Got my x800 xt today and im ready for hl2 oh yesss!!!

Wow you think so?

Theese new ATI and nvidia cards are coming into the UK in drips and drabs :(

The best place to get theese new cards from the UK is they have the best sales figures with ATI and Nvidia so they usually get priority shipments.
nice, but whered you get it from?

Damned compusa is taking their sweet time with mine

^Ben said:
Wow you think so?

Theese new ATI and nvidia cards are coming into the UK in drips and drabs :(

The best place to get theese new cards from the UK is they have the best sales figures with ATI and Nvidia so they usually get priority shipments.

did any one try the softmod? I hear all over the net people are softmodding x800pro VIVO versions into full x800xt PE specs with a simple bios flash :imu: :imu:
as far as i've seen it only works with the pro vivo versions. still not bad, saves u some £60 or so :D
and as if i needed another good reason to buy an x800 card, my 9700pro has... well... i think i might have killed it, poor one :stare:

the best price i could find for an x800pro vivo so far is with but they have like 2 weeks wait :(
Should have waited for the PCI-E version to come out... That's what i am doing. The boards are starting to role out, now im just waiting for the cards. Then it's a quick trip to the bank and a drive to Compusa to get the board and card and HL2(x2) at base price (how much the store buys it for). :D
SupraRZ95 said:
Should have waited for the PCI-E version to come out... That's what i am doing. The boards are starting to role out, now im just waiting for the cards. Then it's a quick trip to the bank and a drive to Compusa to get the board and card and HL2(x2) at base price (how much the store buys it for). :D

PCI-E won't be much faster than AGP for months....

epmode said:
so you know how to get one, then?

it sounds insane, but he's right. the x800xt is literally impossible to find in stores. same goes for nvidia's 6800 ultra. and yet, with all these problems, ati and nvidia still put out press releases about new, more powerful cards.

I know where to get them.....All you have to do is look.
Need a whole new platform for those PCI-Express cards right now.
i've got a 9800xt ... as of a few weeks ago ... i dont see a problem with it ... mer - you jerks with the x800 ... pfftt ... hey let me ask you something ... If i've got 1meg of ddr ram ... amd athlon xp 3200+ cpu ... a rad 9800xt 256mb ... does anyone THINK hl2 might run with all details up with Antialiasing maxed and anisotropic filtering maxed?
Not maxed but you probably could get away with 2X AA and 4X AF with good detail.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Yeah, sure there is :rolleyes:

disturbed....THIS is an example of showing off. ;) :cheers:

and no neither card is impossible to find. i bought the xt monday and its coming in next monday. u just have to wait a little. try searching for it actually next time and ull realize its not impossible to find. this isnt towards u disturbed this is to the noob who said the two highest end cards are impossible to find. :hmph:
guinny said:
disturbed....THIS is an example of showing off. ;) :cheers:

and no neither card is impossible to find. i bought the xt monday and its coming in next monday. u just have to wait a little. try searching for it actually next time and ull realize its not impossible to find. this isnt towards u disturbed this is to the noob who said the two highest end cards are impossible to find. :hmph:

People go to the BIG places and look for things, unlike you guinny, you went to gateway to get yours, I got my X800 pro from compusa early june they usually have some in stock too usually...You just have to know where to look. :cheers:
i just love how he stuck up for him. "he's right, seriously dude, the x800 xt's are literally impossible to find"

thats y im getting one? thats y pobz has one? thats y this dude just got one? thats y several tons of people have them on back order just waiting for them to arrive any day?
guinny said:
i just love how he stuck up for him. "he's right, seriously dude, the x800 xt's are literally impossible to find"

thats y im getting one? thats y pobz has one? thats y this dude just got one? thats y several tons of people have them on back order just waiting for them to arrive any day?

If I really wanted one right now, I bet I could find one, and have it by next week, but, I don't have the money so I can't order one ;P
You can easily find one and get it by next week. Mines coming in monday, but dont worry i wont post a pointless thread to tell everyone i just got a card they wish they had *cough*
:dozey: Man you're lucky you have one. I most likely will be getting one late, because I am going on vacation. I asked a BestBuy employee, when will they be getting them in stock. Was hoping to hear an exact date, well atleast estimate. He says, "Nope, but soon"- they all say that! :o
guinny said:
You can easily find one and get it by next week. Mines coming in monday, but dont worry i wont post a pointless thread to tell everyone i just got a card they wish they had *cough*

YOU BITCH!!! /me rips off guinny's head

guinny said:
You can easily find one and get it by next week. Mines coming in monday, but dont worry i wont post a pointless thread to tell everyone i just got a card they wish they had *cough*

No duh you wouldn't we will just take a look at your signature, oh wow.
Ailevation...i was directing the comment towards the thread starter.....:rolleyes:
epmode said:
anyone that can point me to a retailer that has an x800xt in stock for $500 will be my best friend forever. i preordered at comp usa, but they keep on delaying my order.

It took a long, long time for an X800 to appear here (here: Finland). Finally, a Connect 3D model came. People who keep insisting that X800s grow in trees and are readily available anywhere need to get a serious reality check.
they are available. and theyre doing a pretty good job for such a high demand.
guinny said:
they are available. and theyre doing a pretty good job for such a high demand.

Available in some places. And "available" is not the same thing as "coming soon maybe uh we don't know."
DiSTuRbEd said:
People go to the BIG places and look for things, unlike you guinny, you went to gateway to get yours, I got my X800 pro from compusa early june they usually have some in stock too usually...
i've had a preorder at comp usa since early june. still no card.
I just hope it comes out sometime around the 20th August, that way I can get my game and my upgrade on the same day (My Payday), saves me having to go into town again and again
CS: S Beta is starting around July 28th, CS: S suppose to ship with HL2 at the same time! Doug said they hope HL2 will hit the shelves at Fall!

How can HL2 be released 20th August then?
sharp said:
CS: S Beta is starting around July 28th, CS: S suppose to ship with HL2 at the same time! Doug said they hope HL2 will hit the shelves at Fall!

How can HL2 be released 20th August then?

And more importantly, how is that related to hardware?
sharp said:
CS: S Beta is starting around July 28th, CS: S suppose to ship with HL2 at the same time! Doug said they hope HL2 will hit the shelves at Fall!

How can HL2 be released 20th August then?

Who said HL2 was being released August 20th?
since everyone is showing off their specs, heres mine :P

Athlon 64 3500+
1GB Corsair XMSXLPRO DDR400 (2-2-2-2-5)
Asus A8V Deluxe Motherboard
Gigabyte Radeon X800XT Platinum Edition
Seagate 200GB SATA HDD
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Antec P-160 Case (2 X 120MM Fans)
Vantec 520 Watt Quiet PSU
Zalman Reserator 1 Water cooling

I plan on getting the FX57 when it comes out, and plan to get another GB of ram when I need it, (a long time) :cheers: :cheers:
Again with the showing off :rolleyes:

listen, just because people have good comps doesnt mean they are showing off. that just means your jealous and taking it the wrong way. (im not talking about u disturbed im talkin about the noob who posted his 3500+ and thought it was good..:laugh:)
guinny said:
Again with the showing off :rolleyes:

listen, just because people have good comps doesnt mean they are showing off. that just means your jealous and taking it the wrong way. (im not talking about u disturbed im talkin about the noob who posted his 3500+ and thought it was good..:laugh:)

:x :x

well, everyone was telling their specs, FX53, x800

p4 3.4ghz 6800 ultra ect, so I did to
I need a job!!! You kids are crazy with your specs!!! I guess working does pay get to have the best fps on the planet.
my e-penis is so small...other people like to look at it like im hung like a horse :p
@ guinny

Classic :D

BTW nice job with the Socket 939, I always wanted one :(

@ otherz

Does ATi's "Trade Up Program" allow somewhat of a "rebate" on a new card by trading in your old one? I read the FAQ's but they were somewhat indirect, that or I misread.

If so, do they accept Sapphire's cards?
To amuse everyone, here are my current specs.

Amd xp 2500
Asrock motherboard (no sata support etc.)
1 gb of slow memory
Radeon 7000 32mb
Old 40gb seagate hard-disk
Lg dvd-rom
350 w Fortron psu
