Got my PC Gamer U.S.

Evil^Milk said:
She... please... stop... writing... ellipsis... at... the... end... of... each... phrase... :p...

Heh, ellipses are actually one of my trademarks. I use them quite... quite often in the games I play, usually when they aren't even deserved. lol
Minerel said:
Whats on the Cd?

That thing where I said "Only if you have an old 3dfx voodoo card in your computer." That's pretty much it though...

I'm hoping to get my PC Gamer this week. I can't wait to read their review. I think it's only the second or third game to get 98%. Alpha Centauri is the only other one I can think of off the top of my head, but I think there was at least one more.
Haha thats sweet. Hvnt got mine yet. Probably tmr.
There seem to be a few spoiler screenshots. Not that much revealed though.
Ownzed said:
It is hard to get a 98% by PC Gamer I tell you what. I got mine today too. :D I was so excited. I didn't read anything because it said there are spoilers. I don't want to hear spoilers.

If you've read PCGAMER for a get to know these guys a little bit, and I can assure you that PCGAMER is kind of confused on what a spoiler is. A spoiler is something that affects the plot or story of something..Gordon dying is a spoiler, because no one knew it was going to happen, and someone giving it away...well, thats a spoiler (By the way, I just make the Gordon thing up)..PCGAMER, on the other hand, put a "spoiler alert" in the review of Call of Duty. CALL OF DUTY! The of my favorite games, by the way..didnt even have a plot! The spoiler was "and the third campaign is a mini-one, with a thrilling mission from each side, American British and Russian". Do NOT tell me that somehow ruined your game! Also, in the Doom 3 review..also one of my all-time favorite games...they had a "Spoiler Alert" warning. Wanna know what that spoiler was? That you get the Soulcube..the soulcube was mentioned in the instruction manual for gods sake!

So read the thing..
Sgt. Duffy said:
If you've read PCGAMER for a get to know these guys a little bit, and I can assure you that PCGAMER is kind of confused on what a spoiler is. A spoiler is something that affects the plot or story of something..Gordon dying is a spoiler, because no one knew it was going to happen, and someone giving it away...well, thats a spoiler (By the way, I just make the Gordon thing up)..PCGAMER, on the other hand, put a "spoiler alert" in the review of Call of Duty. CALL OF DUTY! The of my favorite games, by the way..didnt even have a plot! The spoiler was "and the third campaign is a mini-one, with a thrilling mission from each side, American British and Russian". Do NOT tell me that somehow ruined your game! Also, in the Doom 3 review..also one of my all-time favorite games...they had a "Spoiler Alert" warning. Wanna know what that spoiler was? That you get the Soulcube..the soulcube was mentioned in the instruction manual for gods sake!

So read the thing..

There is one big spoiler screenshot though.....

On the second page of the review.
The Thing said:
There is one big spoiler screenshot though.....

On the second page of the review.

Yeah, I saw that too...but first, you couldnt even figure out what the hell was happening (your talking about the scientist facing the HellKnight, with pretty looking red light on the backside, right?)..and plus, it wasnt all too big a spoiler, anyway. I mean, the box-art had 59 references to Hell on it..dont you expect that your going to be going down there someday?
Sgt. Duffy said:
Yeah, I saw that too...but first, you couldnt even figure out what the hell was happening (your talking about the scientist facing the HellKnight, with pretty looking red light on the backside, right?)..and plus, it wasnt all too big a spoiler, anyway. I mean, the box-art had 59 references to Hell on it..dont you expect that your going to be going down there someday?

I'm talking about the HL2 review.... :p
My favorite spoiler from the review (it concerns Dog; you've been warned):

When you first meet Dog, it wants you to play fetch with it using the manipulator gun and a huge iron ball. It's animations and behavior mimic a real dog's uncannily. Also it mentions Dog is incredibly powerful and awesome in combat. Flings cars in the air as if they're tonka trucks. Definetely the biggest 'pee my pants' moment I read from the whole review.

Maybe a bunch of you already knew that. I didn't. Thought it was super cool. I want this game so bad!!!! Release release release!!!
spitcodfry said:
My favorite spoiler from the review (it concerns Dog; you've been warned):

When you first meet Dog, it wants you to play fetch with it using the manipulator gun and a huge iron ball. It's animations and behavior mimic a real dog's uncannily. Also it mentions Dog is incredibly powerful and awesome in combat. Flings cars in the air as if they're tonka trucks. Definetely the biggest 'pee my pants' moment I read from the whole review.

Maybe a bunch of you already knew that. I didn't. Thought it was super cool. I want this game so bad!!!! Release release release!!!

after reading that spoiler i got a new stain in my pants.
