Graphics still top of the line?

JGF said:
HL2's visuals are in the top class, but maybe not top of THE class. Frankly I wouldnt deign to rank games like Doom3, STALKER, Far Cry and HL2 against each other because the artistic style and content is so different.

I agree. :cheers:
It's not just the complexity of the graphics, it's how you use them.
MaxiKana said:
It's not just the complexity of the graphics, it's how you use them.
that made me think of this:
guy1: "its not the size that counts, its how you use it!"
guy2: "oh, so you have a small penis then?"

(you know, "It's not just the complexity of the graphics, it's how you use them."
-"oh so you have bad graphics then?")
omni said:
Well said, Far Cry was only a medicore game despite its next-gen graphics. Running around in the jungle is only so fun until you hear "Eat my ass!" for the 100th time.

:rolleyes: whatever....far cry is probably the best first persopn shooter i've played since hale-life.
LOL @ DOOM³ lighting is more realistic.. LOL
hl2 has better graphics than doom3, fear, far cry (which all suffer from "i think you are blind so instead of actual detail im just gonna bump map the **** out of my game" syndrome)...its about equal to STALKER and serious sam 2, and its a bit behind unreal 3
always an intresting topic this, from my view....Hl2 look's like a game, where as doom3 may look more "plastic" like but at least it's the next major step to film CGI gfx in games.

Like carmack said it's the next major step towards film quiality gfx in a game.
first of all doom iii doesnt look 'plastic'. the graphics aer appropriate to the scifiish space setting. the emphasis with hl2 however is to authentically create an east european city then fill it with all kinds of outlandish things. hence the graphics look more earhlike.

I wouldnt write off monolith despite the ocntract jack disaster. nolf1 and 2 were absolutely top of the line games and were no slouch in terms of graphics.
You all *do* realize you're basing your opinions on crappy MOV videos right? If you look at Max Payne 2, you see very sharp textures, obviously Source isn't going to degrade them like we see in the old E3 videos on high-end computers.

Also, Valve has been working on Source for the past 5 years, you think THEY are going to be happy with sub-par graphics? Of course not! You're nuts if you think so. You can OBVIOUSLY see the graphics are toned down in the E3 2003 videos.

Why don't we actually WAIT for the goddamn games to come out before you say one is better? That said, since FarCry is out, IMO the environments are decent but it's lacking fun gameplay and very horrible characters. Of course, with more and more experience and now more money, the CryTek engine will get better, it's common sense.
I can't understand why a lot of previews state that HL2 is losing its edge because Far Cry's graphics and physics are so amazing. Now, FC's physics aren't even remotely in the same league as Half-Life 2, and the level architechture is pretty uninspired. But, for some reason, shiny water (which was already done a few years ago) and a few plants are enough to convince people.
first off, FEAR doesnt look all that great so dont compare it with hl2
i think half life 2's graphics are top notch, especially the textures and bump mapping
of course it isnt as powerful as say DOOMIII's engine, however half life 2 has many things that doom does not.... and we all know what those are
d3 is limited in my opinion
so what hl2 'lacks' in the graphical department, it more than makes up for in other areas
gameplay is more important in hl i think. how else would half life and its mods (counter strike) still be some of the most popular games after 5 years?
DOOM 3 will be shit. The graphics don't look realistic like HL2's, and the storyline ... research gone wrong, MORE MONSTERS!

Wow. I sure won't be touching that game with a ten foot pole.
Truthly I do think HL2 graphics are dated. Two weeks ago I used to say Doom 3 graphics are much superior. But, I saw a friend playing the Doom 3 beta 2 the other day and it didn't look impressive as I thought it did. I think HL2's graphics and Doom 3's are virtually the same in different aspects.
A.I. said:
I'm getting tired of this graphics crap. YOU PLAY GAMES, NOT LOOK AT THEM!!!

thats the most ridiculously retarded and hilarious thing Ive ever seen
The half-life 2 graphics are at LEAST as good as Doom 3... and from what I've seen, the animation and effects are way better in HL2.

Also, Far Cry was supposed to be godly... the graphics were not nearly as good as they claimed to be, and the game engine didn't handle long distances like they said - my machine is 2.6ghz P4 and 128mg nvidia geforce fx and i had to put it on all low setting just so I could play it at a decent framerate.

I'm sure that's relevant somehow.
Gameplay is a more important factor then graphics, but obviously Graphics help to immerse the player into the game.
DOOM 3 will be shit. The graphics don't look realistic like HL2's, and the storyline ... research gone wrong, MORE MONSTERS!

Wow. I sure won't be touching that game with a ten foot pole.
It's way less realistic than HL2... I mean, whats more likely, walking skeleton zombies with laser guns, or the Combine with bullet using weapons.

Realism or at least possiblility of realism is important to me in a game - I know HL2 isn't going to happen, but it's realistic enough to feel like it could.

In Far Cry I just turned the resolution down and i could put most of the effects and such as high as it could go and still get plenty of fps to play the game and have a great time and i have a slightly lower system than you.

Regarding things at E3 you people seem to forget that not only do these developers show off their games on top notch systems but also show off pics and vids from the best looking parts of the game. Most of these games you cant expect them to look as cool as a couple screens you see.

btw those trees in the 2nd stalker pic really bother me.
realism.... in games, what the ****. It's a game, how in the hell can it be realistic. It can look good and in the case of HL2 look really good. But realistic, no way.

I hate this obsession with this looks more realistic so it's therefore "better". How on earth does a games resemblance to real life make it more fun to play. Surely the physics interaction goes way further into giving the gamer a believeable game world than it's look does.

P.S. I don't want to use the word immersion as alike beauty, it's all in the eye of the beholder.
You guys do realize that we've all been seeing alpha shots of HL2 right? They said they plan for hl2 to go into beta a few weeks after E3... I mean damn guys don't judge graphics until you play them >.>

HL2, Doom3, STALKER all of them own in graphics... But what have we seen from them? Well we've seen the artistic styles of the artists which does NOT represent the engine. Each one has it's strong points and a few disadvantages. Sure HL2 may not have full dynamic lighting, but do you know what that would do to performance with like 10 striders blowing holes into buildings? And do you know how bad that would make multiplayer lag? Extremely bad. Doom³ has a hardcoded max of 16 players for good reason... HL² can do 64 plus players....

I love all the games and have HL² from my ati card, and Doom III from a preorder so I will get some of the best graphics in games around... Who cares who has the best graphics? Wouldn't it be interesting to do a test of Doom³ on HL²'s engine and HL² on D³'s engine?

There is a map out for Far Cry which simulates the bathroom scene shown in screenshots... It's amazing! Each engine is a piece of art and if every art piece is the same, what fun is there in looking at them?

I'm really sick of the "omg teh graphics" threads so please stop them....

*edit* BTW there is an interesting thread at the gaming forums of talking about photorealistic graphics and why they wouldn't be good in a game... very interesting
How on earth does a games resemblance to real life make it more fun to play.

Tell me this then. Would you rather play a game such as Splinter cell with splinter cell graphics... or with monkeyball graphics. Which makes for a more enjoyable experience to that style of game? More realistic to lifelike graphics, or less realistic to lifelike graphics?
Cylleruion2012 said:
The half-life 2 graphics are at LEAST as good as Doom 3... and from what I've seen, the animation and effects are way better in HL2.

Also, Far Cry was supposed to be godly... the graphics were not nearly as good as they claimed to be, and the game engine didn't handle long distances like they said - my machine is 2.6ghz P4 and 128mg nvidia geforce fx and i had to put it on all low setting just so I could play it at a decent framerate.

I'm sure that's relevant somehow.

sorry to say...your system suck.
Cylleruion2012 said:
Also, Far Cry was supposed to be godly... the graphics were not nearly as good as they claimed to be, and the game engine didn't handle long distances like they said - my machine is 2.6ghz P4 and 128mg nvidia geforce fx and i had to put it on all low setting just so I could play it at a decent framerate.

I'm sure that's relevant somehow.

sorry to say...your system suck.
gfx are not still top of the line but game will own.

F.E.A.R , bf2, some parts of farcry, some peices of doom3, enviro of stalker look better.
its pretty obvious he didn't mean u play it with ur eyes closed u dumb arse. u guys are so picky ffs :/ its not a movie! its a game.....
Raziaar said:
Tell me this then. Would you rather play a game such as Splinter cell with splinter cell graphics... or with monkeyball graphics. Which makes for a more enjoyable experience to that style of game? More realistic to lifelike graphics, or less realistic to lifelike graphics?

do you care if it's fun to play, the mechanics would be the same but the way it is put across is that way to appeal to a demographic. Hell you could make a really dark monkey ball game if you really wanted to.

P.S. Would Monkey Bowling be any less fun if they changed the graphics yet it played exactly the same?