graphics card

its done,the problem was the cooling fan (a crap 1) and caused the comp to over heat. now i hope my game works
Isn't heat not supposed to be a factor in ram errors, unless it's extreme heat? I doubt a faulty fan could cause the ram to get that hot. Looks like the pc you bought was built for gaming, so it probably had more than one fan in it, meaning that even if one went dead, the components shouldn't over heat too badly.
i played the CSS for 15-20mins and it crashes with looping sound, i have to restart it.Then microsoft online crash analysis says 'Error caused by a device driver'. But the game doesnt freeze and restart like it used 2 do.
I take it then that it doesn't give the driver name, if it does, you should post it. Might be able to tell what it is.
ok i got 2 sticks of RAM 1 is new and the other old were i found 1000's of errors should i take it off 2 see if it makes a difference.
What a rip man. You should contact whoever sold you the pc and see if he'll pay for the new ram. I bet he sold it cheap because of the faulty ram.
omg now the computer quits or crashes in games after 10-30 minutes and my appearance won't go away, its stuck on windows classic and i cant change it back 2 XP.
A.k said:
omg now the computer quits or crashes in games after 10-30 minutes and my appearance won't go away, its stuck on windows classic and i cant change it back 2 XP.

Yeah, you can't just say "I think it's gone". Those sticks he gave you are eternally ****ed.

Like I said, try to see if he'll pay for new DIMMS.
i cant take it back. computer has been opened up.
A.k said:
while i was playing bf2, comp restarts.
other times it says 'Error caused by a device driver'

Uninstall gfx drivers with driver cleaner, then reinstall with teh latest drivers for your card. Should sort the problem. One other thing, are you still running your pc with the stick of ram taht you found 1000's of errors on, becaue that may also be causing big problems in games and general usage.
duffers20 said:
Uninstall gfx drivers with driver cleaner, then reinstall with teh latest drivers for your card. Should sort the problem. One other thing, are you still running your pc with the stick of ram taht you found 1000's of errors on, becaue that may also be causing big problems in games and general usage.

Yeah he is.

AND DUDE, IT BEING OPENED AIN'T A PROBLEM! That pc you got there was probably hand built, so you probably opened it for like, the 500'th time in it's life. And just return the dimms, the ram is screwing you over. Like I said "OMFG IT'S T3H GONE" ain't gonna cut it.
