Graphics In Hl2 Suck!


Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
OMG have you guys seen the specular mapping!!!!one!!11OR THE SHADOWS111111111111
OH GEE the source engine is just GREATE!

now onto the post... i started reading Shes post and i wanted to break my monitor over her(his?) head (very nice monitor too, btw)... Next time i read any of the above things anywhere on this FORUM I WILL SCREAM :YEYEAAARRRRGRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, i know my frustrations on this point probably dont warrant a new thread but for CHRISTS SAKE WOULD YOU SHUTUP! I know this would mean my thread gets removed to but i think we should have a new rule - no new threads on above topics unless something new happens/something changes
What sets me off even more is that when ppl say that it doesnt really matter that much or that its not that much they get called a fanboy - HAVING SENSE IS NOT BEING A FANBOY.
HL2 looks amazing - ofcourse theres some glitches, there is with all games, but the ones commented on here are so minor and non-gameplay affecting its going to DRIVE ME CRAZY!

*breathes* my 2 cents
minor and non-gameplay affectiing

You said it...
I guess people are having immense fun picking nits. Rather than looking at how the engine looks on the whole, they'd prefer to fling poo at Valve over an overlapping shadow or an unrealistic table gib.

I would have no problem with this crap if people were at least constructive with their complaints. But most if tends to be general "SOURCE SUCKS" bullshit.

I guess this is what happens when people get it into their heads that a game will be 100% perfect. :rolleyes:
AJ Rimmer said:
This is the very essence of too much hype.

True dat. But shit,seriously. Graphics like Half-life 2's has never been seen in a game before ever(Doom 3's graphical quality was all down to real time physical lighting for the 'ooos' and 'aaas'.)And now youre bitching because some of the minor, non gameplay affecting specular glitches? Half-life2 is the prototype for all future games to come! Infact, if it wasnt for the e3trailers and movies, people would argue that realtime graphics like those of halflife 2's would be impossible to render today. It has taken them over 5 years to develop the Source Engine, and now you are saying it sucks? Why dont you go play Far Cry or something.
Shit, now im angry and i was having such a nice day.
I don't see how you can complain about Source graphics, I mean, gee, I can take a shotgun and blow the crap out of a computer and watch individual parts get scattered around a room.

Heck, I'd buy HL just to be able to do that, nothing else.
MiccyNarc said:
I don't see how you can complain about Source graphics, I mean, gee, I can take a shotgun and blow the crap out of a computer and watch individual parts get scattered around a room.

Heck, I'd buy HL just to be able to do that, nothing else.
You and me :D
meh, who cares what other people think and say
PC Gamer UK - 96%
PC Gamer US - 98%
PC Gamplay - 90%
PC Format - 96%
PC Zone - 97%

Highest rated game ever in the 4 out of the 5 magazines. Enough said.
i'm with you. i'm sick of people always going on about the shaddow bug like it's the end of the world.
Harryz said:
PC Gamer UK - 96%
PC Gamer US - 98%
PC Gamplay - 90%
PC Format - 96%
PC Zone - 97%

Highest rated game ever in the 4 out of the 5 magazines. Enough said.
Oh who cares about that. I won't trust any review until I've read either Joakin Bennet, Emil Kraftling or Mats Nylund's reviews.
Swedish PCGamer is the only way to go.
i always turn Shadows off so i dont even care if theres a shadow bug or not!
AJ Rimmer said:
Oh who cares about that. I won't trust any review until I've read either Joakin Bennet, Emil Kraftling or Mats Nylund's reviews.
Swedish PCGamer is the only way to go.
I happen to care about Gamer UK's review, actually.
Axyon said:
I happen to care about Gamer UK's review, actually.
Really? Hmmm...

No, I'm just kidding, but I think most reviewers actually base their verdict on 50% the quality and 50% because its Half-life. So I for one don't really trust reviews on big games, look at Doom 3 for example.
AJ Rimmer said:
Really? Hmmm...

No, I'm just kidding, but I think most reviewers actually base their verdict on 50% the quality and 50% because its Half-life. So I for one don't really trust reviews on big games, look at Doom 3 for example.
Doom 3 got reviews between 85-92% which I would say its about right.
Sharasment panda said:
True dat. But shit,seriously. Graphics like Half-life 2's has never been seen in a game before ever(Doom 3's graphical quality was all down to real time physical lighting for the 'ooos' and 'aaas'.)And now youre bitching because some of the minor, non gameplay affecting specular glitches? Half-life2 is the prototype for all future games to come! Infact, if it wasnt for the e3trailers and movies, people would argue that realtime graphics like those of halflife 2's would be impossible to render today. It has taken them over 5 years to develop the Source Engine, and now you are saying it sucks? Why dont you go play Far Cry or something.
Shit, now im angry and i was having such a nice day.

lol what absolute nonsense
Doom 3 is a fantastic demo of an engine. I look forward to some *games* using it...
fantasiser said:
OMG have you guys seen the specular mapping!!!!one!!11OR THE SHADOWS111111111111
OH GEE the source engine is just GREATE!

now onto the post... i started reading Shes post and i wanted to break my monitor over her(his?) head (very nice monitor too, btw)... Next time i read any of the above things anywhere on this FORUM I WILL SCREAM :YEYEAAARRRRGRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, i know my frustrations on this point probably dont warrant a new thread but for CHRISTS SAKE WOULD YOU SHUTUP! I know this would mean my thread gets removed to but i think we should have a new rule - no new threads on above topics unless something new happens/something changes
What sets me off even more is that when ppl say that it doesnt really matter that much or that its not that much they get called a fanboy - HAVING SENSE IS NOT BEING A FANBOY.
HL2 looks amazing - ofcourse theres some glitches, there is with all games, but the ones commented on here are so minor and non-gameplay affecting its going to DRIVE ME CRAZY!

*breathes* my 2 cents
Not gameplay affecting? Ha!
Shadows falling through your cover - fragged!
Doom 3 got 6 out of 10 in the swedish game mag SUPER Play...
I really don't think that anyone is complaining on HL²'s graphics as a whole. People are complaining about certain details. And they should. Source is not perfect, and it's our job to point the errors out.

Just because someone thinks that a certain detail in the game is bad, it doesn't mean that the person thinks that HL² is a bad game.
And even if someone thinks that HL² IS a bad game, he/she should be entitled to that opinion.
No game is perfect. If all the naysayers can come up with to criticize the game is a few minor nitpicks that doesn't even affect the gameplay, it's a compliment about the quality of the engine.
Incitatus said:
For those of you who think source is ahead of it's time you might want to see what actually lies ahead in time.

The model from the unreal 3 engine impresses even me, and I'm not easily impressed.
Yes, it's a nice model. But HL² is running on a 2(older?) year old engine. I wonder what kind of hardware you'll need to get a decent FR in a game with the UE3.
I don't get it - people whine about the wood in CSS and say that HL2 will have crappy wood. When do you realize that the mapper makes the breakpoints, and for a fast MP game like CSS, If I'd be Valve I'd make simple breakpoints. I assume we can have detailed, breaking wood in HL2. Or I hope so :naughty: !

Oh, and the new Unreal engine - it looks terrific, but it will take several years for hardware efficient enough to be available with prices bearable for normal gamers.

Things don't have to look 100% real to be immersive, interesting, intruiging etc. I could list 50 films off the top of my head with fantastic visual effects, a poor script, poor acting, poor casting...but the effects are great!!

I think some people totally the miss the point of what most single player games are about. Some people think it's a constant journey to make things look 100% real but to me it isn't. To me it's almost the same as films. I look forward to interesting characters, cool stories, awesome music, the creation of a gameplay that fits my tastes. Immersive environments are not necessarily dependent on great specular lighting, bump mapping, dynamic shadows. Give a genius game creator the Quake 1 engine and a team of talented hobos and they'll create an immersive and atmospheric game.

I'm not anti-graphics, i fully support graphical enhancements. But lets not catch the George Lucas-syndrome and sacrifice gameplay, story etc for shinier surfaces, more polygons and .........................................shadows.

Like I said before, some CARTOONS are some of my favourite films and they aren't lifelike. It's the way the creators use the medium to deliver the message/story/whatever that is so fascinating.
hahaha.. nice defence guys..
Doom3 this and Doom3 that..
Do you feel threatened by the doom3 engine??

Doom3 is a more stabile engine than Source will ever be..
The fact that John Carmack programmed a stabile engine in just under 4 years
tears you apart, beacuse Valve thought they could create a better one.. (DAIKATANA / John Romero anybody??)

Well... 5-years.. and they still have problems with the shadows...
I LOL.. beacuse the shadows are outdatet too...
+ Source looks very outdated..

and john is already creating an outdoor engine to add on his DOOM3 ""indoor" engine.. while Valve struggle with "Minor" problems...

And Pumping it with Specular mapping aint gonna hide that fact..
it looks old / farcry.

But then again... it's all about gameplay..

EDIT: ( im out.. )
Mr-Fusion said:
But lets not catch the George Lucas-syndrome and sacrifice gameplay, story etc for shinier surfaces, more polygons and .........................................shadows.
The thing about the shiny surfaces is that they shouldn't shine... when was the last time you saw a gleaming brick wall? ;)
She said:
But then again... it's all about gameplay..
Knowing that, why do you insist on saying the same thing over and over and over again? It gets a bit repetitive, no?

Do you have ANY original or interesting thoughts to bring to the forum? Do you even know why people are looking forward to Half-Life 2? DO you know why people loved Half-Life 1? To me you seem to have no clue as to why we're all here, why this whole shabang started in the first place.

I can tell you now, it had nothing to do with shadows.

The thing about the shiny surfaces is that they shouldn't shine... when was the last time you saw a gleaming brick wall?
When i painted it with a fresh coat of varnish :laugh:
She said:
hahaha.. nice defence guys..
Doom3 this and Doom3 that..
Do you feel threatened by the doom3 engine??

Doom3 is a more stabile engine than Source will ever be..
The fact that John Carmack programmed a stabile engine in just under 4 years
tears you apart, beacuse Valve thought they could create a better one.. (DAIKATANA / John Romero anybody??)

Well... 5-years.. and they still have problems with the shadows...
I LOL.. beacuse the shadows are outdatet too...
+ Source looks very outdated..

and john is already creating an outdoor engine to add on his DOOM3 ""indoor" engine.. while Valve struggle with "Minor" problems...

And Pumping it with Specular mapping aint gonna hide that fact..
it looks old / farcry.

But then again... it's all about gameplay..

EDIT: ( im out.. )
Be fair now :) The shadow... ehrm... thingie was apparently a conscious choice. Probably to be able to stick (somewhat) to the promise that HL² would be playable on low end hardware. Maybe it wasn't the greatest choice as this is bound to get you killed in MP :hmph:
The specular mapping thing however.. it's just sloppy and feels like a "look what we can do! Shiny bricks and stones"... hope they get rid of that in a patch.
Mr-Fusion said:
When i painted it with a fresh coat of varnish :laugh:
That has to be counted as an exception :cheers: Admit.. the shiny stuff is way overdone, in CS:S anyway.
She said:
hahaha.. nice defence guys..
Doom3 this and Doom3 that..
Do you feel threatened by the doom3 engine??

Doom3 is a more stabile engine than Source will ever be..
The fact that John Carmack programmed a stabile engine in just under 4 years
tears you apart, beacuse Valve thought they could create a better one.. (DAIKATANA / John Romero anybody??)

Well... 5-years.. and they still have problems with the shadows...
I LOL.. beacuse the shadows are outdatet too...
+ Source looks very outdated..

and john is already creating an outdoor engine to add on his DOOM3 ""indoor" engine.. while Valve struggle with "Minor" problems...

And Pumping it with Specular mapping aint gonna hide that fact..
it looks old / farcry.

But then again... it's all about gameplay..

EDIT: ( im out.. )
But then, Doom 3 sucked. And Source still beats the shit out of Carmack when it comes to NPCs
She said:
hahaha.. nice defence guys..
Doom3 this and Doom3 that..
Do you feel threatened by the doom3 engine??

Yes. I'm concerned that it might leap out at me when I least expect it and rip my throat out.

Doom3 is a more stabile engine than Source will ever be..

Speculation. How is Doom 3 more stable than Source. Cite specific examples.

The fact that John Carmack programmed a stabile engine in just under 4 years
tears you apart, beacuse Valve thought they could create a better one.. (DAIKATANA / John Romero anybody??)

Btw - Daikatana used the Quake 2 engine. Half-Life used the Quake engine, and modified it to be better than Quake 2 within a similar timeframe.
Jon Romero didn't do any engine coding.
Your example is laughable. Next!

Well... 5-years.. and they still have problems with the shadows...
I LOL.. beacuse the shadows are outdatet too...
+ Source looks very outdated..

Speculation and opinion. No facts here.

and john is already creating an outdoor engine to add on his DOOM3 ""indoor" engine.. while Valve struggle with "Minor" problems...
Well, why didn't he add it in the first place?
I don't see Valve "struggling". Perhaps, like nearly everyone else, they don't see the shadow issue as being earth-shatteringly important.

And Pumping it with Specular mapping aint gonna hide that fact..
it looks old / farcry.
So what is an example of current-gen graphics then? Doom 3? Please....

But then again... it's all about gameplay..

The only correct thing you've said.
AJ Rimmer said:
But then, Doom 3 sucked. And Source still beats the shit out of Carmack when it comes to NPCs
I thought the flahslight was cool...
I love it when Pi Mu Rho makes posts like that. Always sets alot of people straight. :D