Got my new Mouse! - Logitech MX Revolution


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
This mouse is the first wireless mouse I've ever touched, and I think I chose a good one. With a Lith-ion battery, it has, at 45% life, 6 days left. I don't know how accurate that is, probably not, but still, can't be bad! Only problem is, it was at Best Buy, so it cost me $100, when newegg has it for 80 regular, then 60 after MIR *which I probably would never get.* I am still debating if it's worth the effort to drive back to best buy to get my money back on it, to order it on newegg. Gas being so expensive, it might be close anyway! :O

Then I went and bought me a new Logitech mic *since my mic on my surround sound headset broke*...and it has some nice gain to it! Best mic purchase I've had. And it's clear as a whistle. It's great.


So what do you guys think of the mouse? Only problem I have is the software is very limited to what you can map to the buttons, though I haven't really looked through it alot, I didn't see much to chose from.
Woah that thing looks sweet ! nice purchase. Great color.
Wireless mice are horrible for online FPSs.
I touched one at BB. I want it. After using a wireless mouse for a few years, I prefer to go back to wired, though.
Isn't that the mouse with the metal wheel that spins forever? That one is cool. One of my friends has that.

If you play competitively or fast games in general like UT04 then wireless can impact your play but otherwise not so much. I used to have a MX700 I think it was. Had a base and when I was done I'd just put it in the base and let it charge. Lasted forever.

I don't mind wireless mice. In fact I prefer a heavier mouse and wireless ones have the batteries. My current mouse is a G5 with weights so that fixes the weight issue. ;)
How heavy is it compared to an mx518? It looks nice but wireless mice are way too heavy for me (like the mx1000).
The logitech mice are as fast on the wireless as wired mice are... it's some dual-bandwidth RF system they use. The MX1000 has it (my mouse) and the MX revolution.

That is a lovely mouse, by the way. I've loved my MX1000 for the 3 years i've had it, and i've been wanting an MX revolution ever since they were first announced. It's on my wish list, but nobody has bought me it yet. Guess i'll pick one up when I get paid. Logitech ftw!

Oh, i've also got some Logitech Z680 speakers (had them like 3 years too) ... and they are still unbelievably awesome. <3
Well nvm, I've googled it for a bit and it's heavy. And it works at only 800 DPI. I'll stick with my mx518.
I don't play games competitively anymore, anyway, so I'm really not worried about it. And I haven't noticed any impact on my game except for me getting used to the mouse. All in all, I <3 this baby.
Thats the mouse i got and i love it it's not the most sensitive mouse but it's good since i am not competitive. The only problem i found are games that use the middle mouse button which on this mouse changes the scroll wheel to free scroll to clicking so i get stuck.
So is that the mouse with the wheel that you can spin the wheel and it will keep going for awhile with momentum?
Free scroll?
So is that the mouse with the wheel that you can spin the wheel and it will keep going for awhile with momentum?
Free scroll?

Sure is, it's badass!

And just use that little button under the wheel for the middle click, that would work!
It was a pretty solid wheel. Not the usual lightweight plastic thing.
I like wires in my mice. Saves me having to screw with the batteries.

Your mouse looks visually pretty nice though.
Looks really good, gets good reviews too. Although too expensive for a mouse for my taste :p

Congrats though!
Good stuff, i just RMA'd my Mx 518.

After noticing the MX and VX revolution mice, and after doing some research, I think i'll stick with the Mx 518.

What mouse did you just upgrade from btw?
I've been drooling over this mouse ever since I first saw it.

It's not my type though ;)

I do not like wireless mice, but I'm sure this is one of - if not the best one.

How is that 2nd wheel? Sounds killer, though probably more so in Vista.
So is that the mouse with the wheel that you can spin the wheel and it will keep going for awhile with momentum?
I'm making a power generator using an army of these mice.
Good stuff, i just RMA'd my Mx 518.

After noticing the MX and VX revolution mice, and after doing some research, I think i'll stick with the Mx 518.

What mouse did you just upgrade from btw?

I think it was an MX510

That second mouse wheel is interesting. I'm still trying to find out how to map the buttons. Since there is no middle click, you can't open links in new tabs/close tabs easy. I want to find out how to make the little button under the mwheel be the "middle click". And the software that came with it, the way it maps the buttons isn't great...not alot of customizing there. I'm debating on taking it back, but it's such a sexy mouse. :(
I think it was an MX510

That second mouse wheel is interesting. I'm still trying to find out how to map the buttons. Since there is no middle click, you can't open links in new tabs/close tabs easy. I want to find out how to make the little button under the mwheel be the "middle click". And the software that came with it, the way it maps the buttons isn't great...not alot of customizing there. I'm debating on taking it back, but it's such a sexy mouse. :(

If you do find out can you tell me how cause i have been trying to find out for ages playing the Sims 2 is a pain without it.
If you do find out can you tell me how cause i have been trying to find out for ages playing the Sims 2 is a pain without it.

Well, I can't figure out any way of changing the buttons, and I needed the money, so I took it back. Was the best mouse I've ever purchased! :( Damn me needing that $100 back.
So the middle mouse doesn't click? That's how I jump. :/

How many "buttons" do you get to map for gaming?
Well, I can't figure out any way of changing the buttons, and I needed the money, so I took it back. Was the best mouse I've ever purchased! :( Damn me needing that $100 back.

The 'gaming grade' Logitech MX518 is like $39.99.

It's a nearly perfect mouse. Don't like the color though. Looks total fcuking ass.

I'm really interested in a version of the Logitech Revolution that isn't wireless - and hopefully they upgrade the software, since you said it's lacking.

Something about having two wheels.. plus that thumb wheel feels like industrial grade quality.
I think a lot of people have misconceptions about wireless mice.

first of all, they're no slower than corded mice. you can read this to find out more.

second of all, good wireless mice come with a spare battery so swapping them takes a whole 5 seconds. I've done it several times while playing a game.
The mouse was just perfect for gaming...but like I said, the buttons just aren't good enough with teh software. You could map every button, but the problem was, you could only map them to pre-defined actions. "Close, new, document swap, etc" You can't open up CSS and bind next weapon to the thump wheel up or something.
Sorry, but why does everyone hate wireless mice for online gaming? My MX1000 has gotten me many a frag on online FPS'es.
I think a lot of people have misconceptions about wireless mice.

first of all, they're no slower than corded mice. you can read this to find out more.

I have a wireless mouse, and it's laggy as shit. So that was enough for me.

I'm sure a better one wouldn't be as bad, but I want the most responsive mouse in the world, and a wireless mouse will never be better than a wired one.

Cyberpitz, I guess it's a little late, but you could have tried to assign the keys in the game using the options menu.

With the MX518, it has a game detect mode that will allow you to set up button assignments for each game if you want BTW. So you can have your buttons mapped to do things in windows, then when you boot a game, it will switch.
you had a crappy one then virus

I guess. it was like $60. I was naive back then to think that Microsoft automatically makes good mice, without reading reviews on particular models.

I've got one of the best mice ever made now, so there is no way I can use that crap.

I mean it works so, I'll probably use it to do weird luxury shit like in front of my TV using the 2nd output on my video card.
You can't open up CSS and bind next weapon to the thump wheel up or something.
That sucks. All (5 of) my buttons (plus scrolling) on my Explorer can be bound to whatever I want. :/
Sorry, but why does everyone hate wireless mice for online gaming?

Batteries. I hate buying them all the time so I got rechargeables. Now I hate recharging them all the time.
I'm interested in this Logitech mouse because it has a charging station and LED battery level indicators. It looks like it has great ergo like my MS Intellimouse Exp. 5, and has more buttons. The laser system is much more accurate and responsive than my LED optics.

Unmappable buttons though = fail.

Pitzy, how many of the "7" buttons can you use in CSS? Does the mousewheel not have a button?
You could bound the mwheelup/down, mouse1/2, other than that, the side wheel, the button below the top wheel, couldn't be bound IN the game. I'd hit it, and nothing would happen.