Graphics Design schools?


Nov 19, 2003
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So, I'm trying to get into the Art Institute of Vancouver and take the Graphics Design course, but they want to check to make sure i'm "appropriate", academically and artistically.

Suffice to say, I'm nervous. I mostly doodle and do illustrations, the vast majority of which isn't anywhere near professional quality. And most of my better material only exists as scans, have gone missing, or are (ahem) 'adult' in nature. I guess what I mean is that I feel totally inadequate (and not in the usual way, har har). And I very briefly played around with Photoshop and Illustrator, back in the day. Mostly I use MS Paint, and I took Drafting in high school. I just hope that is okay, since people go to school to learn after all. The only ace I think I have is that, for some reason, I like drawing logos, and I have a sizable collection of fictional logos for fictional companies.

Has anyone here been rejected or easily been accepted? I'm just wondering if I shouldn't get my hopes up...

Because it's either this, or 'Creative Writing' and authors generally don't make a good living, so I hear.

Unless yo're JK Rowling... lucky biatch... :p
As far as I know Vancouver is pretty strict, but never hurts trying does it? the worst that can happen that you get a " no thanks" and get some c&c ye? :)
If it's a strict school then you'll definately need a portfolio with at least 15-20 pieces inside it.
you need a good portfolio .. do a few sketches, drawings, painting to pad your portfolio a bit but only take the best stuff you have ...a weak piece will do more harm than good ..oh and the school is very reputable ..I'd put in 200% effort to get in if I were you ..graphic design is all about contacts and who you know'll make invaluable contacts in school, dont miss this opportunity
well... i'm not sure exactly what happened, but i've been approved to submit an application... which does not mean i'm accepted, it just means that there's a chance i might get in.

She just talked to me and didn't even look at any of my artwork... The next starting date is in January and I have a feeling she's trying to fill up the classes.

but i think my dad is having second thoughts, given that he didn't realize that the program would cost like 30,000 dollars! and neither did i. ouch that's a lot of money!
well... i'm not sure exactly what happened, but i've been approved to submit an application... which does not mean i'm accepted, it just means that there's a chance i might get in.

She just talked to me and didn't even look at any of my artwork... The next starting date is in January and I have a feeling she's trying to fill up the classes.

but i think my dad is having second thoughts, given that he didn't realize that the program would cost like 30,000 dollars! and neither did i. ouch that's a lot of money!

how many years?
My friend is currently attending Graphic Design at AI Vancouver. I'll ask her what kind of portfolio she had to put together. I'm starting at the Vancouver Film School in June.
how many years?

1.5 years, 6 quarters without a summer break. 2 weeks off between quarters. Start in January end in June of the next year.

My friend is currently attending Graphic Design at AI Vancouver. I'll ask her what kind of portfolio she had to put together. I'm starting at the Vancouver Film School in June.

Cool, how does she like it? I suppose the portfolio is a moot point now, since they've already accepted my application. All i have to do now is submit an essay and my transcripts and cross my fingers.
Okay... so most recent developement: my mom says "30,000 dollars? are you crazy? forget it!"

so... yeah.... #@!%! :(
Sorry to hear that man.. 30,000 dollars huh? I got 1000 bumming off one of my friends that went into game development college somewhere in Washington. All I did was ask for 5 dollars before he left and he gave me 1,000 dollars :D

Damn.. 30,000 dollars, that would mean 30 friends to bum :O
Student loans + scholarships. Get to work! Don't let money stop you from what you want to do with your life.
Student loans + scholarships. Get to work! Don't let money stop you from what you want to do with your life.

Yeah but 30000$ is a lot of money to get untill january...Even if you work 24/7 for the next 2 months. I dont know man. If yhey ask so much money then its not about the art. Then its etilair. They should accept ppl on work not on the size of their pockets.

Pfft...maybe better to forget about it...srry man