graphics card


Apr 20, 2005
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hi, when i play HL2 the game frequently flickers and freezes. i think it has somthin to do with my graphics card (NVIDIA Geforce Fx 5500 256MB). i tried lots of things and still no change. can any1 help?
A.k said:
hi, when i play HL2 the game frequently flickers and freezes. i think it has somthin to do with my graphics card (NVIDIA Geforce Fx 5500 256MB). i tried lots of things and still no change. can any1 help?

I could think of getting the latest update for ur graphics card, replacing it. I don't know what the deal is with Nvida optomisation as I have a radeon card. It might be the case of having to validate your HL2. I had to to get rid of this annoying checkerboard textures. I forgotten the link however.
i just bought this computer about a week ago!
you might have to try telling us what you've tried- thatll start the process of elimination and then we can help you.
Ok... so you bought that computer a week ago and you chose a Fx 5500...? I'm not sure what to say, is that a kit or? Did you have to buy that card for any specific reasons? Because it won't perform well for any of the new games. If you can, change it now! If you want something really cheap go for a Radeon 9600XT, if you want the best bang for your bucks go for a 9800PRO, you can't go wrong with that.

Other than that, freeze or reboots can be caused by a faulty power supply or bad memory (more likely errors and blue screens but...). And finally overheating, wich would be wierd in your case because that vid card doesn't heat alot. You can try removing your side pannel to see if it helps.

Drivers can also cause that but as I said, you won't get any good performances with that card anyway so don't expect much.

Also if you have a big fan for home, you can do like one of my friends did, open your case and point that big fan on the vid card, the temps will decrease in a few minutes. Then play a game and if you can play a little longer without the freezes then it's because the vid card is overheating. Then you'd have to put more fans, or replace the fan on the vid card or better than that, buy another vid card!
I had a's was DECENT for DX8 gameplay. But yea...I would definitly upgrade to the 6xxx series for Nvidia if you want to stick with them. Or get an ATI 9800 XT and above.
gweedodogg69 said:
I had a's was DECENT for DX8 gameplay. But yea...I would definitly upgrade to the 6xxx series for Nvidia if you want to stick with them. Or get an ATI 9800 XT and above.

I have one right now, it can only play dx8 and under games, I forced dx9 and got about 5-10fps in cs:s and not even cool features(which I knew wouldn't happen) but its silly with the fps :p
Just had a look at the pc you bought from that ebay page, looks like you got a pretty good deal, all the core componants look good! If you have any friends with faster gfx cards, then i would recommend that you tried them out to see if it performs better.
Hahaha, if I didn't already have a sig I would definitely put this in it: COUPLED TO 1 OF THE FASTEST GAMES PLAYING GRAPHICS CARDS AVAILABLE TODAY- THE NVIDIA FX 5500. :)

Have you tried what I said, for the temperature? At least try to remove the pannel to see if it helps, and if you have any more fans, point them at your Graphic card.

You could also try to underclock your Graphic card if you know how to do that. Just to see if that's the problem (heat, bad vid card). And finally it might be the Power Supply, wich might be hard to test it, you would have to switch with another and see if it performs better.
I've still got a non-ultra 128mg Geforce FX5200.

I win!
tbh i doubt it has n e thing to do with the card.

Install these drivers, and when on the option select 'Performance'

Also check ur refresh rate on ur monitor, right click dekstop, properties, settings, advanced then either adapter or monitor and change to the highest supported setting.

Also check u have no programs running in the background, ie msn messenger.
theres still problems. someimes an error message comes up in game before the driver i installed it. jus some more info on the problems
Do you notice any wierd things on the screen (artifacts) or is it only freezing? Cuz we would appreciate screenshots, maybe you can print screen the error messages when you get one. Might also be a malicious program but I really suspect the GFX Card, can't you try putting another one? You can certainly get another GFX card somewhere just to test. I have a VooDoo 5 if you want :)
for some reason, i cant paste or attach pictures
heres the error


  • untitled.JPG
    99.6 KB · Views: 232
heres some more pics of ct's not normaley what they are and what happens when the game freezes.


  • CS.JPG
    84.8 KB · Views: 217
  • Freeze.JPG
    54.4 KB · Views: 208
i agree with holydeadpenguins on this, looks more like a system memory problem
well i put the fx 5500 in my other computer and it works fine. so whats wrong with my other computer? the computer is just going f 'd up restarting by itself all the time aswell.
Those errors look like memory errors, I don't think its got anything to do with your graphics card. I would goto and download there testing utility. Its a decent utility and goes on a floppy disc and you run the tests from DOS. That will show if you have any problems with your ram. Post your results on that test so we can narrow down teh search for the problem.
I got that too Ennui and I also got a TNT2 so shush! It seems the 5200 is actually slower than the TNT2 lol
the test took to long so i had to stop it after 3 1/2 hours

Cache: on
ECC: off
Test: Std
ECC Errs:0
Yes it is!!! You shouldn't get any... I think you just found the prob! If you have two sticks of RAM, remove one to see if you still get the problem. Then try with the other stick. If you only get the problem with one of the sticks then that stick is faulty, you'll have to change it. If you still have problems with both sticks, they can be both faulty or it can be your memory slots on your mobo, so you would have to change your mobo.
should i test it by memtest or playing games?
Both, memtest will confirm there are errors and your game will probably crash.
i scanned the memory sticks sepretly and both came out with errors, so this means i have to replace it. could i try using a memory stick from another computer
doesnt matter anymore. my mobo is bein replaced with the RAM 2.
Ok, don't forget to give us some news when everything will work fine.