P

@ Jason: I honestly can't get any drawing done in art classes. Only in others. Weird. I dunno if others have the same problem.
Bloody hell, if that's a bored image, show us one where you were actually meant to be doing the picture!

Best i can come up with in class is a pie-lid-putter-on machine
jasonh1234 said:

But what do you do when you're bored in art class? :angel:

Haha, well, most of my classes are art classes. I go to Savannah College of Art and Design.

That sketch was done in my speech and public speaking class.

my other classes are studio classes, so i have a lot of hands-on work to attend to.
kewl, i love the zombie. very nice. er... not a lot else i can say really... :|
That's amazing, I love the sketchyness and dynamics of the picture! :)
That's great, I think you sould be in the concept business.
i was gonna go to savannah at one point but ended up going elsewhere, i'm attending Ringling

its nice to see your skills of an artist
Mechagodzilla said:
Wow, that's vey, vey cool, especially for a faster sketch.

Are you interested in joining a mod team? :P

@ Jason: I honestly can't get any drawing done in art classes. Only in others. Weird. I dunno if others have the same problem.

I know what you mean...although its not that i can't get anything done, its just the rigidiy of A level art leaves you rather uninspried unless you are lucky enough to be set work that really grabs you.
Looks great. You have any other work you could show us?
God damn it, I hope so. That zombie makes me want to jump in the air and run aroudn the streets naked.

Er...did I say that out loud? ;)
Flyingdebris said:
its nice to see your skills of an artist
hehehe, pwnz :P

btw, nice pic mate. i love classroom sketches :) make religious studies lessons that much more bearable. a lump of bluetack in one hand, a pencil in the other and i almost enjoy rs :naughty:
thats is nice!
is better that my bored class drawning