Graphics Driver Problem.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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I am going into my display properties, clicking the advanced tab, and this pops up.


I have no idea what's causing it. I didn't really change anything. I switched drivers, tried several driver versions that have worked in the past without this issue, and none of them work.

I have never seen this problem before.

Maybe when I was updating my bios and chipset drivers I installed it wrong or something, somehow? I did that recently, reinstalling my bios driver and installing the latest chipset driver for my motherboard I could find.

But these were from intel's website and for my motherboard.

EDIT: Weird, the chipset file I downloaded from intel's site said...

Target Chipset#: X38 & 3200/3210 Chipset

Even though that's not my chipset at all. It also says date july 26 2007, which is not the same date shown on the page.

Chipset: INF Update Utility for 848, 865, 875, 910, 915, 925 Chipset-Based Intel Desktop Boards (2347KB) 8/7/2007

Mine is the 865 chipset.

I also distinctly remembering that it prompted me that the ones I was about to install(the latest driver) was older than the one currently on the system. I didn't understand that though because this is the latest driver!

I have a severe problem... in a game, say Men of War for example... I get 8fps on one of the missions on maximum settings, 1280x960 resolution.

If I go to minimum resolution, like 800x600 and lowest graphics settings I still get 8fps. If I am on maximum settings at 1600x1200 resolution I still get 8fps.


EDIT: This is no ****ing fair! NO ****ING FAIR AT ALL!

I tried my brother's video card. It's a BFG Tech BFGR78256GSOC GeForce 7800GS 256MB 256-bit GDDR3 AGP 4X/8X Video Card

On the same game, same level... it runs TONS faster than my card. And turning down the settings on his card actually IMPROVE performance, whereas on my card they don't change performance at all. On near full settings on that game, with some things turned down like view distance a bit, and shadows off... it's running 30-33fps. Compared to my video card that's running 8fps.

What graphics card is the one that's causing the driver problems?
Go back to Intel's site and get the correct drivers. Having incorrect or old motherboard drivers is going to cause severe problems with your system.
I tried reinstalling the drivers that are on the site.

Nothing worked. Not even a different video card worked. Both of the video cards gave the error in windows.

I ended up reformatting the computer after making my first Windows XP Slipstream cd. That worked.

It's quite lovely to get all the way to service pack 3 during windows install. Very lovely. And I also put all sorts of useful files on it as well that i'll always remember where to find them, that I need to install first.

I'm still stuck wondering why my x1950 Pro 512mb is such a ****ING CRAPPY VIDEO CARD!

I don't think I'll ever buy ATI again. Only ever had problems with their cards.
You did uninstall your drivers before reinstalling/changing/updating them right? If not, then you probably had fragments of drivers all over the place confusing the everliving **** out of the video card.

Also, it said the problem was with your display driver... why were you messing around with the motherboard drivers and bios?
I can't see how you can blame ATI when it was you who was messing around with your Drivers. All my Graphics cards have been ATI's and they've have worked flawlessly. That error indicated that you did something wrong. You had the wrong drivers for it, you got the wrong drivers for your motherboard. The graphic card was not working properly due to an incorrect driver, and your friends Nvidia card worked because it had the correct drivers. Try installing Windows 98 drivers for it and see if it works flawlessly. Next time your PC says the the drivers you are installing are older don't install it. Check again, especially when is come to your BIOS and motherboard.
You did uninstall your drivers before reinstalling/changing/updating them right? If not, then you probably had fragments of drivers all over the place confusing the everliving **** out of the video card.

Also, it said the problem was with your display driver... why were you messing around with the motherboard drivers and bios?

Yep, I'm always sure to uninstall the drivers and then delete all traces of files on the computer and registry.

I was messing around with my motherboard drivers and bios because I was on tomshardware site and they said outdated bios and motherboard drivers can have a huge performance impact in games, and I was checking to make sure mine were all up to date.

I can't see how you can blame ATI when it was you who was messing around with your Drivers. All my Graphics cards have been ATI's and they've have worked flawlessly. That error indicated that you did something wrong. You had the wrong drivers for it, you got the wrong drivers for your motherboard. The graphic card was not working properly due to an incorrect driver, and your friends Nvidia card worked because it had the correct drivers. Try installing Windows 98 drivers for it and see if it works flawlessly. Next time your PC says the the drivers you are installing are older don't install it. Check again, especially when is come to your BIOS and motherboard.

I blame ATI because first of all, all four of my family's Radeon 9800 pro's died out within the same half year span... even though they were well cared for.

And this card because this card has given me nothing but shit since I first bought it. Well before the problems I'm facing now. I'm talking about dying fan/heatsink which I had to replaced, and even faulty digital VPU things that cause instability in the card that have been reported across the board with the x1950.

I'm not blaming the card for this most recent issue. I'm blaming it for all the other bullshit that it's caused me, even before I had to replace the dying fan/heatsink combo.

Oh and no, I didn't have the wrong drivers for my motherboard. I just had different ones. I have only ever, ever downloaded drivers for my motherboard from intel's site, and only for the d865perl. And I recently found out where it was that I got the latest version that I had before, and it's still for this motherboard. It just wasn't available in the same part of the website.

And I also had proper, correct ATI drivers for my video card, and am always sure that I uninstall all old drivers and all old traces of drivers in the computer and in the registry before I install new ones. I've tried older ATI drivers for my card, and the newest ones.

I don't install incorrect drivers period.

Next time your PC says the the drivers you are installing are older don't install it. Check again, especially when is come to your BIOS and motherboard.

This happened purely because there are two spots available on intel's site for my motherboard. Apparently in the past I found the proper newest one, rather than the oldest one. It's not because I installed WRONG drivers, it's because I had differently dated drivers.

See, look:

Bam:* XP Home Edition&lang=eng

And Bam:* XP Home Edition&lang=eng

Two completely different spots. The top one is 'older' yet it's the one listed on the main d865Perl page. Whereas the second one is newer, and it's hidden on the website and not directly accessible from the d865Perl page, even though it's for i865Pe chipsets as well. This is the main d865perl driver page:!

Which as you can see, only includes the first link.

NEITHER of them are WRONG drivers.

And finally, I don't know if the problem arised from messing with the bios things. I can't imagine so, because the BIOS file and motherboard file are all proper for my board. And I didn't check before installing those whether the problem was still there. All I know is that it was there even after I had proper drivers on my board.
Yeah well you're a cow so what do you know!

*cries and hugs radeon 4850*

In XNA when I create a single triangle in a 3D environment it only runs at 12fps.
