Got suspended from school...again

Apr 29, 2005
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Meh, just thought you should all know, cause your my homies.

Here's the story

Adam - A dealer
Nazaar - A squeler
Alex - A wheeler
ME! - A buyer
Black Man - A trier
Lebanese man - A flyer
Mr. Buckley, the pig

This sounds like a drug story, right? IT ISN'T!

I was sitting down by the portable, P9 to be exact, when my best friend's brother comes up, takes a key off his chain, puts it in the door and unlocks it. "Oh snap!" I said, eyeing the chain to see a large group of identical keys. I knew from expirence last year that these keys open almost every door. All but the Hall, Stadium and Media Room. "Can I have one?" "Sure" he replied, to which I inquired as to how much. "$10" he said, unfortunatley I didn't have that much. I offered him $7.50, which he accepted and took one of the keys off the chain and handed it to me. 'Awesome!' I thought 'now on the hottest of hot days I can take shelter in the portables with my friends.
Today isn't hot as hell, so I dropped it in my pocket for later. I went to science and entered class for the double. We sat down and watched a movie, relevent strangley enough. GATTACA, I hate it, but it beats working. Part way through period 2, the assistant principal comes in and calls me out. 'Shit' I thought, 'He wants me to bring my stuff, I'm in the deep shit.' As we walk down the hall he says to me "Is there something you'd like to tell me?"
"No" I replied, after a quick, fake mull over.
"How much money do you have TRM?" He enquires.
"20 cents" comes my reply. Then, he smiles.
"How would you like another $7.50?"
'Shit shit shit!' fires off my mind as my hand reached into my breast pocket and I hand him the key.
"Oh no" he says "You lied, so now were going to the office."
My german mind kicked into gear, it always does when I'm under stress and I continuosly repeat "Shiesse" under my breath.
We arrive at the office and I write this all down. There I also learn that the keys were stolen and not cut from a hardware store.
Well, here I am now, at an internet Cafe, Mum dropped me out. I give up. I'm still gonna live, suicide is dumb. Maybe I might move back to QLD.
So someone squealed on you?

I got 2 weeks in lunch and break detention for 'assisting' in spraying our classroom with pepper spray used on grizzly bears in the US (my friend's dad is ex-military so has 'contacts'..he even gave him a real pair of nightvision goggles :S:S:S).

Anyway, i was forced to revise for my GCSE exams in that period, and passed damn well because of it. Kind of glad it happened, but also got pissed off that he got a black mark on his report and was allowed out when i wasnt. suppose it helps that the head of year is your mum in these situations...
Gattaca is a good film. If you went to watch it, you wouldn't be in your current situation.

Enjoy your AIDS.
Go beat the **** out of the kid who sold the key to you.
Why did you give him the key? He had to right to go through your pockets, so there would've been no way to prove you did it.
It is true, I was wondering why you just gave it up. I would have kept going with the whole, "I don't know what you're talking about. I know I got into a fight with *whatever his name was* and afterwards he said he was going to get me good."
It is true, I was wondering why you just gave it up. I would have kept going with the whole, "I don't know what you're talking about. I know I got into a fight with *whatever his name was* and afterwards he said he was going to get me good."
there was just too much evidence against him. they knew he paid for the key they probably had the other guy too.
meh you deserved it, quit ****ing around and you wont get in trouble
there was just too much evidence against him. they knew he paid for the key they probably had the other guy too.
If he had just kept denying it then it was his word against the guys who sold him the key. He wouldn't have got suspended.
meh you deserved it, quit ****ing around and you wont get in trouble

Agreed. You wouldn't have been in this situation had you just stayed in class and watched the movie. Just make smarter decisions next time.
Yo homie, at least they didn't call the po-lice on you.

Know m' sayin'
Yo homie, at least they didn't call the po-lice on you.

Know m' sayin'

I hear enough of that talk when I walk the streets, last thing I want to do is READ it. ;(
I hear enough of that talk when I walk the streets, last thing I want to do is READ it. ;(


Sorry sir, I just saw the opportunity to do some mocking and couldn't help myself.
Whats a portable?

And you didnt lie! He asked if there was something you wanted to tell him, and you didnt. Just because you had the key doesnt mean you wanted to tell him about it. Appeal I say!
Whats a portable?

And you didnt lie! He asked if there was something you wanted to tell him, and you didnt. Just because you had the key doesnt mean you wanted to tell him about it. Appeal I say!

Portables are used when a school's main building is too small to meet the needs of the school's population and one room trailer type things are used as substitute classrooms.

I know in some cases they aren't air conditioned, resulting in very painful classes during the summer time. But I imagine in Australia they are air conditioned, since he mentioned he was glad receiving a key so his friends could hide in there at lunch time during the hot days.

OP Gangsta said:
'Awesome!' I thought 'now on the hottest of hot days I can take shelter in the portables with my friends.
Suspensions are cool.

I must admit when I got In School Suspension, I had the time of my life. Not having to roam the school, lunch brought to me, quiet to work on my stuff, was the LIFE.
I spent my time getting drunk in town.

If the school's gonna kick me out for pressing my hand against the face of a dipshit, I might as well celebrate my minor victories.
I've never been suspended in my whole entire life, but I have been in detention a few times.
I spent my time getting drunk in town.

If the school's gonna kick me out for pressing my hand against the face of a dipshit, I might as well celebrate my minor victories.

Sounds good to me....wish I could have done that, but I wasn't allowed to leave the house :(
I have only *almost* gotten suspended. It was for when I tipped over my friends chair when he was leaning back. It was hilarious because it disrupted the whole class, and the only reason i didnt get an in school suspension was because my friend thought it was hilarious too. They took us outside and yelled at us and threatened ISS.
Why the hell did you hand him the key? It's your word agaisnt his. I would've dropped or hid the key and denied it to the end. Unless they got you on camera, then you're completely ****ed.
At my school last year, duplicates were made of the master key and then given out to a bunch of people. I unfortunately didn't get my hands on one. Most of the people who had one got suspended for a few days though.
Heh, I have the keys for some rooms anyway now because I'm a cleaner :D I also have access to the store rooms for the science lab. But I'm not going to abuse the trust, because I need the moneys. Honesty is the best policy
Why the hell did you hand him the key? It's your word agaisnt his. I would've dropped or hid the key and denied it to the end. Unless they got you on camera, then you're completely ****ed.
Same here. I get away with a lot of stuff like that. Especially because i'm known for being "honest" and "nice".

Never had a suspension. Teachers would never think that I'd do something really really bad. Maybe a few minor things, but nothing that bad. Thereby they usually take my side on most things.

I remember once I helped a few kids cheat on a big test. Denied it to the end. Nothing ever happened to me. No big meetings that interrupted my schedule or anything. Never gave out any of the names of those that I helped.

Also one day we were in the library. Not suppose to eat in there. I had brought in some cheese curds and said I wouldn't eat them. My friend sits next to me. So I start eating my cheese curds. Then I eventually closed the bag. My friend come by me and shouts out "Nathan's eating cheese curds!!!". I denied it the entire way through. Sally (awesome librarian. Very cool), took my side. Then he point out there was a small crumb on the table. I picked put my hand over it and threw it away and said, "Where". So she accused him of lying and trying to get me in trouble.

lol, just stick through your lie. If you can bullshit it right, you'll make it through alright.
Pretty much.

lol, I am still waiting for your "I got caught" thread for all the stuff you have done. That will be some good times. And if you dont make a new thread when that happens I will make sure you get some anal raep in jail from all your jailmates.