Gotta love..

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thats cool!
now everyone will want one....................
He put his head to the monitor and forced it through by a mix of osmosis and telekinetic powers.
Yeah the date though, it explains :x

he hasn't actually posted since july so a new rank hasn't shown
Probably 'god among men' or 'man of steel' or something. :p

It sounds like someone gave it to him to take the piss though. Either that or he's just so EXTREME that he can mess with his account using the power of his mind.
I don't miss him. It's been nice, not having someone come into every thread screeching about how they walk on their hands the 40 miles to work every morning, oh and there's always a hurricane going on and hail the size of baseballs and of course he forgot his clothes (or rather, his clothes were too weak to bind his godly figure) so he's walking on his hands naked through a shitstorm of water, wind, and hail.
Who cares, it's as funny as hell, the stuff he says.
"Master of the Universe" or something equally silly.

I think it stems from when we were experimenting with different user titles. They don't get refreshed until someone posts again.
Axyon said:
He put his head to the monitor and forced it through by a mix of osmosis and telekinetic powers.

haha, I can imagine that.
Number 5 is such a contradiction of all the others :LOL: lmfao!
Suicide42 said:
Number 5 is such a contradiction of all the others :LOL: lmfao!

Was thinking that. 'I gained enlightenment, sculpted my body to perfection, and then spent two solid days mapping'
So this thread transformed into "laugh with short recoil"? :)
Thanks for that...really...

...did you really need to ask that?
naa...i think hes more of a simple skin-flap that is neither man nor woman :rolling:
no...just...a skin flap. No genitalia, just a flap of skin hanging down from somewhere
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