Gov. Schwarzenegger calls foes 'girlie men'

Assemblywoman Sarah Reyes, D-Fresno, said Schwarzenegger should issue an apology for the "crude and inappropriate" comment. "I think we're seeing the real Arnold Schwarzenegger," she said. "It was alleged in the campaign that he was sexist and that he behaved inappropriately toward women and had no respect for them, and now we're seeing it's true."

Whoa, pretty amazing she can perform a complete analysis of someone's personality based on two words. :rolleyes:
hahahahaha... ahahahahahah i cant breathe thats hilarious
Haha, girlie man. Schwarzenegger should kill all that oppose him with his bare hands. :D

I don't follow California politics that much, how is Schwarzenegger doing as governor (besides this incident)?
Speeding tickets doubled (depending on the amount of speed), running a red light ticket is doubled. Pretty much everything is doubled.
this incident gives me all the more respect for him really. I don't follow politics either, so I can't tell you.
I for one agree with Arnold. It's stupid these girlie men can't balance our budget right. Then, when we were so close, everyone goes down the crapper to back to bickering.
I don't follow California politics that much, how is Schwarzenegger doing as governor (besides this incident)?
With the exception of the budget, he's been on the gun pretty well. He's agreed with Indian casinos, dealed with public education (which I don't like, but he pulled it off), and cut back on spending, and having the people agree with him.
He seems like a 'real guy' to me really, not a hollow political husk.
SupraRZ95 said:
Speeding tickets doubled (depending on the amount of speed), running a red light ticket is doubled. Pretty much everything is doubled.
what's wrong with doubling the traffic violation fines? it makes the roads safer.
OMFG that the funniest thing I have read... I can imagine him saying that with his Austrian accent. Oh I hope they recorded that. :)
We need to clone Ahnold like in that movie he was in where he was cloned and install his clones as governators in every state. Yepp.
parking fines must had been very cheap that he can double it like that.
DizzyOne said:
parking fines must had been very cheap that he can double it like that.

its california. you can get away with 90 in a driveway.
Awesome, I hope they pass that bill so that Foreign born American citizerns can run for President, go Arnold!
"anti-gay" Today's show has been brought to you by the word "homophobic". Oh no wait, no it hasn't. Sorry, pedantic English student.
Anyway, that's good politics right there. Real good. I haven't been following his lead very closely - has he done alright? I think I heard that he's done better than many people expected.
blahblahblah said:
Haha, girlie man. Schwarzenegger should kill all that oppose him with his bare hands. :D

I don't follow California politics that much, how is Schwarzenegger doing as governor (besides this incident)?

It's better if we call him governator - that suits arnie best!
lans said:
It's better if we call him governator - that suits arnie best!

His campaign slogan was "If it bleeds we can kill it!"
So he's doing surprisingly well, then? Amazing.

My mum reckon's he's a good action movie star, but a bit of a meathead... I've just thought he was cool ever since "Conan"...
Now that is the kind of person I want leading my state, of course this is coming from someone formally ruled by Mr. Ventura.
It is news reports like this that make you wish Arnold Schwarzenegger was British Prime Minister :(.
Now that is the kind of person I want leading my state, of course this is coming from someone formally ruled by Mr. Ventura.

I'd rather have someone like Arnold than some cold political robot
FoB_Ed said:
I'd rather have someone like Arnold than some cold political robot

al gore? (rofl, he is robot lollercide)

disclaimer: I like no one