GPU suggestion.


Jun 20, 2004
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Recently my computer has not been starting up completely. Some fans would start up while others would not. For years I have been on the verge of running out of power on my 200W PSU. Yet recently the computer would'nt start up all the way so I figured my power supply finally had it. So I upgraded my PSU to a 300W PSU. Happily thinking I fixed the problem I start up the computer. It still does'nt start up right! So I'm thinking D: while saying that at least I have enough watts to power my pc for whatever I get in the future. But still I was confused on what the hell was going on. My dad suggested swapping out my video card with his. You know what happened? Yep it started up flawlessly! :laugh: :o Yet recently the problem has been occuring on my dads newly built pc. So it confirmed that oddly enough, it was my GPU. It's weird though because I can't imagine frying a 3 year old GPU. I didn't overclock but I did stress it by playing HL2: Episode 1, etc. It was an ATI x800XL 256MB GPU. I need suggestion on a new video card. It needs to be:
  1. 8x (max) AGP
  2. Must take up one slot if possible. I have a Shuttle computer and is about the size of a shoebox. If I get a GPU that takes up 2 slots I cannot put the case on it.
  3. If possible the GPU can be made by NVIDIA. Never had an NVIDIA card and maybe they perform better and longer than 3 years.
I know it's hard to find a DX9 card right now (especially an AGP card) but I am looking for advice. What is the best bang for my buck? Thank you. *My dad and I also bought a tube of that thermal grease. He suggested taking it apart and cleaning the CPU on it and putting some thermal grease on it. Knew nothing would happen but hey it's his $12.
3yrs = teh old.

get a geforce 7600.
I ran Episode 1 on full settings with HDR and anti-aliasing to the max with no lag. Well except for the water scene. :) Now F.E.A.R is a different story as with BF2. :laugh:
Go with either a 7600GT agp, or a x1950pro agp

The 1950 is actually only a little more than the 7600 and is fair bit faster, so i'd recommend that.
yeah the PCI-e X1950pro pwns the 7600's ass. But i dont know about AGP version of x1950.
Technicalyy x1950pro is best bang for buck, check out some benchmarks of the 7600gt and X1950pro.
Those cards are PCI though. :| Anyways it's looking like these two cards here:
I'm thinking of the NVIDIA one though because:
  1. It's cheaper.
  2. GDDR 3
  3. Overclocked and ready to go out of the box.
  4. XFX warranty is very nice! :)
The ATI card has a a higher clock speed (whoop-de-doo it's only 10 more) but the memory size is 512MB compared to 256MB. I don't think my motherboard can take 512MB though. So any suggestions as to not get the NVIDIA one?
Ehm, the AGP versions of the 7600GT and the x1950pro are not PCIe, they're AGP. :|

And if you have to choose between those, the 7600 wins.
Ehm, the AGP versions of the 7600GT and the x1950pro are not PCIe, they're AGP. :|

And if you have to choose between those, the 7600 wins.
Oops forgot the n't in aren't. Sorry finals have just fried my brains. :o
It could still be the power supply that's causing the problems - a 300W power supply for a modern computer isn't that much, especially if it was a cheap and nasty one.
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if the PSU can't handle the new graphics card very long. Or at all..