Graphics In Hl2 Suck!

FFS! none had played HL2 yet so no one can say it's sucks! end of subject. now you can turn around and move your butt.. and don't get back until you change your opinion :cheers:
if they "suck" then why did it get a good score in PcGamer magazine?
because they suck in that, I don't give a **** because it's the best damn game ever up to this point in time, kind of way. And they could be better, but they are sufficient for what they need to do.
Yellonet said:
Of course not! In my arrogance I expect them to come here to see what I have to say. And, naturally, act accordingly.

Serously though.. I wouldn't think they'd listen to ordinary people... would they?

's worth a try.

Shuzer said:
That was Evil Ewok!? Wow, he just won't give up, will he :O

He must get something out of continuously being jeered off the metaphorical stage and kicked out the metaphorical door.
i wish we could all just start talking about positive things about the game ... not just negative ... why does everyone focus on the bad??? human psychology ... a crazy thing ...
Yellonet said:
I really don't think that anyone is complaining on HL²'s graphics as a whole. People are complaining about certain details. And they should. Source is not perfect, and it's our job to point the errors out.

Haha, yeah. You found the errors and Valve didn't, that's good, real good... whew.
OK, just changing the subject slightly, er, or is it back on topic, trust me when i say the gfx in hl2 are great, i've played it.

The gfx in CS:S are an indication of the quality in hl2, they are not up to HL2 quality.
HL2 gfx look much better in motion, and something else i noticed, the bink videos are comparably bad compared to the game in real life, i was quite surprised at the difference.
I don't wage the upcoming HL2 for just the graphics, its the whole package that creates the athmosphere. What's the idea with shooting good-looking monsters with no plot or physics system?

But btw, HL2 graphics wont look bad :)
Incitatus said:
For those of you who think source is ahead of it's time you might want to see what actually lies ahead in time.

The model from the unreal 3 engine impresses even me, and I'm not easily impressed.

Not hard to do that in Source, or Doom 3, X-Ray or Cry Engine for that matter. It's just a high poly model with high texture resolutions and a high res normalmap. All those are supported by modern engines. There's nothing in that picture that Source or for example Far Cry wouldn't be able to do.
Unreal Engine 3 is all hype, nice PR gag for an engine that will be similar to all engines by the time it comes out.

She said:
hahaha.. nice defence guys..
Doom3 this and Doom3 that..
Do you feel threatened by the doom3 engine??

Doom3 is a more stabile engine than Source will ever be..
The fact that John Carmack programmed a stabile engine in just under 4 years
tears you apart, beacuse Valve thought they could create a better one.. (DAIKATANA / John Romero anybody??)

Well... 5-years.. and they still have problems with the shadows...
I LOL.. beacuse the shadows are outdatet too...
+ Source looks very outdated..

and john is already creating an outdoor engine to add on his DOOM3 ""indoor" engine.. while Valve struggle with "Minor" problems...

And Pumping it with Specular mapping aint gonna hide that fact..
it looks old / farcry.

But then again... it's all about gameplay..

EDIT: ( im out.. )

And don't come back until you have a clue.

It's obvious you know nothing of the mechanics behind the engines, the principles that they use or why Carmack and Valve made those decisions. You've proven this over and over and over again. So stop it, please.
She said:
hahaha.. nice defence guys..
Doom3 this and Doom3 that..
Do you feel threatened by the doom3 engine??

Doom3 is a more stabile engine than Source will ever be..
The fact that John Carmack programmed a stabile engine in just under 4 years
tears you apart, beacuse Valve thought they could create a better one.. (DAIKATANA / John Romero anybody??)

Well... 5-years.. and they still have problems with the shadows...
I LOL.. beacuse the shadows are outdatet too...
+ Source looks very outdated..

and john is already creating an outdoor engine to add on his DOOM3 ""indoor" engine.. while Valve struggle with "Minor" problems...

And Pumping it with Specular mapping aint gonna hide that fact..
it looks old / farcry.

But then again... it's all about gameplay..

EDIT: ( im out.. )

oops ... you're right she ... sorry for doubting you ...
I am saddened.HL2 hasn't even been released yet, and people are still dishing out much disrespect for the Engine?Sounds like the doom3 fans are actually defending themselves. Lets try and render the HL2 coastline on the doom engine. And lets try give physical properties to more than just barrels, corpses(while they are on the screen) and maybe a few desk chairs. And the issue with the Shadows? As far as i know, the models in the game all cast shadows and recieve light in real time. It is only static world objects that don't,and Half-life 2 is going to be ****ing awsome, no matter what people say.
For all of you that don't know, the Source engine IS capable of dynamic shadows, and damn good ones at that, the best I've ever seen. (I know this because I've played around with the 'B' word) Who knows what else it might be able to do that we don't know about?

Anybody that's basing the Source engine off of CS:S is way off. Do you think Valve performed the system surveys for nothing? They knew that most CS players had sub-par systems and planned accordingly. They dumbed down the graphics for CS:S so the majority of fans could play it and get great framerates, while still having the settings maxed, with high resolutions and even some AA/AF. I'm sure we'll see even greater things out of later mods, expansions, and even other games that use the Source engine.

Oh, and unlike Doom 3, HL2's graphics feel life-like. The Source engine's method of producing great graphics is almost the direct opposite of Doom 3's or Far Cry's engines. Instead of throwing down low-poly models and low-resolution textures covered with excessive bump and normal mapping, Valve is using high resolution textures and high poly models, coupled with normal and bump mapping in all of the right places where it is actually needed to make the game feel right.
lets not forget the middle stance. which is, report graphical bugs when you see them. don't be content with everything.
Intamin said:
Haha, yeah. You found the errors and Valve didn't, that's good, real good... whew.
Never said or implied that Valve hadn't found the errors.
Besides, there are always errors which the developer doesn't find.
OMG! I got stuck in elevators in HL1 all the time when I played it! VALVe sucks for not finding that bug!
Just wanted to throw in something about Doom 3; I thought Hell looked great, but most other areas just sucked in my opinion. Did you people check the walls, etc.'s textures? At least to me, Quake 3's textures were better(you might think they're better because the lighting works on them, I guess).
Incitatus said:
For those of you who think source is ahead of it's time you might want to see what actually lies ahead in time.

The model from the unreal 3 engine impresses even me, and I'm not easily impressed.

Haha! I laughed at this for... seconds.
I don't think that deserves any sort of merit in the "Unreal 3 engine iz t3h r0xx0rz" debate. For one, both of the previous 2 shots are 'ingame' while the third is quite obviously a render. the other two were cut out (Quite badly, I might add), while the third doesn't need to be because it was never placed in a scene using current hardware. Also, because the first two are ingame, there is quite obviously no anti-aliasing or anything else for that matter on them (Especially the second one), while the developers of that particular render (The third one), most likely made it with all the bells and whistles on, pressed the "render" button, and went off for the night while their 486's processed what the hell they were meant to be doing.
Not adding to the fact that the first and second shots are incredibly over siezed they have become pixelated, while the third seems to have been shortened to that size, or that size to begin with.

Total and utter B.S.
When I actually see "Ingame" shots of this Unreal 3 engine, and even a video of over 3 FPS, I will believe the people working on
it have been working, and not lazing around playing asteroids and pacman.

Also, I agree that whoever complains about one minute detail about HL2 (Despite the fact it's not out), or CS: Source, should, indeed, be shot... Twice... In both kneecaps. Then banned for being nuisances.

I should be an moderator then! : :laugh:
Source is great.

But it's going to be screwed up for me and Half-Life 2. CS: Source seems to be experiencing lighting/reflection issues making things looked striped. This doesn't appear to be a materials problem because I reinstalled the game completely fresh, but an engine one. :(

Which makes me assume that some of us are likely to see this problem in Half-Life 2 with Source problems, without exactly knowing why. I've reinstalled drivers, cleaned my registry and made sure my GPU is at stock speed, but it doesn't change anything.

The water looks dark in places, and doesn't seem to edge up to walls well (creating white lines), and the lighting appears to be glitched in places, with strips running down buildings.

All other games (in both OpenGL and DX9) work fine that I own. The problem seems to be with Source and certain configurations. If this hasn't been sorted for the final version of CS: Source then I'm not holding my breath for the release version of Half-Life 2 fixing this problem.
it'd be useful if you posted your system specs, specifically the gfx card and driver version.
It would also be useful if Valve were told of it....that *is* the point of a beta you know...
Love the graphics they are great ,

mouse;mx510 800dpi
neovo 17inchtft

hl2 is taking so long to arrive that we should all just download the leaked version, heavily mod it up, and play it :)
if seen those stupid lines also on water
or on walls a lot.
i would like to see this fixed also

i got most gone with turning off a.i.
on older visions off ati catelyst i got a lot more off those lines on walls etc.
Well, you could, but then possibly some guys in black suits and dark sunglasses would come and take your precious away....and you to a place where you may "reflect" upon your sins. :)

Now where did that soap go..

FragBait0 said:
It would also be useful if Valve were told of it....that *is* the point of a beta you know...

It's the full version, supposedly.

MaDMaXX said:
it'd be useful if you posted your system specs, specifically the gfx card and driver version.

AMD Athlon 64 3200+
Windows XP SP1
DX 9.0c
Catalyst 4.9

I've tried different driver installations, registry cleaning, and everything else I can think of. The likes of Doom 3, Far Cry, Rome: Total War et al run fine. This isn't an isolated case either... Go over to the CS: Source forum to find more people suffering the same problem.

Don't get me wrong, I think Source is great. On some configurations.
i started reading Shes post and i wanted to break my monitor over her(his?) head

You and every other goddamned person on this board man. She is a strange person, demanding things like fluid dynamics, real-time photon mapping and global illumination for Half Life 2. Seriously, do NOT take anything She says as a good opinion, because She wants to play the frickin' game of Life on her computer.
To put it in a short way:

Shadows in HL2 may suck to SOME and at the same time they are marvelous examples of human ingenuity to OTHERS.

Conclusion: It's a matter of perspective and taste of each and everyone of us. Just live with the fact that not eveyone agrees with you/I/He/She . I myself regarding shadows: didn't care, don't care, won't care about 'em.
And im just playing with you.. you take all of this to seriously..

Wow, if this is just a dumb act, why don't you face the fact that no one likes it and in fact it pisses them off, especially since we have NO other reason to see that it IS an act. Hell, the first post of yours that I read you were acting the EXACT same way that you're acting NOW! That isn't "playing with us" that's acting the way you always have acted.
If it's all just an act, then She's trolling. Isn't that likely to get some mods' panties into a twist?
all i gotta say is its hard to compare a port over game and the real thing
source is showing how games should look like

admit that all of you - source shadows are far-from-perfection. those one-on-another object shadows are just plain ugly. overall shadows don't suck either, cose when it comes to static shadows, they're pretty fine.

but there's a lot more of source can offer, that's making it very good engine thou. especially HDR - i love that effect :] i saw some real-time showcases of it and i was totaly amazed. also NPC models are smashing, but i think it's not about engine itself, but design, and art-direction.

when others like far-cry and doom where nothing but eye-candy stuff, hl2 is hiting the right way of how game graphics should look like. big NO to overuse of bump-maps and zero-interactivity, and huge YESS to life like characters and free-form gameplay.


(if you don't understand anything from my post.. just try to figure out what i was up to :] )
i was skeptical about the game until i saw the videos for the first time TODAY!...i live in a cave...and all i got to say its a million times better looking than farcry and i have to clean the drool from the floor.
I don't think that Half-Life 2's graphics suck in the least, and I doubt that anyone would be saying that if they hadn't seen any screens from Unreal 3, which is really impressive but won't be out for a little while. Sure Stalker, and .. F.E.A.R is it? might be able to compete, but, they all look very similar graphics wise.

As far as the Doom vs. HL thing. They're pratically different genres. Different graphic styles even, as Doom was going for something a little more.. cartoony? maybe? as the models were a bit exagerated and so on.

Having said that, I think that Jon Carmack (sp?) is probably one of the best computer programmers in the world. He really is a genious. But, in the end, Doom 3 left me wanting something.. like HL2.

I also don't believe it's fair to flame She. Contradict as you will, but, she's just stating an opinion. Even if it isn't based on any facts.
wayne white said:
i was skeptical about the game until i saw the videos for the first time TODAY!...i live in a cave...and all i got to say its a million times better looking than farcry and i have to clean the drool from the floor.

lmao oh man. thats too funny, but I do understand your reaction, even though its been over a year since I and most of us here watched the videos, I think we'll all remember our reaction to watching the E3 2003 video for the very first time.
Shame on anyone who believes HL2's graphics suck or are aged. I bet none of you can name 5 other shooters that are currently available, or are going to be available within the next month or so that are graphically superior to HL2. There are sooo many graphics whores and spoiled brats on this forum that can't appreciate a good game if it hasn't got wicked graphics. If you don't like the way a game looks, and especially if it looks as good as HL2 then don't get it, who gives a ****en shit? Why bother posting a thread complaining about it? If you don't like it and you only buy games for the visual experience, don't get it. ****en hell, I'd be happier if people like SHE didn't buy HL2 because they wouldn't truly appreciate it anyway. I bet half of you complainers can't even remember back to the days when you didn't play games for the graphics, you had to use your imagination a bit...Yeah that's a word I...M...A...G...I...N...A...T...I...O...N, write it down, you might need to use it someday. And while I'm making a personal attack on She in particular, I've had it with you man, I didn't like you the day you joined this forum, and I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say you are unlikeable. You've got these stupid opinionated views which don't count for shit 'cause you don't use evidence to help make your point. Man I don't give a shit if I get banned for saying this shit, I've just had it with people complaining about HL2 and it's gfx in particular. If you don't like it don't get it, it's your loss, bloody superficial wankers.