Grand News!

Lethal8472 said:
I download at 3 k/ sec! :cheers: What makes me mad though is in Japan you can get 100mbps down/ 1 mbps up connection for $41 a month. Here, cable is $55 a month for 3 down, 256k up. :flame:
Haha and you think its expensive?
Here its around 60 euros per month for 384 :flame:
THAT is expensive
i hate you guys with 300+ DL speeds. I get 80 down, 12-15 up. Oh well, i used to be a modem boy, 3 k down, so going up to 80 was very nice. i could actually play games online!

Oh well, i guess i'm happy for you though...
ailevation said:
:cheers: Okay, this is for braggin' rights sorry, but I am soooo happy! My Earthlink DSL SPEED IS NOW RATED TO BE 3.0 MBPS!!! OMG SHIT IS BLAZING FAST!!! I download at rates of 306-320 KBPS!!!! CHEER I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!
My cable is 3 mbits/s
I download at 500-600 :D
HAH! I just won a year's free internet access :)

Stick that in your pipe and... download it.
*cough*100mbit line*cough*
Though not at home :( But still, the hospital has dvdburners so I just download shit, burn it and then take it home :)
SpuD said:
My cable is 3 mbits/s
I download at 500-600 :D
600KBps is almost 5Mbps. Either you are lying or you are a lucky bastard and the cable company is giving you more bandwidth than they said (the opposite of most cases).
actually comcast often gives slightly more than advertised. depends on the mood of their servers tbh.
ahah you guys suck. On soulseak today (downloading completely legal data ;)) I got speeds of 0.5kb/sec ROCK ON! :D
NJD2003 said:
I hate you all, my 56k modem (28.8 max connect, shitty phone lines) is crying right now. God I ahte you dial-up, i'm gonna kill you and your sister long-distance.

LOL, :( my ave :( :hmph:

Yeah I got BT broadband 1mbit and I love it so much. Dl at 114Kbyte
My DSL is weird. Most of the time it says it's connected at 1.7Mbps, but randomly it will connect at 8.0Mbps. Under both connections, I can usually download at, but not over, 300KBps. :dozey: Still, it's all good. I get it for half price because my dad works at our ISP.