Graphics In Hl2 Suck!

Actually, i've noticed some stones to produce a gleamy appearance, that's besides the point ;) is wrong with you???
Source is not outdated, and yes, the shadows aren't perfect, but to say that the game looks dated because of them is rediculous. The graphics in hl2 are amazing, not in the way that they only LOOK amazing, but the way they will perform on the low end hardware, not everyone has a F***ing x800 with a 3 gig proccesor. Go play it on one of those suped up rigs, and i'm sure it will blow you away :)
And as for doom 3 being a better engine...are you on something?
I personally think Doom 3's graphics are better then Half-Life 2. Although Half-Life 2 graphics are still exceptionally good and dated. Some Counter-Strike: Source screens may not look impressive, but it looks visually appealing in motion. Also Doom 3 fails miserably gameplay wise.
Yellonet said:
The thing about the shiny surfaces is that they shouldn't shine... when was the last time you saw a gleaming brick wall? ;)

Two days ago in an alley in Footscray.
Doom 3 doesn't have better graphics, they just show them off farcry on crack :p
Brian Damage said:
Two days ago in an alley in Footscray.
Yeah yeah... but it's an exception. Don't you agree that it looks kind of stupid in CS:S?
Yellonet said:
Yeah yeah... but it's an exception. Don't you agree that it looks kind of stupid in CS:S?

Depends entirely upon the surrounding environment.
Hl2 Graphics rocks, BTW you should know that the Game Graphics is not the game engine it self. as better the things are desinged the better it looks.. CS:S doesn't have HL2 Graphics but only its Engine :rolling:
Brian Damage said:
Depends entirely upon the surrounding environment.
To me it just isn't very convincing. Walls and floors gleam when they are wet...
Yellonet said:
To me it just isn't very convincing. Walls and floors gleam when they are wet...

And heavily sandblasted by fine desert sand. And often if made from igneous or metamorphic rock.
She said:
hahaha.. nice defence guys..
Doom3 this and Doom3 that..
Do you feel threatened by the doom3 engine??

Doom3 is a more stabile engine than Source will ever be..
The fact that John Carmack programmed a stabile engine in just under 4 years
tears you apart, beacuse Valve thought they could create a better one.. (DAIKATANA / John Romero anybody??)

Well... 5-years.. and they still have problems with the shadows...
I LOL.. beacuse the shadows are outdatet too...
+ Source looks very outdated..

and john is already creating an outdoor engine to add on his DOOM3 ""indoor" engine.. while Valve struggle with "Minor" problems...

And Pumping it with Specular mapping aint gonna hide that fact..
it looks old / farcry.

But then again... it's all about gameplay..

EDIT: ( im out.. )

Defence? The thread starter was for people like you to keep it to themselves.... what are we defending? Your just source bashing again, i GUESS YOU MISSED THE WHOLE POINT OF THE F***ING THREAD

For those saying that there a minor problems, and that you have a right to point them out - im not disputing that fact, im saying you shouldnt point out the same thing, repeatedly, every 25 seconds, shoving it in everyones faces.
And She, most of your posts are quite frankly full of sh*t, the above one is all just your opinion, without ANY facts
Also id like to point out the specular mapping - you DO realise that it doesnt look like that because of the engine - it looks like that because of the specular map applied, if they wanted to, it would take them a few seconds to lower the gleam on objects

And about Doom3, in the singleplayer i actually found a lot of Fixed shadows (doesnt matter where you move the light the shadow is the same), and fake lights (they look like lights/bright but arent actually illuminating anything or causing shadows), so dont even try and say that Carmack got his creation perfect
beside everyone know ID makes they're games almost exclusively to showcase they're engines. They make they're big bucks from licencing.

But I think from a purely graphical perspective no one can argue that both doom 3 and xray engines are superior to source. That doesn't mean that half life2 won't be a better game than both doom3 and stalker, it prob will though all the hype is making me suspicious.
Brian Damage said:
And heavily sandblasted by fine desert sand. And often if made from igneous or metamorphic rock.
Yes there IS gleaming stones and other things... I know that. But in a game it should look convincing, and as most people are used to stones and bricks not gleaming. Therefore I think that not so glittery walls and floors would have been better.
Where the hell is that G-Man vs Dr. Betruger picture that shows up on half the posts like this. :rolleyes:
Btw - Daikatana used the Quake 2 engine. Half-Life used the Quake engine, and modified it to be better than Quake 2 within a similar timeframe.
Jon Romero didn't do any engine coding.
Your example is laughable. Next!
you probobly knew what i meant..
if not... :|

Jon Romero didn't do any engine coding.
yes.. he did.

Your example is laughable. Next!
No, your attempt to be a smartass is laughable..
Yellonet said:
Yes there IS gleaming stones and other things... I know that. But in a game it should look convincing, and as most people are used to stones and bricks not gleaming. Therefore I think that not so glittery walls and floors would have been better.

Okaaay... you sent an eMail to the Counter Strike team asking them to tone down the specularity on all the stone on their new maps, then?
People will be able to do it themselves, when the SDK is released.
If you guys don't like the gleaming, just turn it off. Looks better off anyway, mat_specular 0
fantasiser said:
OMG have you guys seen the specular mapping!!!!one!!11OR THE SHADOWS111111111111
OH GEE the source engine is just GREATE!

now onto the post... i started reading Shes post and i wanted to break my monitor over her(his?) head (very nice monitor too, btw)... Next time i read any of the above things anywhere on this FORUM I WILL SCREAM :YEYEAAARRRRGRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, i know my frustrations on this point probably dont warrant a new thread but for CHRISTS SAKE WOULD YOU SHUTUP! I know this would mean my thread gets removed to but i think we should have a new rule - no new threads on above topics unless something new happens/something changes
What sets me off even more is that when ppl say that it doesnt really matter that much or that its not that much they get called a fanboy - HAVING SENSE IS NOT BEING A FANBOY.
HL2 looks amazing - ofcourse theres some glitches, there is with all games, but the ones commented on here are so minor and non-gameplay affecting its going to DRIVE ME CRAZY!

*breathes* my 2 cents

HL2 graphics will be better than CS:S, belive me. They spent much more time on hl2 than CS:S. And what about the shadows? Have you seen RL shadows? They look about the same as in the game.
Harryz said:
PC Gamer UK - 96%
PC Gamer US - 98%
PC Gamplay - 90%
PC Format - 96%
PC Zone - 97%

Highest rated game ever in the 4 out of the 5 magazines. Enough said.

Yes. Yes it is.
Pi Mu Rho said:
People will be able to do it themselves, when the SDK is released.

Yeah, I know that, and you know that... but by the looks of things, some people don't have the patience to wait that long...
**** 'em.

It seems that some people have set out purely to nitpick over every little thing. They currently merit my attention.
Look, Source = Great Engine....
Source = Very Flexible, easy to update\change engine
Source(with a little more modifiications of course(or not) could render graphics up to the ones shown from UE3. Why don't they? Lets see.. Im gonna need a top of the line pc with dual 6800's(For a decent framerate). Now, how many people in the world have that? Obviously there not gonna make much money... they can wait a year or 2 and then with HL3 they can have those graphics..

Shadows arn't that important to valve right now, I mean.. As John Camrack once said "Only add the things you need in"(Or something..somewhat like that). Doom 3 needed its shading to be top notch for the horror. Half-Life 2 needs its physics for the minipulator & Puzzles. Half-Life 2 dosn't really need the shadows, so they added some... "decent" ones in.
Doom 3 didn't need over the top physics so they didn't add over the top physics.

You get my point?
If HL2 was a in-door horror game you bet i would be mad if its shading was a piece of crap. But it's not. It's not a horror game!
Pi Mu Rho said:
It seems that some people have set out purely to nitpick over every little thing.
Sadly, this sort of thing happens everytime a new, huge, hyped game title appears. There are some people that enjoy stirring up controversy by talking crap about other people's favorite game.

IMO, the best way to deal with this is to not reply at all or only with this -> :rolleyes:
Starting a heated and pointless discussion only attracts more crap.
fantasiser said:
OMG have you guys seen the specular mapping!!!!one!!11OR THE SHADOWS111111111111
OH GEE the source engine is just GREATE!

now onto the post... i started reading Shes post and i wanted to break my monitor over her(his?) head (very nice monitor too, btw)... Next time i read any of the above things anywhere on this FORUM I WILL SCREAM :YEYEAAARRRRGRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, i know my frustrations on this point probably dont warrant a new thread but for CHRISTS SAKE WOULD YOU SHUTUP! I know this would mean my thread gets removed to but i think we should have a new rule - no new threads on above topics unless something new happens/something changes
What sets me off even more is that when ppl say that it doesnt really matter that much or that its not that much they get called a fanboy - HAVING SENSE IS NOT BEING A FANBOY.
HL2 looks amazing - ofcourse theres some glitches, there is with all games, but the ones commented on here are so minor and non-gameplay affecting its going to DRIVE ME CRAZY!

*breathes* my 2 cents

Hey, She, what are you smoking? Seems pretty strong, I might want to try it :).
Graphics in hl2 are certainly flawed. Right now the only thing it has going for it is in-game physics demos with Havok. It's no longer a contender graphics-wise. Not with all the flaws.
Doom3 is stable? The demo crashed on me every 15 mins, whereas CS:S only did 2 times during the beta and never since. Doom3 loses.
I am not your rollin wheels... I am the highway.

o yeah
I hate noobs/trools like that durr just jealous of hl2 LOL
NuMbA.0nE.sTuNtA said:
Graphics in hl2 are certainly flawed. Right now the only thing it has going for it is in-game physics demos with Havok. It's no longer a contender graphics-wise. Not with all the flaws.

A contender for what? "Most graphically stunning game engine"? I'm sure Valve are crying into their cornflakes.

Hi Pseudonym_, btw.
A contender for what? "Most graphically stunning game engine"? I'm sure Valve are crying into their cornflakes.

How about "graphically competent game engine".

How about "ban evasion = another permanent ban"

i still think the source engine is the best grphical engine i've seen, of course it's a shame that the shdows are bad but hey, i never really care about the shadows. then those breaking points, who cares were they break but i would like to see that if you break a table or barrel(cs_italy) that that it breaks and not that it dissappears and then you get 3 broken pieces of lumber in return, i want t see the table in pieces.
KillaH said:
i still think the source engine is the best grphical engine i've seen, of course it's a shame that the shdows are bad but hey, i never really care about the shadows. then those breaking points, who cares were they break but i would like to see that if you break a table or barrel(cs_italy) that that it breaks and not that it dissappears and then you get 3 broken pieces of lumber in return, i want t see the table in pieces.

Then change the timescale: use the console.
I was wondering if he was a repeat offender with a grudge. I suspected Evil Ewok. Is this "Pseudonym_" the same guy?
Brian Damage said:
Okaaay... you sent an eMail to the Counter Strike team asking them to tone down the specularity on all the stone on their new maps, then?
Of course not! In my arrogance I expect them to come here to see what I have to say. And, naturally, act accordingly.

Serously though.. I wouldn't think they'd listen to ordinary people... would they?
That was Evil Ewok!? Wow, he just won't give up, will he :O