Gotta love IGN...

Dude your avatar is ****ing freaky...
Raziel, you really can't lash out at Gamespot for the way they speak because quite frankly, that has nothing to do with the quality of their reviews. How can you piss and moan about them speaking like retards when everytime you get excited about something you slam your firsts down, throw a spasm and trawl it out over the forum.

I honestly don't know where you find the guts to call them retards to be honest. I really don't.

Sorry to say, but this post was ****ing hilarious.
No seriously everytime i get a chance to rant on gamespot i will. Just because i cant come to a conclusion how people like that are employed to work for a major site with that many viewers.

With all honistly that asian guy (dont know his name not rasit dont worry) is PURE GRADE A dumbass this is his typical review.

OMG this GAME was SO WEll Madee GOOD guns YA! Ok the levels WERE TO LONG (then at end he says) well to bad the game was to short....then he contradicts himself on almost everything he says. Not to mention i think it was the Halo 2 review where he might have said 1-2 things good about the game and everything else was bad. Then at the end they pop out a score in the 9's. Like WTF you just gave a review and your review made it sound like a bad game but you give it a 9? or Game was so great well level design, good story, ya good, yaaa. 8.1 its like....

I dont understand that site. Iv seen like 1 good review some random game. EVERY review i watch on that site is just for kicks. I cant stop laughing at these slow idiots. Its like they dont know how to speak, they dont know ANYTHING about the game, they dont understand game development, all they understand is BIG GUN COOL EFFECT ! 9! YA!

Man i got to find you guys some of those reviews so we can all laugh it up on the forum.
I know who you're talking about, and i also find i disagree with him on every review he's made.

But beyond that Gamespot are still a great site. But like most places they tend to give in to hype as well. I mean come on, you can't bag Halo 2 for having a shitty singleplayer campaign and STILL give it 9.4. Come on now.

I've been trying to read 1up lately but i just disagree with them on almost all their reviews.
Halo? 9.7? You have to be kidding. You might enjoy the combat, but considering it lacks everything else it could only aspire to an 8.

Co-op alone sets Halo above every fps i've played since. Me and my brother must have run through the game 20+ times. I also lost countless hours in multiplayer with friends at LANs and literally spent months solidly playing to master the game on Legendary.

Criticising Halo for doing nothing other than combat is like criticising Robocop or Starship Troopers for not having a deep story. It does everything it sets out to do very well - not many fps can say that - and is one of the Edge 10/10's I agree with.

Whether you agree or not, people are too preocuppied with scores these days. We'd be better off if mags/sites gave no score at all and we had to find the review within the text (as it should be). Edge actually did this one month - good stuff.
Gamespot's scoring system is so gawddamn inconsistent. I swear they just have this dartboard with the scores on it and throw arrows at it.
Gamespot's scoring system is so gawddamn inconsistent. I swear they just have this dartboard with the scores on it and throw arrows at it.

I love all the gripes people have without providing an example.
I love all the gripes people have without providing an example.

Just take a look at their toprated games?

There, the most generic (not necessarily bad, just nothing outstanding) rehashed games are standing side by side with the biggest classics. Does not compute.
Off topic, but lately I've been liking Eurogamer and their reviews.
Gamespot are alright, better than IGN IMO, but neither are great.
You arn't always going to agree with reviews, as its the writers opinion.
Off topic, but lately I've been liking Eurogamer and their reviews.
I've always quite liked Eurogamer, because by comparison, it feels closest to the style of (older issues of) PC Gamer UK. This may have something to do with certain members of the PCGUK staff working at EG at some point or another, heh.